24 research outputs found

    On the use of continuous spectrum and discrete-mode differential models to predict contraction-flow pressure drops for Boger fluids

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    Over recent years, there has been slow but steady progress towards the qualitative numerical prediction of observed behaviour when highly elastic Boger fluids flow in contraction geometries. This has led to an obvious desire to seek quantitative agreement between prediction and experiment, a subject which is addressed in the current paper. We conclude that constitutive models of non-trivial complexity are required to make headway in this regard. However, we suggest that the desire to move from qualitative to quantitative agreement between theory and experiment is making real progress. In the present case with differential models, this has involved the introduction of a generalized continuous spectrum model. This is based on direct data input from material functions and rheometrical measurements. The class of such models assumes functional separability across shear and extensional deformation, through two master functions, governing independently material-time and viscous-response. The consequences of such a continuous spectrum representation are compared and contrasted against discrete-mode alternatives, via an averaged single-mode approximation and a multi-modal approximation. The effectiveness of each chosen form is gauged by the quality of match to complex flow response and experimental measurement. Here, this is interpreted in circular contraction-type flows with Boger fluids, where large experimental pressure-drop data are available and wide disparity between different fluid responses has been recorded in the past. Findings are then back-correlated to base-material response from ideal viscometric flow

    Hyperbolic contraction measuring systems for extensional flow

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    In this paper an experimental method for extensional measurements on medium viscosity fluids in contraction flow is evaluated through numerical simulations and experimental measurements. This measuring technique measures the pressure drop over a hyperbolic contraction, caused by fluid extension and fluid shear, where the extensional component is assumed to dominate. The present evaluative work advances our previous studies on this experimental method by introducing several contraction ratios and addressing different constitutive models of varying shear and extensional response. The constitutive models included are those of the constant viscosity Oldroyd-B and FENE-CR models, and the shear-thinning LPTT model. Examining the results, the impact of shear and first normal stress difference on the measured pressure drop are studied through numerical pressure drop predictions. In addition, stream function patterns are investigated to detect vortex development and influence of contraction ratio. The numerical predictions are further related to experimental measurements for the flow through a 15:1 contraction ratio with three different test fluids. The measured pressure drops are observed to exhibit the same trends as predicted in the numerical simulations, offering close correlation and tight predictive windows for experimental data capture. This result has demonstrated that the hyperbolic contraction flow is well able to detect such elastic fluid properties and that this is matched by numerical predictions in evaluation of their flow response. The hyperbolical contraction flow technique is commended for its distinct benefits: it is straightforward and simple to perform, the Hencky strain can be set by changing contraction ratio, non-homogeneous fluids can be tested, and one can directly determine the degree of elastic fluid behaviour. Based on matching of viscometric extensional viscosity response for FENE-CR and LPTT models, a decline is predicted in pressure drop for the shear-thinning LPTT model. This would indicate a modest impact of shear in the flow since such a pressure drop decline is relatively small. It is particularly noteworthy that the increase in pressure drop gathered from the experimental measurements is relatively high despite the low Deborah number range explored

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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