2,257 research outputs found

    Trachoma and Ocular Chlamydial Infection in the Era of Genomics.

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    Trachoma is a blinding disease usually caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) serovars A, B, and C in the upper tarsal conjunctiva. Individuals in endemic regions are repeatedly infected with Ct throughout childhood. A proportion of individuals experience prolonged or severe inflammatory episodes that are known to be significant risk factors for ocular scarring in later life. Continued scarring often leads to trichiasis and in-turning of the eyelashes, which causes pain and can eventually cause blindness. The mechanisms driving the chronic immunopathology in the conjunctiva, which largely progresses in the absence of detectable Ct infection in adults, are likely to be multifactorial. Socioeconomic status, education, and behavior have been identified as contributing to the risk of scarring and inflammation. We focus on the contribution of host and pathogen genetic variation, bacterial ecology of the conjunctiva, and host epigenetic imprinting including small RNA regulation by both host and pathogen in the development of ocular pathology. Each of these factors or processes contributes to pathogenic outcomes in other inflammatory diseases and we outline their potential role in trachoma

    Bloch electron in a magnetic field and the Ising model

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    The spectral determinant det(H-\epsilon I) of the Azbel-Hofstadter Hamiltonian H is related to Onsager's partition function of the 2D Ising model for any value of magnetic flux \Phi=2\pi P/Q through an elementary cell, where P and Q are coprime integers. The band edges of H correspond to the critical temperature of the Ising model; the spectral determinant at these (and other points defined in a certain similar way) is independent of P. A connection of the mean of Lyapunov exponents to the asymptotic (large Q) bandwidth is indicated.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, REVTE

    Expansion of nanoplasmas and laser-driven nuclear fusion in single exploding clusters

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    The expansion of laser-irradiated clusters or nanodroplets depends strongly on the amount of energy delivered to the electrons and can be controlled by using appropriately shaped laser pulses. In this paper, a self-consistent kinetic model is used to analyze the transition from quasineutral, hydrodinamic-like expansion regimes to the Coulomb explosion (CE) regime when increasing the ratio between the thermal energy of the electrons and the electrostatic energy stored in the cluster. It is shown that a suitable double-pump irradiation scheme can produce hybrid expansion regimes, wherein a slow hydrodynamic expansion is followed by a fast CE, leading to ion overtaking and producing multiple ion flows expanding with different velocities. This can be exploited to obtain intracluster fusion reactions in both homonuclear deuterium clusters and heteronuclear deuterium-tritium clusters, as also proved by three-dimensional molecular-dynamics simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Ferroelectric and Incipient Ferroelectric Properties of a Novel Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti2O36 (x=0-9) Ceramic System

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    Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 system is derived from the perovskite SrTiO3 and its chemical formula can be written as (Sr_(1-y)Pby)0.75Ce0.167TiO3. We investigated dielectric response of Sr_(9-x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 ceramics (x = 0-9) between 100 Hz and 100 THz at temperatures from 10 to 700 K using low- and high-frequency dielectric, microwave (MW), THz and infrared spectroscopy. We revealed that Sr9Ce2Ti12O36 is an incipient ferroelectric with the R-3c trigonal structure whose relative permittivity e' increases from 167 at 300 K and saturates near 240 below 30 K. The subsequent substitution of Sr by Pb enhances e' to several thousands and induces a ferroelectric phase transition to monoclinic Cc phase for x>=3. Its critical temperature Tc linearly depends on the Pb concentration and reaches 550 K for x=9. The phase transition is of displacive type. The soft mode frequency follows the Barrett formula in samples with x=3. The MW dispersion is lacking and quality factor Q is high in samples with low Pb concentration, although the permittivity is very high in some cases. However, due to the lattice softening, the temperature coefficient of the permittivity is rather high. The best MW quality factor was observed for x=1: Q*f=5800 GHz and e'=250. Concluding, the dielectric properties of Sr_(9- x)PbxCe2Ti12O36 are similar to those of Ba_(1-x)SrxTiO3 so that this system can be presumably used as an alternative for MW devices or capacitors.Comment: subm. to Chem. Mate

    Bethe ansatz for the Harper equation: Solution for a small commensurability parameter

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    The Harper equation describes an electron on a 2D lattice in magnetic field and a particle on a 1D lattice in a periodic potential, in general, incommensurate with the lattice potential. We find the distribution of the roots of Bethe ansatz equations associated with the Harper equation in the limit as alpha=1/Q tends to 0, where alpha is the commensurability parameter (Q is integer). Using the knowledge of this distribution we calculate the higher and lower boundaries of the spectrum of the Harper equation for small alpha. The result is in agreement with the semiclassical argument, which can be used for small alpha.Comment: 17 pages including 5 postscript figures, Latex, minor changes, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Spectrum and diffusion for a class of tight-binding models on hypercubes

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    We propose a class of exactly solvable anisotropic tight-binding models on an infinite-dimensional hypercube. The energy spectrum is analytically computed and is shown to be fractal and/or absolutely continuous according to the value hopping parameters. In both cases, the spectral and diffusion exponents are derived. The main result is that, even if the spectrum is absolutely continuous, the diffusion exponent for the wave packet may be anything between 0 and 1 depending upon the class of models.Comment: 5 pages Late

    Analysis of the Stability of Openings Excavated in Anisotropic Rocks

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    Openings excavated in rocks with anisotropic strength are often affected by serious instability, related to slip along the weakness planes. The Jaeger criterion, which is a discontinuous approach, is widely used in the mining and oil and gas industry, because is based on well-known rock strength parameters. However, this model cannot capture features related to the stability of openings drilled in some anisotropic rocks with the combined effect of the in situ state of stress. The Hoek & Brown criterion, adapted to anisotropic rocks, is a continuous criterion that can describe the complex behavior of different types of anisotropy exhibited by rock material. Here we interpreted the results of triaxial tests carried out on a shale and we defined the parameters of the Jaeger criterion and the modified Hoek & Brown criterion. We investigated the stability of boreholes drilled in this shale by varying the in situ state of stress and we compared the results of the two criteria. We found that the Hoek & Brown criterion can appropriately describe the behavior of this shale and can predict more accurately the width of the instability of openings excavated in different conditions

    Quantum Return Probability for Substitution Potentials

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    We propose an effective exponent ruling the algebraic decay of the average quantum return probability for discrete Schrodinger operators. We compute it for some non-periodic substitution potentials with different degrees of randomness, and do not find a complete qualitative agreement with the spectral type of the substitution sequences themselves, i.e., more random the sequence smaller such exponent.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 6 figures; to be published in Journal of Physics

    Anxiety in children attending a specialist inherited cardiac arrhythmia clinic: a questionnaire study

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    Objectives: Inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndromes are life-threatening conditions. There is a paucity of research examining the psychological impact of these conditions in children. This study had three main aims. The first was to explore how the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ) performs in a child population. The second aim was to compare the level of anxiety of children with an inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndrome and children being screened due to a family history of an inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndrome to control children. The third aim was to examine associations between a sudden cardiac death in the immediate family and levels of anxiety. Method: 47 children with an inherited cardiac arrhythmia syndrome, 78 children with a family history and 75 control children completed the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS), the Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire for Children (CAQ-C) and the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index. Children were between the age of 8 and 16 years. Results: The study found the CAQ-C had promising psychometric properties. There were no significant differences in total anxiety scores (as measured by the RCADS) between the three groups. There were significant differences in cardiac-focused anxiety scores between the three groups. Conclusions: The CAQ has promising psychometric properties in a child population. However, further research is needed. Children attending specialist inherited cardiac arrhythmia clinics should be targeted for routine psychological screening and offered psychological intervention where necessary

    Generic Continuous Spectrum for Ergodic Schr"odinger Operators

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    We consider discrete Schr"odinger operators on the line with potentials generated by a minimal homeomorphism on a compact metric space and a continuous sampling function. We introduce the concepts of topological and metric repetition property. Assuming that the underlying dynamical system satisfies one of these repetition properties, we show using Gordon's Lemma that for a generic continuous sampling function, the associated Schr"odinger operators have no eigenvalues in a topological or metric sense, respectively. We present a number of applications, particularly to shifts and skew-shifts on the torus.Comment: 14 page
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