4 research outputs found

    Measurements and modelling of molecular iodine emissions, transport and photodestruction in the coastal region around Roscoff

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    Iodine emissions from the dominant six macroalgal species in the coastal regions around Roscoff, France, have been modelled to support the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (RHaMBLe) undertaken in September 2006. A two-dimensional model is used to explore the relationship between geographically resolved regional emissions (based on maps of seaweed beds in the area and seaweed I[subscript 2] emission rates previously measured in the laboratory) and in situ point and line measurements of I[subscript 2] performed respectively by a broadband cavity ringdown spectroscopy (BBCRDS) instrument sited on the shoreline and a long-path differential optical absorption spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) instrument sampling over an extended light path to an off-shore island. The modelled point and line I[subscript 2] concentrations compare quantitatively with BBCRDS and LP-DOAS measurements, and provide a link between emission fields and the different measurement geometries used to quantify atmospheric I[subscript 2] concentrations during RHaMBLe. Total I[subscript 2] emissions over the 100 km[superscript 2] region around Roscoff are calculated to be 1.7×10[superscript 19] molecules per second during the lowest tides. During the night, the model replicates I[subscript 2] concentrations up to 50 pptv measured along the LP-DOAS instrument's line of sight, and predicts spikes of several hundred pptv in certain conditions. Point I[subscript 2] concentrations up to 50 pptv are also calculated at the measurement site, in broad agreement with the BBCRDS observations. Daytime measured concentrations of I[subscript 2] at the site correlate with modelled production and transport processes. However substantial recycling of the photodissociated I[subscript 2] is required for the model to quantitatively match measured concentrations. This result corroborates previous modelling of iodine and NO[subscript x] chemistry in the semi-polluted marine boundary layer which proposed a mechanism for recycling I[subscript 2] via the formation, transport and subsequent reactions of the IONO[subscript 2] reservoir compound. The methodology presented in this paper provides a tool for linking spatially distinct measurements to inhomogeneous and temporally varying emission fields

    Measurements of iodine monoxide at a semi polluted coastal location

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    Point source measurements of IO by laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy were made at a semi-polluted coastal location during the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) campaign in September 2006. The site, on the NW French coast in Roscoff, was characterised by extensive intertidal macroalgae beds which were exposed at low tide. The closest known iodine active macroalgae beds were at least 300m from the measurement point. From 20 days of measurements, IO was observed above the instrument limit of detection on 14 days, of which a clear diurnal profile was observed on 11 days. The maximum IO mixing ratio was 30.0 pptv (10 s integration period) during the day, amongst the highest concentrations ever observed in the atmosphere, and 1–2 pptv during the night. IO concentrations were strongly dependent on tidal height, the intensity of solar irradiation and meteorological conditions. An intercomparison of IO measurements made using point source and spatially averaged DOAS instruments confirms the presence of hot-spots of IO caused by an inhomogeneous distribution of macroalgae. The co-incident, point source measurement of IO and ultra fine particles (2.5 nm≥d≥10 nm) displayed a strong correlation, providing evidence that IO is involved in the production pathway of ultra fine particles at coastal locations. Finally, a modelling study shows that high IO concentrations which are likely to be produced in a macrolagae rich environment can significantly perturb the concentrations of OH and HO[subscript x] radicals. The effect of IO on HO[subscript x] is reduced as NO[subscript x] concentrations increase

    Hydrogen oxide photochemistry in the northern Canadian spring time boundary layer

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    [1] Measurements of OH and HO2 concentrations were made at the surface of the eastern coast of the Hudson Bay during the COBRA campaign from February 18th to March 8th 2008. Diurnally averaged OH and HO2 concentrations peaked at 1.16 (±1.02) × 106 molecule cm−3 and 1.42 (±0.64) × 108 molecule cm−3 respectively. A box-model, constrained to supporting observations, is used to access the radical budget in this cold, northerly environment. Formaldehyde (HCHO) photolysis is found to be the dominant daytime radical source, providing 74% of the observed HOx. A considerable (>80% of the total source) surface HCHO source is required to reconcile the model and observed HCHO concentrations. Model simulations also suggest significant roles for the heterogeneous loss of HO2 and for halogen chemistry in the cycling of HO2 to OH. The formation of HO2NO2 is identified as an important radical reservoir, reducing HOx concentrations during the day and enhancing them at night. This impacts both local oxidizing capacity and reduces local ozone production by approximately 30%. The sensitivity of the local chemistry to uncertainties in these processes is explored. The majority of these processes are not currently represented in global chemistry models

    Intercomparison of slant column measurements of NO[subscript 2] and O[subscript 4] by MAX-DOAS and zenith-sky UV and visible spectrometers

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    In June 2009, 22 spectrometers from 14 institutes measured tropospheric and stratospheric NO[subscript 2] from the ground for more than 11 days during the Cabauw Intercomparison Campaign of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI), at Cabauw, NL (51.97° N, 4.93° E). All visible instruments used a common wavelength range and set of cross sections for the spectral analysis. Most of the instruments were of the multi-axis design with analysis by differential spectroscopy software (MAX-DOAS), whose non-zenith slant columns were compared by examining slopes of their least-squares straight line fits to mean values of a selection of instruments, after taking 30-min averages. Zenith slant columns near twilight were compared by fits to interpolated values of a reference instrument, then normalised by the mean of the slopes of the best instruments. For visible MAX-DOAS instruments, the means of the fitted slopes for NO[subscript 2] and O[subscript 4] of all except one instrument were within 10% of unity at almost all non-zenith elevations, and most were within 5%. Values for UV MAX-DOAS instruments were almost as good, being 12% and 7%, respectively. For visible instruments at zenith near twilight, the means of the fitted slopes of all instruments were within 5% of unity. This level of agreement is as good as that of previous intercomparisons, despite the site not being ideal for zenith twilight measurements. It bodes well for the future of measurements of tropospheric NO[subscript 2], as previous intercomparisons were only for zenith instruments focussing on stratospheric NO[subscript 2], with their longer heritage