19 research outputs found

    On Loop Quantum Gravity Phenomenology and the Issue of Lorentz Invariance

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    A simple model is constructed which allows to compute modified dispersion relations with effects from loop quantum gravity. Different quantization choices can be realized and their effects on the order of corrections studied explicitly. A comparison with more involved semiclassical techniques shows that there is agreement even at a quantitative level. Furthermore, by contrasting Hamiltonian and Lagrangian descriptions we show that possible Lorentz symmetry violations may be blurred as an artifact of the approximation scheme. Whether this is the case in a purely Hamiltonian analysis can be resolved by an improvement in the effective semiclassical analysis

    Real sector of the nonminimally coupled scalar field to self-dual gravity

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    A scalar field nonminimally coupled to gravity is studied in the canonical framework, using self-dual variables. The corresponding constraints are first class and polynomial. To identify the real sector of the theory, reality conditions are implemented as second class constraints, leading to three real configurational degrees of freedom per space point. Nevertheless, this realization makes non-polynomial some of the constraints. The original complex symplectic structure reduces to the expected real one, by using the appropriate Dirac brackets. For the sake of preserving the simplicity of the constraints, an alternative method preventing the use of Dirac brackets, is discussed. It consists of converting all second class constraints into first class by adding extra variables. This strategy is implemented for the pure gravity case.Comment: Latex file, 22 pages, no figure

    Perturbative Degrees of Freedom in Loop Quantum Gravity: Anisotropies

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    The relation between an isotropic and an anisotropic model in loop quantum cosmology is discussed in detail, comparing the strict symmetry reduction with a perturbative implementation of symmetry. While the latter cannot be done in a canonical manner, it allows to consider the dynamics including the role of small non-symmetric degrees of freedom for the symmetric evolution. This serves as a model for the general situation of perturbative degrees of freedom in a background independent quantization such as loop quantum gravity, and for the more complicated addition of perturbative inhomogeneities. While being crucial for cosmological phenomenology, it is shown that perturbative non-symmetric degrees of freedom do not allow definitive conclusions for the singularity issue and in such a situation could even lead to wrong claims

    Reality conditions for Ashtekar gravity from Lorentz-covariant formulation

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    We show the equivalence of the Lorentz-covariant canonical formulation considered for the Immirzi parameter β=i\beta=i to the selfdual Ashtekar gravity. We also propose to deal with the reality conditions in terms of Dirac brackets derived from the covariant formulation and defined on an extended phase space which involves, besides the selfdual variables, also their anti-selfdual counterparts.Comment: 14 page