1,451 research outputs found

    A Monte Carlo study of random surface field effect on layering transitions

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    The effect of a random surface field, within the bimodal distribution, on the layering transitions in a spin-1/2 Ising thin film is investigated, using Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that the layering transitions depend strongly on the concentration pp of the disorder of the surface magnetic field, for a fixed temperature, surface and external magnetic fields. Indeed, the critical concentration pc(k)p_c(k) at which the magnetisation of each layer kk changes the sign discontinuously, decreases for increasing the applied surface magnetic field, for fixed values of the temperature TT and the external magnetic field HH. Moreover, the behaviour of the layer magnetisations as well as the distribution of positive and negative spins in each layer, are also established for specific values of HsH_s, HH, pp and the temperature TT. \\Comment: 5 pages latex, 6 figures postscrip

    Precursors of Cytochrome Oxidase in Cytochrome-Oxidase-Deficient Cells of Neurospora crassa

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    Three different cell types of Neurospora crassa deficient in cytochrome oxidase were studied: the nuclear mutant cni-1, the cytoplasmic mutant mi-1 and copper-depleted wild-type cells. * 1. The enzyme-deficient cells have retained a functioning mitochondrial protein synthesis. It accounted for 12–16% of the total protein synthesis of the cell. However, the analysis of mitochondrial translation products by gel electrophoresis revealed that different amounts of individual membrane proteins were synthesized. Especially mutant cni-1 produced large amounts of a small molecular weight translation product, which is barely detectable in wild-type. * 2. Mitochondrial preparations of cytochrome-oxidase-deficient cells were examined for precursors of cytochrome oxidase. The presence of polypeptide components of cytochrome oxidase in the mitochondria was established with specific antibodies. On the other hand, no significant amounts of heme a could be extracted. * 3. Radioactively labelled components of cytochrome oxidase were isolated by immunoprecipitation and analysed by gel electrophoresis. All three cell types contained the enzyme components 4–7, which are translated on cytoplasmic ribosomes. The mitochondrially synthesized components 1–3 were present in mi-1 mutant and in copper-depleted wild-type cells. In contrast, components 2 and 3 were not detectable in the nuclear mutant cni-1. Both relative and absolute amounts of these polypeptides in the enzyme-deficient cells were quite different from those in wild-type cells. * 4. The components of cytochrome oxidase found in the enzyme-deficient cells were tightly associated with the mitochondrial membranes. * 5. Processes, which affect and may control the production of enzyme precursors or their assembly to a functional cytochrome oxidase are discussed

    Vascular Abnormalities Detected with Chest CT in COVID-19: Spectrum, Association with Parenchymal Lesions, Cardiac Changes, and Correlation with Clinical Severity (COVID-CAVA Study).

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    Although vascular abnormalities are thought to affect coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients' outcomes, they have not been thoroughly characterized in large series of unselected patients. The Swiss national registry coronavirus-associated vascular abnormalities (CAVA) is a multicentric cohort of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection who underwent a clinically indicated chest computed tomography (CT) aiming to assess the prevalence, severity, distribution, and prognostic value of vascular and non-vascular-related CT findings. Clinical outcomes, stratified as outpatient treatment, inpatient without mechanical ventilation, inpatient with mechanical ventilation, or death, will be correlated with CT and biological markers. The main objective is to assess the prevalence of cardiovascular abnormalities-including pulmonary embolism (PE), cardiac morphology, and vascular congestion. Secondary objectives include the predictive value of cardiovascular abnormalities in terms of disease severity and fatal outcome and the association of lung inflammation with vascular abnormalities at the segmental level. New quantitative approaches derived from CT imaging are developed and evaluated in this study. Patients with and without vascular abnormalities will be compared, which is supposed to provide insights into the prognostic role and potential impact of such signs on treatment strategy. Results are expected to enable the development of an integrative score combining both clinical data and imaging findings to predict outcomes

    Edge wetting of an Ising three-dimensional system

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    The effect of edge on wetting and layering transitions of a three-dimensional spin-1/2 Ising model is investigated, in the presence of longitudinal and surface magnetic fields, using mean field (MF) theory and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. For T=0, the ground state phase diagram shows that there exist only three allowed transitions, namely: surface and bulk transition, surface transition and bulk transition. However, there exist a surface intra-layering temperature TLsT_{L}^{s}, above which the surface and the intra-layering surface transitions occur. While the bulk layering and intra-layering transitions appear above an other finite temperature TLb(TLs)T_{L}^{b} (\ge T_{L}^{s}). These surface and bulk intra-layering transitions are not seen in the perfect surfaces case. Numerical values of TLsT_{L}^{s} and TLbT_{L}^{b}, computed by Monte Carlo method are found to be smaller than those obtained using mean field theory. However, the results predicted by the two methods become similar, and are exactly those given by the ground state phase diagram, for very low temperatures. On the other hand, the behavior of the local magnetizations as a function of the external magnetic field, shows that the transitions are of the first order type. TLsT_{L}^{s} and TLbT_{L}^{b} decrease when increasing the system size and/or the surface magnetic field. In particular, TLbT_{L}^{b} reaches the wetting temperature TwT_{w} for sufficiently large system sizes.Comment: 11 Pages latex, 12 Figures P

    Molecular Recognition Force Spectroscopy for Probing Cell Targeted Nanoparticles In Vitro

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    In the development and design of cell targeted nanoparticle-based systems the density of targeting moieties plays a fundamental role in allowing maximal cell-specific interaction. Here, we describe the use of molecular recognition force spectroscopy as a valuable tool for the characterization and optimization of targeted nanoparticles toward attaining cell-specific interaction. By tailoring the density of targeting moieties at the nanoparticle surface, one can correlate the unbinding event probability between nanoparticles tethered to an atomic force microscopy tip and cells to the nanoparticle vectoring capacity. This novel approach allows for a rapid and cost-effective design of targeted nanomedicines reducing the need for long and tedious in vitro tests.The authors would like to acknowledge the Bioimaging Platform (i3S-INEB) for the support with atomic force microscopy. This work was financed by projects NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000008 and NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Portugal 2020; and by Portuguese funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) in the framework of the projects UID/BIM/04293/ 2013, PTDC/CTM-NAN/115124/2009, and PTDC/CTMNAN/3547/2014. C.P. Gomes acknowledge FCT for her PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/79930/2011

    Differential effects of HIF2α antagonist and HIF2α silencing in renal cancer and sensitivity to repurposed drugs

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    Background In clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 80% of cases have biallelic inactivation of the VHL gene, leading to constitutive activation of both HIF1α and HIF2α. As HIF2α is the driver of the disease promoting tumour growth and metastasis, drugs targeting HIF2α have been developed. However, resistance is common, therefore new therapies are needed. Methods We assessed the effect of the HIF2α antagonist PT2385 in several steps of tumour development and performed RNAseq to identify genes differentially expressed upon treatment. A drug screening was used to identify drugs with antiproliferative effects on VHL-mutated HIF2α-expressing cells and could increase effectiveness of PT2385. Results PT2385 did not reduce cell proliferation or clonogenicity but, in contrast to the genetic silencing of HIF2α, it reduced in vitro cell invasion. Many HIF-inducible genes were down-regulated upon PT2385 treatment, whereas some genes involved in cell migration or extracellular matrix were up-regulated. HIF2α was associated with resistance to statins, addition to PT2385 did not increase the sensitivity. Conclusions: this study shows key differences between inhibiting a target versus knockdown, which are potentially targetable

    Nonlinear AC resistivity in s-wave and d-wave disordered granular superconductors

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    We model s-wave and d-wave disordered granular superconductors with a three-dimensional lattice of randomly distributed Josephson junctions with finite self-inductance. The nonlinear ac resistivity of these systems was calculated using Langevin dynamical equations. The current amplitude dependence of the nonlinear resistivity at the peak position is found to be a power law characterized by exponent α\alpha. The later is not universal but depends on the self-inductance and current regimes. In the weak current regime α\alpha is independent of the self-inductance and equal to 0.5 or both of s- and d-wave materials. In the strong current regime this exponent depends on the screening. We find α1\alpha \approx 1 for some interval of inductance which agrees with the experimental finding for d-wave ceramic superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Imaging features and differential diagnoses of non-neoplastic diffuse mediastinal diseases.

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    Acute or chronic non-neoplastic diffuse mediastinal diseases have multiple causes, degrees of severity, and a wide range of management. Some situations require emergency care while others do not need specific treatment. Although the diagnosis may be suspected on chest X-ray, it is mainly based on CT. A delayed recognition is not uncommonly observed. Some findings may prompt the radiologist to look for specific associated injuries or lesions.This pictorial review will successively describe the various non-neoplastic causes of diffuse mediastinal diseases with their typical findings and major differentials.First, pneumomediastinum that can be provoked by extra- or intra-thoracic triggers requires the knowledge of patient's history or recent occurrences. Absence of any usual etiological factor should raise suspicion of cocaine inhalation in young individuals.Next, acute mediastinitis may be related to post-operative complications, esophageal perforation, or contiguous spread of odontogenic or retropharyngeal infections. The former diagnosis is not an easy task in the early stage, owing to the similarities of imaging findings with those of normal post-operative appearance during the first 2-3 weeks.Finally, fibrosing mediastinitis that is linked to an excessive fibrotic reaction in the mediastinum with variable compromise of mediastinal structures, in particular vascular and airway ones. Differential diagnosis includes tumoral and inflammatory infiltrations of the mediastinum

    NFC LearnTracker:Seamless support for learning with mobile and sensor technology

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    Lifelong learning activities are scattered along the day, in different locations and making use of multiple devices. Most of the times adults have to merge learning, work and everyday life making it difficult to have an account on how much time is devoted to learning activities and learning goals. Learning experiences are disrupted and mobile seamless learning technology provides new solutions to integrate daily life activities and learning in the same process. Hence, there is a need to provide tools that are smoothly integrated into adults’ daily life. This manuscript presents the NFC LearnTracker, a mobile tool proposing the user to immerse within his autobiography as a learner to identify successful physical learning environments, mark them with sensor tags, bind them to self-defined learning goals, keep track of the time invested on each goal with a natural interface, and monitor the learning analytics. This work implies a suitable tool for lifelong learners to bind scattered activities keeping them in a continuing learning flow. The NFC LearnTracker is released under open access licence with the aim to foster adaptation to further communities as well as to facilitate the extension to the increasing number of sensor and NFC tags existent in the market