46 research outputs found

    Domain Growth and Finite-Size-Scaling in the Kinetic Ising Model

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    This paper describes the application of finite-size scaling concepts to domain growth in systems with a non-conserved order parameter. A finite-size scaling ansatz for the time-dependent order parameter distribution function is proposed, and tested with extensive Monte-Carlo simulations of domain growth in the 2-D spin-flip kinetic Ising model. The scaling properties of the distribution functions serve to elucidate the configurational self-similarity that underlies the dynamic scaling picture. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the application of finite-size-scaling techniques facilitates the accurate determination of the bulk growth exponent even in the presence of strong finite-size effects, the scale and character of which are graphically exposed by the order parameter distribution function. In addition it is found that one commonly used measure of domain size--the scaled second moment of the magnetisation distribution--belies the full extent of these finite-size effects.Comment: 13 pages, Latex. Figures available on request. Rep #9401

    Radiation biophysics ? Still of topical interest?

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