279 research outputs found

    Unsteady turbulence in tidal bores: Effects of bed roughness

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    A tidal bore is a wave propagating upstream as the tidal flow turns to rising. It forms during spring tide conditions when the flood tide is confined to a narrow funneled channel. To date, theoretical and numerical studies rely upon physical experiments to validate the developments, but the experimental data are limited mostly to visual observations and sometimes free-surface measurements. Herein turbulent velocity measurements were obtained in a large-size laboratory facility with a fine spatial and temporal resolution. The instantaneous velocity measurements showed rapid flow deceleration at all vertical elevations, and large fluctuations of all velocity components were recorded beneath the bore and secondary waves. A comparison between undular (nonbreaking) and breaking bores suggested some basic differences. In an undular bore, large velocity fluctuations were recorded beneath the first wave crest and the secondary waves showing a long-lasting effect after the bore passage. In a breaking bore, some large turbulent stresses were observed next to the shear zone in a region of high velocity gradients, while some transient flow recirculation was recorded next to the bed. The effects of bed roughness were tested further. The boundary friction contributed to some wave attenuation and dispersion, and the free-surface data showed some agreement with the wave dispersion theory for intermediate gravity waves. The instantaneous velocity data showed however a significant effect of the boundary roughness on the velocity field next to the boundary (z/d(o)< 0.2) for both undular and breaking bores. Overall the findings were consistent with field observations of tidal bores and highlighted the significant impact of undular (nonbreaking) bores on natural systems

    Physical Modelling of the Flow Field in an Undular Tidal Bore

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    A tidal bore may form in a converging channel with a funnel shape when the tidal range exceeds 6-9 m. The advancing surge has a major impact on the estuarine ecosystem. Physical modelling of an undular bore has been conducted based upon a quasi-steady flow analogy. The experimental data highlight rapid flow redistributions between successive wave troughs and crests as well as large bottom shear stress variations. The results suggest a sediment transport process combining scour beneath wave troughs associated with upward matter dispersion between a trough and the following wave crest. The process is repeated at each trough and significant sediment transport takes place with deposition in upstream intertidal zones. The conceptual model is supported by field observations showing murky waters after the bore passage and long-lasting chaotic waves

    Turbulence measurements in positive surges and bores

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    A positive surge results from a sudden change in flow that increases the flow depth. New experiments were conducted in a large channel. Most positive surge tests were conducted with a horizontal bed slope, a constant flow rate and uncontrolled flow conditions. The only dependant variable was the downstream gate opening after closure. Detailed turbulence measurements were performed with high-temporal resolution using side-looking acoustic Doppler velocimetry. Two types of positive surge were observed: undular surge for Froude numbers less than 1.7, and weak (breaking) surges above. Instantaneous velocity measurements beneath advancing surges showed a marked effect of the surge passage on the velocity field. Streamwise velocities showed rapid flow deceleration at all vertical elevations. Large fluctuations of longitudinal and transverse velocities were recorded beneath the surges, including some unsteady flow recirculation beneath a weak surge front. Turbulent stresses were deduced from high-pass filtered data. The results showed large normal and tangential Reynolds stresses beneath the surges. A comparison between undular and weak surges suggested some major difference. In weak surge flows, the data showed rapid flow separation beneath the surge front. In undular surges, maximum Reynolds stresses were observed beneath and just before each wave crest behind the leading wave

    Environmental Impact of Undular Tidal Bores in Tropical Rivers

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    A tidal bore impacts significantly on the estuarine ecosystem, although little is known on the flow field, mixing and sediment motion beneath tidal bores. In the absence of detailed systematic field measurements, a quasi-steady flow analogy was applied to investigate undular tidal bores with inflow Froude numbers between 1.25 and 1.6. Experimental results indicated that rapid flow redistributions occur beneath the free-surface undulations, with significant variations in bed shear stress between wave crests and troughs. Dynamic similarity was used to predict detailed flow characteristics of undular tidal bores. The effects of periodic loading on river sediments, scour of river bed and flow mixing behind the bore are discussed. A better understanding of these processes will contribute to better management practices in tidal bore affected rivers, including the Styx and Daly rivers in tropical Australia

    Governors and directors: Competing models of corporate governance

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    Why do we use the term ‘corporate governance’ rather than ‘corporate direction’? Early British joint stock companies were normally managed by a single ‘governor’. The ‘court of governors’ or ‘board of directors’ emerged slowly as the ruling body for companies. By the nineteenth century, however, companies were typically run by directors while not-for-profit entities such as hospitals, schools and charitable bodies had governors. The nineteenth century saw steady refinement of the roles of company directors, often in response to corporate scandals, with a gradual change from the notion of the director as a ‘representative shareholder’ to the directors being seen collectively as ‘representatives of the shareholders’. Governors in not-for-profit entities, however, were regarded as having broader responsibilities. The term ‘governance’ itself suggests that corporate boards should be studied as ‘political’ entities rather than merely through economic lenses such as agency theory

    Nitrate contamination of drinking water: relationship with HPRT variant frequency in lymphocyte DNA and urinary excretion of N-nitrosamines.

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    We studied peripheral lymphocyte HPRT variant frequency and endogenous nitrosation in human populations exposed to various nitrate levels in their drinking water. Four test populations of women volunteers were compared. Low and medium tap water nitrate exposure groups (14 and 21 subjects) were using public water supplies with nitrate levels of 0.02 and 17.5 mg/l, respectively. Medium and high well water nitrate exposure groups (6 and 9 subjects) were using private water wells with mean nitrate levels of 25 and 135 mg/l, respectively. Higher nitrate intake by drinking water consumption resulted in a dose-dependent increase in 24-hr urinary nitrate excretion and in increased salivary nitrate and nitrite levels. The mean log variant frequency of peripheral lymphocytes was significantly higher in the medium well water exposure group than in the low and medium tap water exposure groups. An inverse correlation between peripheral lymphocyte labeling index and nitrate concentration of drinking water was observed. Analysis of N-nitrosamine in the urine of 22 subjects by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of N-nitrosopyrrolidine in 18 subjects. Analysis of the mutagenicity of well water samples showed that a small number of the well water samples were mutagenic in the Ames Salmonella typhimurium test after concentration over XAD-2 resin. In conclusion, consumption of drinking water, especially well water, with high nitrate levels can imply a genotoxic risk for humans as indicated by increased HPRT variant frequencies and by endogenous formation of carcinogenic N-nitroso compounds from nitrate-derived nitrite

    The Global Durum Wheat Panel (GDP): An International Platform to Identify and Exchange Beneficial Alleles

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    Representative, broad and diverse collections are a primary resource to dissect genetic diversity and meet pre-breeding and breeding goals through the identification of beneficial alleles for target traits. From 2,500 tetraploid wheat accessions obtained through an international collaborative effort, a Global Durum wheat Panel (GDP) of 1,011 genotypes was assembled that captured 94-97% of the original diversity. The GDP consists of a wide representation of Triticum turgidum ssp. durum modern germplasm and landraces, along with a selection of emmer and primitive tetraploid wheats to maximize diversity. GDP accessions were genotyped using the wheat iSelect 90K SNP array. Among modern durum accessions, breeding programs from Italy, France and Central Asia provided the highest level of genetic diversity, with only a moderate decrease in genetic diversity observed across nearly 50 years of breeding (1970-2018). Further, the breeding programs from Europe had the largest sets of unique alleles. LD was lower in the landraces (0.4 Mbp) than in modern germplasm (1.8 Mbp) at r 2 = 0.5. ADMIXTURE analysis of modern germplasm defined a minimum of 13 distinct genetic clusters (k), which could be traced to the breeding program of origin. Chromosome regions putatively subjected to strong selection pressure were identified from fixation index (F st ) and diversity reduction index (DRI) metrics in pairwise comparisons among decades of release and breeding programs. Clusters of putative selection sweeps (PSW) were identified as co-localized with major loci controlling phenology (Ppd and Vrn), plant height (Rht) and quality (gliadins and glutenins), underlining the role of the corresponding genes as driving elements in modern breeding. Public seed availability and deep genetic characterization of the GDP make this collection a unique and ideal resource to identify and map useful genetic diversity at loci of interest to any breeding program

    Development of estimates of dietary nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines for use with the short willet food frequency questionnaire

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have suggested that nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines have an etiologic role in adverse pregnancy outcomes and chronic diseases such as cancer. Although an extensive body of literature exists on estimates of these compounds in foods, the extant data varies in quality, quantified estimates, and relevance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed estimates of nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines for food items listed in the Short Willet Food Frequency Questionnaire (WFFQ) as adapted for use in the National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Multiple reference databases were searched for published literature reflecting nitrate, nitrite, and nitrosamine values in foods. Relevant published literature was reviewed; only publications reporting results for items listed on the WFFQ were selected for inclusion. The references selected were prioritized according to relevance to the U.S. population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on our estimates, vegetable products contain the highest levels of nitrate, contributing as much as 189 mg/serving. Meat and bean products contain the highest levels of nitrites with values up to 1.84 mg/serving. Alcohol, meat and dairy products contain the highest values of nitrosamines with a maximum value of 0.531 μg/serving. The estimates of dietary nitrates, nitrites, and nitrosamines generated in this study are based on the published values currently available.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To our knowledge, these are the only estimates specifically designed for use with the adapted WFFQ and generated to represent food items available to the U.S. population. The estimates provided may be useful in other research studies, specifically in those exploring the relation between exposure to these compounds in foods and adverse health outcomes.</p

    Apoptosis Induced by Cytoskeletal Disruption Requires Distinct Domains of MEKK1

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    MEKK1 is a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) that activates the MAPK JNK and is required for microtubule inhibitor-induced apoptosis in B cells. Here, we find that apoptosis induced by actin disruption via cytochalasin D and by the protein phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor okadaic acid also requires MEKK1 activation. To elucidate the functional requirements for activation of the MEKK1-dependent apoptotic pathway, we created mutations within MEKK1. MEKK1-deficient cells were complemented with MEKK1 containing mutations in either the ubiquitin interacting motif (UIM), plant homeodomain (PHD), caspase cleavage site or the kinase domain at near endogenous levels of expression and tested for their sensitivity to each drug. We found that both the kinase activity and the PHD domain of MEKK1 are required for JNK activation and efficient induction of apoptosis by drugs causing cytoskeletal disruption. Furthermore, we discovered that modification of MEKK1 and its localization depends on the integrity of the PHD

    Cigarettes and alcohol in relation to colorectal cancer: the Singapore Chinese Health Study

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    The relations were examined between colorectal cancer and cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption within the Singapore Chinese Health Study, a population-based, prospective cohort of 63 257 middle-aged and older Chinese men and women enrolled between 1993 and 1998, from whom baseline data on cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption were collected through in-person interviews. By 31 December 2004, 845 cohort participants had developed colorectal cancer (516 colon cancer, 329 rectal cancer). Compared with nondrinkers, subjects who drank seven or more alcoholic drinks per week had a statistically significant, 72% increase in risk of colorectal cancer hazard ratio (HR)=1.72; 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.33–2.22). Cigarette smoking was associated with an increased risk of rectal cancer only. Compared with nonsmokers, HRs (95% CIs) for rectal cancer were 1.43 (1.10–1.87) for light smokers and 2.64 (1.77–3.96) for heavy smokers. Our data indicate that cigarette smoking and alcohol use interact in the Chinese population in an additive manner in affecting risk of rectal cancer, thus suggesting that these two exposures may share a common etiologic pathway in rectal carcinogenesis