602 research outputs found

    A Modelling Approach for Evaluating Agri-Environmental Policies at Sector Level

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    This paper presents a new approach to evaluate the cost effectiveness of agri-environmental policies at sector level. Policy uptake, cumulative environmental effects and public expenditure are identified as the main determinants of cost-effectiveness. On the basis of the sector-consistent, comparative-static, farm group model FARMIS, the determinants of policy cost-effectiveness at sector level are addressed. Firstly, intensity levels for the FARMIS activities are defined in order to model uptake of agri-environmental policies with FARMIS, secondly, life-cycle assessment data is attached to these intensity levels to determine environmental effects of the policies and thirdly, public expenditure is calculated under consideration of transaction costs. This paper concludes delineating the strengths and limitations of the approach

    Impurity spin relaxation in S=1/2 XX chains

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    Dynamic autocorrelations (\alpha=x,z) of an isolated impurity spin in a S=1/2 XX chain are calculated. The impurity spin, defined by a local change in the nearest-neighbor coupling, is either in the bulk or at the boundary of the open-ended chain. The exact numerical calculation of the correlations employs the Jordan-Wigner mapping from spin operators to Fermi operators; effects of finite system size can be eliminated. Two distinct temperature regimes are observed in the long-time asymptotic behavior. At T=0 only power laws are present. At high T the x correlation decays exponentially (except at short times) while the z correlation still shows an asymptotic power law (different from the one at T=0) after an intermediate exponential phase. The boundary impurity correlations follow power laws at all T. The power laws for the z correlation and the boundary correlations can be deduced from the impurity-induced changes in the properties of the Jordan-Wigner fermion states.Comment: Final version to be published in Phys. Rev. B. Three references added, extended discussion of relation to previous wor


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    The finite size effects of the dynamical structure factors in the XXZ-model are studied in the euclidean time (τ)(\tau)-representation. Away from the critical momentum p=πp=\pi finite size effects turn out to be small except for the large τ\tau limit. The large finite size effects at the critical momentum p=πp=\pi signal the emergence of infrared singularities in the spectral (ω)(\omega)-representation of the dynamical structure factors.Comment: PostScript file with 12 pages + 11 figures uuencoded compresse

    Low temperature relaxational dynamics of the Ising chain in a transverse field

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    We present asymptotically exact results for the real time order parameter correlations of a class of d=1 Ising models in a transverse field at low temperatures (T) on both sides of the quantum critical point. The correlations are a product of a T-independent factor determined by quantum effects, and a T-dependent relaxation function which comes from a classical theory. We confirm our predictions by a no-free-parameter comparison with numerical studies on the nearest neighbor spin-1/2 model.Comment: Final version to be published in Physical Review Letters. The postscript file is also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://chopin.ucsc.edu/pub/dynamics.ps.g

    Dynamic properties of the spin-1/2 XY chain with three-site interactions

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    We consider a spin-1/2 XY chain in a transverse (z) field with multi-site interactions. The additional terms introduced into the Hamiltonian involve products of spin components related to three adjacent sites. A Jordan-Wigner transformation leads to a simple bilinear Fermi form for the resulting Hamiltonian and hence the spin model admits a rigorous analysis. We point out the close relationships between several variants of the model which were discussed separately in previous studies. The ground-state phases (ferromagnet and two kinds of spin liquid) of the model are reflected in the dynamic structure factors of the spin chains, which are the main focus in this study. First we consider the zz dynamic structure factor reporting for this quantity a closed-form expression and analyzing the properties of the two-fermion (particle-hole) excitation continuum which governs the dynamics of transverse spin component fluctuations and of some other local operator fluctuations. Then we examine the xx dynamic structure factor which is governed by many-fermion excitations, reporting both analytical and numerical results. We discuss some easily recognized features of the dynamic structure factors which are signatures for the presence of the three-site interactions.Comment: 28 pages, 10 fugure

    Disorder Induced Quantum Phase Transition in Random-Exchange Spin-1/2 Chains

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    We investigate the effect of quenched bond-disorder on the anisotropic spin-1/2 (XXZ) chain as a model for disorder induced quantum phase transitions. We find non-universal behavior of the average correlation functions for weak disorder, followed by a quantum phase transition into a strongly disordered phase with only short-range xy-correlations. We find no evidence for the universal strong-disorder fixed point predicted by the real-space renormalization group, suggesting a qualitatively different view of the relationship between quantum fluctuations and disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, needs RevTeX

    Charge and spin dynamics in the one-dimensional tJzt-J_z and tJt-J models

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    The impact of the spin-flip terms on the (static and dynamic) charge and spin correlations in the Luttinger-liquid ground state of the 1D tJt-J model is assessed by comparison with the same quantities in the 1D tJzt-J_z model, where spin-flip terms are absent. We employ the recursion method combined with a weak-coupling or a strong-coupling continued-fraction analysis. At Jz/t=0+J_z/t=0^+ we use the Pfaffian representation of dynamic spin correlations. The changing nature of the dynamically relevant charge and spin excitations on approach of the transition to phase separation is investigated in detail. The tJzt-J_z charge excitations (but not the spin excitations) at the transition have a single-mode nature, whereas charge and spin excitations have a complicated structure in the tJt-J model. In the tJzt-J_z model, phase separation is accompanied by N\'eel long-range order, caused by the condensation of electron clusters with an already existing alternating up-down spin configuration (topological long-range order). In the tJt-J model, by contrast, the spin-flip processes in the exchange coupling are responsible for continued strong spin fluctuations (dominated by 2-spinon excitations) in the phase-separated state.Comment: 11 pages (RevTex). 14 Figures available from author

    Efficient and perfect state transfer in quantum chains

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    We present a communication protocol for chains of permanently coupled qubits which achieves perfect quantum state transfer and which is efficient with respect to the number chains employed in the scheme. The system consists of MM uncoupled identical quantum chains. Local control (gates, measurements) is only allowed at the sending/receiving end of the chains. Under a quite general hypothesis on the interaction Hamiltonian of the qubits a theorem is proved which shows that the receiver is able to asymptotically recover the messages by repetitive monitoring of his qubits.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; new material adde

    Quantum algorithm for simulating the dynamics of an open quantum system

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    In the study of open quantum systems, one typically obtains the decoherence dynamics by solving a master equation. The master equation is derived using knowledge of some basic properties of the system, the environment and their interaction: one basically needs to know the operators through which the system couples to the environment and the spectral density of the environment. For a large system, it could become prohibitively difficult to even write down the appropriate master equation, let alone solve it on a classical computer. In this paper, we present a quantum algorithm for simulating the dynamics of an open quantum system. On a quantum computer, the environment can be simulated using ancilla qubits with properly chosen single-qubit frequencies and with properly designed coupling to the system qubits. The parameters used in the simulation are easily derived from the parameters of the system+environment Hamiltonian. The algorithm is designed to simulate Markovian dynamics, but it can also be used to simulate non-Markovian dynamics provided that this dynamics can be obtained by embedding the system of interest into a larger system that obeys Markovian dynamics. We estimate the resource requirements for the algorithm. In particular, we show that for sufficiently slow decoherence a single ancilla qubit could be sufficient to represent the entire environment, in principle.Comment: 5 figures, two table

    Finite Temperature and Dynamical Properties of the Random Transverse-Field Ising Spin Chain

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    We study numerically the paramagnetic phase of the spin-1/2 random transverse-field Ising chain, using a mapping to non-interacting fermions. We extend our earlier work, Phys. Rev. 53, 8486 (1996), to finite temperatures and to dynamical properties. Our results are consistent with the idea that there are ``Griffiths-McCoy'' singularities in the paramagnetic phase described by a continuously varying exponent z(δ)z(\delta), where δ\delta measures the deviation from criticality. There are some discrepancies between the values of z(δ)z(\delta) obtained from different quantities, but this may be due to corrections to scaling. The average on-site time dependent correlation function decays with a power law in the paramagnetic phase, namely τ1/z(δ)\tau^{-1/z(\delta)}, where τ\tau is imaginary time. However, the typical value decays with a stretched exponential behavior, exp(cτ1/μ)\exp(-c\tau^{1/\mu}), where μ\mu may be related to z(δ)z(\delta). We also obtain results for the full probability distribution of time dependent correlation functions at different points in the paramagnetic phase.Comment: 10 pages, 14 postscript files included. The discussion of the typical time dependent correlation function has been greatly expanded. Other papers of APY are available on-line at http://schubert.ucsc.edu/pete