55 research outputs found

    Giant Planet Formation and Migration

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Planets form in circumstellar discs around young stars. Starting with sub-micron sized dust particles, giant planet formation is all about growing 14 orders of magnitude in size. It has become increasingly clear over the past decades that during all stages of giant planet formation, the building blocks are extremely mobile and can change their semimajor axis by substantial amounts. In this chapter, we aim to give a basic overview of the physical processes thought to govern giant planet formation and migration, and to highlight possible links to water delivery.S.-J. Paardekooper is supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. A. Johansen is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Swedish Research Council (grant 2014-5775) and the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 278675-PEBBLE2PLANET)

    Connecting Planetary Composition with Formation

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    The rapid advances in observations of the different populations of exoplanets, the characterization of their host stars and the links to the properties of their planetary systems, the detailed studies of protoplanetary disks, and the experimental study of the interiors and composition of the massive planets in our solar system provide a firm basis for the next big question in planet formation theory. How do the elemental and chemical compositions of planets connect with their formation? The answer to this requires that the various pieces of planet formation theory be linked together in an end-to-end picture that is capable of addressing these large data sets. In this review, we discuss the critical elements of such a picture and how they affect the chemical and elemental make up of forming planets. Important issues here include the initial state of forming and evolving disks, chemical and dust processes within them, the migration of planets and the importance of planet traps, the nature of angular momentum transport processes involving turbulence and/or MHD disk winds, planet formation theory, and advanced treatments of disk astrochemistry. All of these issues affect, and are affected by the chemistry of disks which is driven by X-ray ionization of the host stars. We discuss how these processes lead to a coherent end-to-end model and how this may address the basic question.Comment: Invited review, accepted for publication in the 'Handbook of Exoplanets', eds. H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, Springer (2018). 46 pages, 10 figure

    Die Durchl�ssigkeit des weiblichen Genitaltraktes f�r Virus

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    Tierversuche zur Durchlässigkeit der Nasenschleimhaut für T3-Phagen

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    Inaktivierung von Bakteriophagen durch �thyleniminderivate

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    Methylation of an adenosine in the D-loop of specific transfer RNAs from yeast by a procaryotic tRNA (adenine-1) methyltransferase.

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    tRNA (adenine-1) methyltransferase occurs in Bacillus subtilis. Eucaryotic tRNAThr and tRNATyr from yeast in which 1-methyladenosine (m1A) is already present in the TpsiC loop, can be methylated in vitro with S-adenosylmethionine and B. subtilis extracts. Each of the specific tRNAs accepts 1 mol of methyl groups per mol tRNA. The enzyme transforms into m1A the 3'-terminal adenylic acid residue of the dihydrouridine loop, a new position for a modified adenosine residue in tRNA. Both tRNAs have the sequence Py-A-A-G-G-C-m2(2)G in the D-loop and D-stem region. Other tRNAs with the same sequence in this region also serve as substrates for the tRNA (adenine-1) methyltransferase

    Recognition of individual procaryotic and eucaryotic transfer-ribonucleic acids by B subtilis adenine-1-methyltransferase specific for the dihydrouridine loop.

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    Bulk tRNA from yeast and Rat liver can be methylated in vitro with -adenosylmethionine and B, subtilis extracts. The sole product formed is 1-methyladenosine (m1A). This tRNA (adenine-1) methyltransferase converts quantitatively the 3'-terminal adenosine-residue in the dihydrouridine-loop of tRNAThr and tRNATyr from yeast into m1A. Out of 16 eucaryotic tRNAs with known sequences 6 accepted methyl groups, all at a molar ratio of 1. These tRNAs have in common an unpaired adenosine-residue at the specific site in the sequence Py-A-A+-G-G-C-m2G. Out of 12 tRNAs from E. coli 6 served as specific substrates. These E. coli tRNAs also have an unpaired adenosine-residue at the 3'-end of the D-loop. Besides restrictions in primary structure intact secondary and tertiary structure is important for recognition of the specific tRNAs by the enzyme

    Einige physikalische Eigenschaften des O1-Phagen

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