43 research outputs found

    Interaction between valence of empathy and familiarity: is it difficult to empathize with the positive events of a stranger?

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    Background: Empathy in humans is thought to have evolved via social interactions caused by the formation of social groups. Considering the role of empathy within a social group, there might be a difference between emotional empathy for strangers and familiar others belonging to the same social group. In this study, we used the global field power (GFP) index to investigate empathic brain activity during observation of a cue indicating either a negative or positive image viewed by a stranger or close friend. Methods: Sixteen healthy participants observed a partner performing an emotional gambling task displayed on a monitor. After the partner\u27s choice-response, a frowning or smiling face symbol was simultaneously presented to the participant\u27s monitor while a negative or positive emotional image was presented to the partner\u27s monitor. All participants observed a control condition (CT) showing a computer trial, a stranger-observation condition (SO) showing the trial of a stranger, and a friend-observation condition (FO) to observe the trial of a close friend. During these observations, participants\u27 event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to calculate GFP, and after the task, a subjective assessment of their feelings was measured. Results: Positive emotion was significantly larger under the FO compared to the CT and the SO. Significantly larger negative emotion was found under the SO and FO compared to the CT. In response to a positive cue, significantly larger GFP during 300 to 600 ms was observed under the FO compared to the CT and SO. In response to a negative cue, significantly larger GFP was observed under the FO and SO compared to the CT. A significantly larger GFP under the SO was found in response to only a negative cue. Topographic map analysis suggested that these differences were related to frontal-occipital dynamics. GFP was significantly correlated with empathic trait. Conclusion: These results revealed that familiarity with another person has different effects depending on the valence of empathy. Negative empathy, including the danger perception function, might easily occur even among strangers, whereas positive empathy related to nursing and supporting an inner group does not happen easily with strangers

    Optimalsteuerung von Bewaesserungssystemen mit Raum-Zeit-variantem Wasserbedarf

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    Supported by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn (DE)TIB: RN 3431 (27)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    N2O- und CH4-Emissionen aus Gewässern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    Unter Verwendung von in der Literatur verfügbaren Daten über die Bildungs- und Emissionsprozesse wird eine erste grobe Abschätzung des Beitrags von Binnen-Gewässern (Oberflächengewässer und Grundwasser) zur Emission der Klimagase N2O (Distickstoffoxid) und CH4 (Methan) für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland versucht. Dabei werden in erster Linie die anthropogen bedingten Emissionen betrachtet. Die Emissionsmengen aus den Gewässern werden mit den Emissionen anderer in der Bundesrepublik wichtiger Emissionsquellen für N2O und CH4 verglichen. The paper provides a first estimation of the contribution of inland freshwater systems (surface waters and ground waters) to the emission of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane in Germany. These amounts are compared to other main sources for the emission of nitrous oxide and methane

    Alternativen der kommunalen Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung, AKWA 2100

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    Leistungsfähige urbane Infrastruktursystem zur Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung sind Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Volkswirtschaft. Die historischen Entwicklung führte in den westlichen Industrieländern zu Systemkonzepten mit zentralen Behandlungsanlagen und ausgedehnten Netzen. Deren Unterhalt, Reparatur und Sanierung erfordern enorme Finanzmittel und binden die Kommunen langfristig, obwohl der technische Fortschritt heute grundlegend andere und nachhaltigere Systemkonzepte ermöglicht. Das vorliegende Buch beschreibt die aus Langfristperspektiven entwickelten neuen urbanen Wasserinfrastrukturkonzepte und untersucht die mit einem eventuellen Übergang auf diese moderneren Systeme zu verknüpften Vorteile sowie die dabei zu überwindenden Hemmnisse