41 research outputs found

    Topological entropy of a stiff ring polymer and its connection to DNA knots

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    We discuss the entropy of a circular polymer under a topological constraint. We call it the {\it topological entropy} of the polymer, in short. A ring polymer does not change its topology (knot type) under any thermal fluctuations. Through numerical simulations using some knot invariants, we show that the topological entropy of a stiff ring polymer with a fixed knot is described by a scaling formula as a function of the thickness and length of the circular chain. The result is consistent with the viewpoint that for stiff polymers such as DNAs, the length and diameter of the chains should play a central role in their statistical and dynamical properties. Furthermore, we show that the new formula extends a known theoretical formula for DNA knots.Comment: 14pages,11figure

    Analysis of sexual phenotype and prezygotic fertility in natural populations of Fucus spiralis, F. vesiculosus (Fucaceae, Phaeophyceae) and their putative hybrids

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    In the genus Fucus, the character dioecy/hermaphroditism has undergone multiple state changes and hybridization is possible between taxa with contrasting mating systems, e.g. between the dioecious Fucus vesiculosus and the hermaphrodite F. spiralis. In the context of mating system evolution, we evaluated the potential consequences of hybridization by studying the variation in sexual phenotype and prezygotic fertility. Firstly, as a result of hybridization between the two sexual systems, gender variation may arise depending on the relative importance of genes with large versus small phenotypic effects. We thus qualitatively examined the extent of gender variation within and among individual hybrids in comparison with both parental species. Secondly, if hybridization breaks up co-adapted gene complexes, hybrid fertility may be reduced in comparison with both parental species. Therefore, we also quantified male and female prezygotic fertility in parental species and their hybrids in order to test for reduction in hybrid fitness. A total of 89 sexually mature individuals (20 F. spiralis, 40 F. vesiculosus, 10 hermaphrodite hybrids and 19 dioecious hybrids) were sampled in two geographically distant regions (France and Portugal) and six conceptacles per individual were observed. Within-individual variation was very restricted qualitatively – only one hybrid carried a conceptacle with a different sexual phenotype from the five others – as well as quantitatively. This suggests a simple genetic system for sex determination involving a few genes with major effects. In addition, analyses showed no significant decrease in hybrid fertility compared with parental species. Moreover, hybrids exhibited all sexual phenotypes, suggesting several generations of hybridization and backcrossing and, therefore, that hybrids are reproductively successful. Finally, the occurrence of sterile paraphyses in female and hermaphrodite individuals was interpreted as a relic of male function and suggests that, as in higher plants, evolution from hermaphroditism to dioecy may be the most parsimonious pathway

    Etude de la respiration et de la filtration de l'huître perlière Pinctada margaritifera : rapport final

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    L'action de recherche n°8 du PGRN "Ecophysiologie de l'huître perlière #Pinctada margaritifera$ : étude de la respiration et de la filtration" aborde successivement l'activité valvaire, la respiration, la filtration chez l'huître perlière. Le suivi de l'activité valvaire montre un rythme nycthéméral d'ouverture : les valves sont plus ouvertes la nuit. Les mouvements valvaires sont plus nombreux et plus amples durant la journée. Un travail méthodologique important a été réalisé pour la mise au point du matériel de mesure de la respiration et de la filtration utilisable aussi bien au laboratoire que in situ à Takapoto. (Résumé d'auteur