8,895 research outputs found

    Spectrum of a duality-twisted Ising quantum chain

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    The Ising quantum chain with a peculiar twisted boundary condition is considered. This boundary condition, first introduced in the framework of the spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg quantum chain, is related to the duality transformation, which becomes a symmetry of the model at the critical point. Thus, at the critical point, the Ising quantum chain with the duality-twisted boundary is translationally invariant, similar as in the case of the usual periodic or antiperiodic boundary conditions. The complete energy spectrum of the Ising quantum chain is calculated analytically for finite systems, and the conformal properties of the scaling limit are investigated. This provides an explicit example of a conformal twisted boundary condition and a corresponding generalised twisted partition function.Comment: LaTeX, 7 pages, using IOP style

    Metastable Feshbach Molecules in High Rotational States

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    We experimentally demonstrate Cs2 Feshbach molecules well above the dissociation threshold, which are stable against spontaneous decay on the timescale of one second. An optically trapped sample of ultracold dimers is prepared in an l-wave state and magnetically tuned into a region with negative binding energy. The metastable character of these molecules arises from the large centrifugal barrier in combination with negligible coupling to states with low rotational angular momentum. A sharp onset of dissociation with increasing magnetic field is mediated by a crossing with a g-wave dimer state and facilitates dissociation on demand with a well defined energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The X-ray binary population in M33: II. X-ray spectra and variability

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    In this paper we investigate the X-ray spectra and X-ray spectral variability of compact X-ray sources for 3 Chandra observations of the Local Group galaxy M33. The observations are centered on the nucleus and the star forming region NGC 604. In the observations 261 sources have been detected. For a total of 43 sources the number of net counts is above 100, sufficient for a more detailed spectral fitting. Of these sources, 25 have been observed in more than one observation, allowing the study of spectral variability on ~months timescales. A quarter of the sources are found to be variable between observations. However, except for two foreground sources, no source is variable within any observation above the 99% confidence level. Only six sources show significant spectral variability between observations. A comparison of N_H values with HI observations shows that X-ray absorption values are consistent with Galactic X-ray binaries and most sources in M33 are intrinsically absorbed. The pattern of variability and the spectral parameters of these sources are consistent with the M33 X-ray source population being dominated by X-ray binaries: Two thirds of the 43 bright sources have spectral and timing properties consistent with X-ray binaries; we also find two candidates for super-soft sources and two candidates for quasi-soft sources.Comment: 25 pages, ApJ accepte

    On the universal X-ray luminosity function of binary X-ray sources in galaxies

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    The empirically determined universal power-law shape of X-ray luminosity function of high mass X-ray binaries in galaxies is explained by fundamental mass-luminosity and mass-radius relations for massive stars.Comment: 4 pages, plain LaTeX, no figures. Submitted to Astronomy Letter

    Fluxes and Warping for Gauge Couplings in F-theory

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    We compute flux-dependent corrections in the four-dimensional F-theory effective action using the M-theory dual description. In M-theory the 7-brane fluxes are encoded by four-form flux and modify the background geometry and Kaluza-Klein reduction ansatz. In particular, the flux sources a warp factor which also depends on the torus directions of the compactification fourfold. This dependence is crucial in the derivation of the four-dimensional action, although the torus fiber is auxiliary in F-theory. In M-theory the 7-branes are described by an infinite array of Taub-NUT spaces. We use the explicit metric on this geometry to derive the locally corrected warp factor and M-theory three-from as closed expressions. We focus on contributions to the 7-brane gauge coupling function from this M-theory back-reaction and show that terms quadratic in the internal seven-brane flux are induced. The real part of the gauge coupling function is modified by the M-theory warp factor while the imaginary part is corrected due to a modified M-theory three-form potential. The obtained contributions match the known weak string coupling result, but also yield additional terms suppressed at weak coupling. This shows that the completion of the M-theory reduction opens the way to compute various corrections in a genuine F-theory setting away from the weak string coupling limit.Comment: 46 page

    Observation of interspecies Feshbach resonances in an ultracold Rb-Cs mixture

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    We report on the observation of interspecies Feshbach resonances in an ultracold, optically trapped mixture of Rb and Cs atoms. In a magnetic field range up to 300 G we find 23 interspecies Feshbach resonances in the lowest spin channel and 2 resonances in a higher channel of the mixture. The extraordinarily rich Feshbach spectrum suggests the importance of different partial waves in both the open and closed channels of the scattering problem along with higher-order coupling mechanisms. Our results provide, on one hand, fundamental experimental input to characterize the Rb-Cs scattering properties and, on the other hand, identify possible starting points for the association of ultracold heteronuclear RbCs molecules.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Trapping and observing single atoms in the dark

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    A single atom strongly coupled to a cavity mode is stored by three-dimensional confinement in blue-detuned cavity modes of different longitudinal and transverse order. The vanishing light intensity at the trap center reduces the light shift of all atomic energy levels. This is exploited to detect a single atom by means of a dispersive measurement with 95% confidence in 0.010 ms, limited by the photon-detection efficiency. As the atom switches resonant cavity transmission into cavity reflection, the atom can be detected while scattering about one photon

    Adaptive Horizon Model Predictive Control and Al'brekht's Method

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    A standard way of finding a feedback law that stabilizes a control system to an operating point is to recast the problem as an infinite horizon optimal control problem. If the optimal cost and the optmal feedback can be found on a large domain around the operating point then a Lyapunov argument can be used to verify the asymptotic stability of the closed loop dynamics. The problem with this approach is that is usually very difficult to find the optimal cost and the optmal feedback on a large domain for nonlinear problems with or without constraints. Hence the increasing interest in Model Predictive Control (MPC). In standard MPC a finite horizon optimal control problem is solved in real time but just at the current state, the first control action is implimented, the system evolves one time step and the process is repeated. A terminal cost and terminal feedback found by Al'brekht's methoddefined in a neighborhood of the operating point is used to shorten the horizon and thereby make the nonlinear programs easier to solve because they have less decision variables. Adaptive Horizon Model Predictive Control (AHMPC) is a scheme for varying the horizon length of Model Predictive Control (MPC) as needed. Its goal is to achieve stabilization with horizons as small as possible so that MPC methods can be used on faster and/or more complicated dynamic processes.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1602.0861
