4,091 research outputs found

    Bandverbindungen der Dornfortsätze der Wirbelsäule

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    In the cervical region the fibres of the interspinous and nuchal ligaments pass in an anteroc ranial direction: they act against diminishing of the cervical lordosis. In the thoracic region, longitudinal bundles of fibres connect the tops of the spinous processes; they act against an augmentation of the thoracal kyphosis. Between thoracal kyphosis and lumbal lordosis there is no exact course of the fibres of the interspinous ligts. ("thorakolumbaler "Übergangsbereich"). In the lumbar spine the fibres of the interspinous ligts., being very strong, pass in a posterocranial direction. They have the function of limitation the range of flexion ventrally and of limiting backwards - shifting of the cranial vertebra in dorsal-flexion. In the lumbosacral segment additional fibres, arising from the top of the 5th lumbar spinous process, pass in a posterocaudal direction and interlace with the thoracolumbar fascia , whose fibres form — below the 4 th lumbarvertebra — ascissor - latticed structure. The supraspinous ligt. lies superficially to the thoracolumbar fascia. Its fibres pass several spinous processes. I t ends caudally at the 4th lumbar spinous process

    Direct Measurement of Effective Magnetic Diffusivity in Turbulent Flow of Liquid Sodium

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    The first direct measurements of effective magnetic diffusivity in turbulent flow of electro-conductive fluids (the so-called beta-effect) under magnetic Reynolds number Rm >> 1 are reported. The measurements are performed in a nonstationary turbulent flow of liquid sodium, generated in a closed toroidal channel. The peak level of the Reynolds number reached Re \approx 3 10^6, which corresponds to the magnetic Reynolds number Rm \approx 30. The magnetic diffusivity of the liquid metal was determined by measuring the phase shift between the induced and the applied magnetic fields. The maximal deviation of magnetic diffusivity from its basic (laminar) value reaches about 50% .Comment: 5 pages, 6 figuser, accepted in PR

    Release of noble gases and nitrogen from grain-surface sites in lunar ilmenite by closed-system oxidation

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    Noble gases and nitrogen were extracted from a 100 to 150 microns ilmenite separate from lunar soil 71501 by closed system stepped heating in approx. 10 torr O2 at 300 C, 400 C, 500 C, 600 C and 630 C, followed by stepped pyrolysis at ten temperatures between 680 C and approx. 1500 C. The five oxidation steps together liberated approx. 65% of the total He-4, 45% of the Ne-20, 23% of the N-14 and Ar-36, 12% of the Kr-84 and 8% of the Xe-132 in the sample; Ne-20/Ar-36 and Ne-20/Ne-22 ratios agree with the solar wind composition experiment, and Kr-84/Ar-36 and Xe-132/Ar-36 are within approx. 10% of Cameron's estimates for the sun and solar wind. The remaining gases, released above 630 C by pyrolysis, are strongly fractionated with respect to the SWC-Cameron solar wind elemental composition. Large concentrations of fractionated noble gases in grain interiors, their virtual absence in the relatively unfractionated surface gas reservoir, and the high N/noble gas ratio all imply that most of the solar wind noble gases initially implanted in grain surfaces are eventually lost by diffusion. Loss limits can be estimated by considering two given scenarios. It is concluded tat approx. 70 to 97% or more of the Ar implanted in 71501 ilmenite grains has diffusively escaped


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    Plaintiff filed a complaint for money owing for goods sold and delivered. Defendant filed a cross-complaint. Plaintiff filed an affirmative reply setting forth defenses to the cross-complaint, and three days later served defendant with a request that he admit each and every allegation and averment contained in paragraphs I, II, III and IV of the plaintiff\u27s affirmative reply to the cross-complaint of the defendants herein is true.\u27\u27 Defendant failed to answer the request. Washington Rule of Practice 21 provides that such failure shall be deemed an admission of the facts submitted. The trial court granted plaintiff\u27s motion for judgment on the pleadings. On appeal, held, reversed. Matters outside the pleadings cannot be considered on a motion for judgment on the pleadings. A request for admissions must specifically set forth the matters of fact concerning which an admission of truth is sought. A request for admissions cannot incorporate by reference affirmative allegations of a reply since they are deemed denied. Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. v. Holden, (Wash. 1949) 203 P. (2d) 685


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    Testatrix and her husband entered into an agreement that the survivor should devise property owned by them as tenants by the entireties to charities of the Catholic Church. Ten years later, testatrix, who had survived her husband, executed a will in accordance with the agreement, and died within thirty days thereafter. The lower court held that the bequest was not invalid under the Pennsylvania statute voiding religious or charitable bequests made within thirty days of death. On appeal, held, affirmed. Where a valid contract to make a will antedates the testator\u27s death by more than the statutory period, the statute has no application. In re Gredler\u27s Estate, (Pa. 1949) 65 A. (2d) 404

    Methods and Procedures Used for Indiana State Highway Surveys

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    Planning Interstate Projects in Relation to County Roads

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    Testator created an amendable inter vivos trust which he amended in 1938, 1940, and 1942. By a codicil to his will, executed in 1945, he left his residuary estate to the trustees of the inter vivos trust to be held according to the terms of that trust as amended. On certification from the probate court, held, the bequest to the trustees was valid, and it was not necessary for the trustees to give bond and account to the probate court as required of trustees of testamentary trusts by statute. In re York\u27s Estate, (N. H. 1949) 65 A. (2d) 282

    Spider (Arachnida: Araneae) distribution across the timberline in the Swiss Central Alps (Alp Flix, Grisons) and three morphologically remarkable species

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    We collected 6251 adult epigeic spiders from the dwarf-shrub heath to subalpine coniferous forest on Alp Flix (CH, canton Grisons, 1950 m) between May 2005 and May 2006 using pitfall traps. Total species richness and activity density of all species decreased from the open land to the forest, although this pattern varied according to family. The distribution of the 102 species found indicates that the small area around a single tree at the timberline provides habitats for both open land and forest spider species as well as some possible timberline specialists. Five species were new to the canton Grisons: Centromerita bicolor, Centromerita concinna, Hilaira excisa, Meioneta alpica and Tallusia experta. Three species showed remarkable morphological characteristics and were analysed in more detail. We found males of Pelecopsis radicicola without the characteristic longitudinal depression on the raised carapace. It is shown that the males of Meioneta alpica have a considerably variable lamella characteristica, which is nevertheless distinct from the sister species Meioneta ressli. Because we found intermediate forms of the head region described for Metopobactrus prominulus and M. schenkeli, respectively, M. schenkeli is considered a syn. nov. of M. prominulus. This study shows that the known distribution and taxonomic status of various spider taxa in the Central Alps are still incomplete and further work on arthropods in remote areas should be strongly encouraged
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