233 research outputs found

    New Measurements of the EMC Effect in Few-Body Nuclei

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    Measurements of the EMC effect show that the quark distributions in nuclei are not simply the sum of the quark distributions of the constituent nucleons. However, interpretation of the EMC effect is limited by the lack of a reliable baseline calculation of the effects of Fermi motion and nucleon binding. We present preliminary results from JLab experiment E03-103, a precise measurement of the EMC effect in few-body and heavy nuclei. These data emphasize the large-x region, where binding and Fermi motion effects dominate, and thus will provide much better constraints on the effects of binding. These data will also allow for comparisons to calculations for few-body nuclei, where the uncertainty in the nuclear structure is minimized.Comment: Proceedings from talk at the Topical Group on Hadron Physics meeting, Nashville Tennessee, October 22-24, 2006. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Electron Beam Dump Particle Search

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    The debate over the existence of a new particle postulated to explain the narrow positron spectra seen in heavy ion collisions has focused attention on a region of mass/lifetime where such a particle may exist and yet would not have been seen. To obtain the best possible sensitivity to elementary particles coupling to the electron in this unexplored region, we propose an electron beam dump experiment which will make parasitic use of the newly constructed wide band electron beam

    Unique Electron Polarimeter Analyzing Power Comparison and Precision Spin-Based Energy Measurement

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    Precision measurements of the relative analyzing powers of five electron beam polarimeters, based on Compton, Moller, and Mott scattering, have been performed using the CEBAF accelerator at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility ( Jefferson Laboratory). A Wien filter in the 100 keV beam line of the injector was used to vary the electron spin orientation exiting the injector. High statistical precision measurements of the scattering asymmetry as a function of the spin orientation were made with each polarimeter. Since each polarimeter receives beam with the same magnitude of polarization, these asymmetry measurements permit a high statistical precision comparison of the relative analyzing powers of the five polarimeters. This is the first time a precise comparison of the analyzing powers of Compton, Moller, and Mott scattering polarimeters has been made. Statistically significant disagreements among the values of the beam polarization calculated from the asymmetry measurements made with each polarimeter reveal either errors in the values of the analyzing power or failure to correctly include all systematic effects. The measurements reported here represent a first step toward understanding the systematic effects of these electron polarimeters. Such studies are necessary to realize high absolute accuracy (ca. 1%) electron polarization measurements, as required for some parity violation measurements planned at Jefferson Laboratory. Finally, a comparison of the value of the spin orientation exiting the injector that provides maximum longitudinal polarization in each experimental hall leads to an independent and very precise ( better than 10-4) absolute measurement of the final electron beam energy

    Correlated Strength in Nuclear Spectral Function

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    We have carried out an (e,e'p) experiment at high momentum transfer and in parallel kinematics to measure the strength of the nuclear spectral function S(k,E) at high nucleon momenta k and large removal energies E. This strength is related to the presence of short-range and tensor correlations, and was known hitherto only indirectly and with considerable uncertainty from the lack of strength in the independent-particle region. This experiment confirms by direct measurement the correlated strength predicted by theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Longitudinal-Transverse Separations of Structure Functions at Low Q2Q^{2} for Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We report on a study of the longitudinal to transverse cross section ratio, R=σL/σTR=\sigma_L/\sigma_T, at low values of xx and Q2Q^{2}, as determined from inclusive inelastic electron-hydrogen and electron-deuterium scattering data from Jefferson Lab Hall C spanning the four-momentum transfer range 0.06 <Q2<2.8 < Q^{2} < 2.8 GeV2^{2}. Even at the lowest values of Q2Q^{2}, RR remains nearly constant and does not disappear with decreasing Q2Q^{2}, as expected. We find a nearly identical behaviour for hydrogen and deuterium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 gigure

    Atomic mass dependence of \Xi^- and \overline{\Xi}^+ production in central 250 GeV \pi^- nucleon interactions

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    We present the first measurement of the atomic mass dependence of central \Xi^- and \overline{\Xi}^+ production. It is measured using a sample of 22,459 \Xi^-'s and \overline{\Xi}^+'s produced in collisions between a 250 GeV \pi^- beam and targets of beryllium, aluminum, copper, and tungsten. The relative cross sections are fit to the two parameter function \sigma_0 A^\alpha, where A is the atomic mass. We measure \alpha = 0.924+-0.020+-0.025, for Feynman-x in the range -0.09 < x_F < 0.15.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Separated Kaon Electroproduction Cross Section and the Kaon Form Factor from 6 GeV JLab Data

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    The 1H^{1}H(e,e′K+e,e^\prime K^+)Λ\Lambda reaction was studied as a function of the Mandelstam variable −t-t using data from the E01-004 (FPI-2) and E93-018 experiments that were carried out in Hall C at the 6 GeV Jefferson Lab. The cross section was fully separated into longitudinal and transverse components, and two interference terms at four-momentum transfers Q2Q^2 of 1.00, 1.36 and 2.07 GeV2^2. The kaon form factor was extracted from the longitudinal cross section using the Regge model by Vanderhaeghen, Guidal, and Laget. The results establish the method, previously used successfully for pion analyses, for extracting the kaon form factor. Data from 12 GeV Jefferson Lab experiments are expected to have sufficient precision to distinguish between theoretical predictions, for example recent perturbative QCD calculations with modern parton distribution amplitudes. The leading-twist behavior for light mesons is predicted to set in for values of Q2Q^2 between 5-10 GeV2^2, which makes data in the few GeV regime particularly interesting. The Q2Q^2 dependence at fixed xx and −t-t of the longitudinal cross section we extracted seems consistent with the QCD factorization prediction within the experimental uncertainty
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