40,102 research outputs found

    Multiple Timescale Energy Scheduling for Wireless Communication with Energy Harvesting Devices

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    The primary challenge in wireless communication with energy harvesting devices is to efficiently utilize the harvesting energy such that the data packet transmission could be supported. This challenge stems from not only QoS requirement imposed by the wireless communication application, but also the energy harvesting dynamics and the limited battery capacity. Traditional solar predictable energy harvesting models are perturbed by prediction errors, which could deteriorate the energy management algorithms based on this models. To cope with these issues, we first propose in this paper a non-homogenous Markov chain model based on experimental data, which can accurately describe the solar energy harvesting process in contrast to traditional predictable energy models. Due to different timescale between the energy harvesting process and the wireless data transmission process, we propose a general framework of multiple timescale Markov decision process (MMDP) model to formulate the joint energy scheduling and transmission control problem under different timescales. We then derive the optimal control policies via a joint dynamic programming and value iteration approach. Extensive simulations are carried out to study the performances of the proposed schemes

    Local spin polarisation of electrons in Rashba semiconductor nanowires: effects of the bound state

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    The local spin polarisation (LSP) of electrons in two typical semiconductor nanowires under the modulation of Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is investigated theoretically. The influence of both the SOI- and structure-induced bound states on the LSP is taken into account via the spin-resolved lattice Green function method. It is discovered that high spin-density islands with alternative signs of polarisation are formed inside the nanowires due to the interaction between the bound states and the Rashba effective magnetic field. Further study shows that the spin-density islands caused by the structure-induced bound state exhibit a strong robustness against disorder. These findings may provide an efficient way to create local magnetic moments and store information in semiconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Tunable magnetization damping in transition metal ternary alloys

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    We show that magnetization damping in Permalloy, Ni80Fe20 (``Py''), can be enhanced sufficiently to reduce post-switching magnetization precession to an acceptable level by alloying with the transition metal osmium (Os). The damping increases monotonically upon raising the Os-concentration in Py, at least up to 9% of Os. Other effects of alloying with Os are suppression of magnetization and enhancement of in-plane anisotropy. Magnetization damping also increases significantly upon alloying with the five other transition metals included in this study (4d-elements: Nb, Ru, Rh; 5d-elements: Ta, Pt) but never as strongly as with Os.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Pareto-improving toll and subsidy scheme on transportation networks

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    This paper presents an original study on the economics of a link-based Toll and Subsidy Scheme (TSS) on a general transportation network. Different from a traditional congestion pricing scheme, the combination of toll and subsidy is found to be able to serve more planning purposes simultaneously, such as efficiency, fairness, and public acceptance. We first demonstrate that on a one-origin or one-destination network, a pareto-improving, system-optimal and revenue-neutral TSS always exists and can be obtained by solving a set of linear equations. Recognizing that such a scheme may not always exist for a multi-origin network, we then define the maximum-revenue problem with pareto-improving constrains to find the maximum possible revenue collected by the toll and subsidy scheme with optimal arc flows and non-increasing origin-destination travel costs. We discover that the problem is actually the dual problem of a balanced transportation problem, which can thus be solved efficiently by existing algorithms. At the end of the paper, a numerical example with a small synthetic network is provided for the comparison of toll and subsidy scheme with other existing toll schemes in terms of OD travel disutilities

    An Exact Algorithm for TSP in Degree-3 Graphs via Circuit Procedure and Amortization on Connectivity Structure

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    The paper presents an O^*(1.2312^n)-time and polynomial-space algorithm for the traveling salesman problem in an n-vertex graph with maximum degree 3. This improves the previous time bounds of O^*(1.251^n) by Iwama and Nakashima and O^*(1.260^n) by Eppstein. Our algorithm is a simple branch-and-search algorithm. The only branch rule is designed on a cut-circuit structure of a graph induced by unprocessed edges. To improve a time bound by a simple analysis on measure and conquer, we introduce an amortization scheme over the cut-circuit structure by defining the measure of an instance to be the sum of not only weights of vertices but also weights of connected components of the induced graph.Comment: 24 pages and 4 figure