23,852 research outputs found

    Representations of G+++ and the role of space-time

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    We consider the decomposition of the adjoint and fundamental representations of very extended Kac-Moody algebras G+++ with respect to their regular A type subalgebra which, in the corresponding non-linear realisation, is associated with gravity. We find that for many very extended algebras almost all the A type representations that occur in the decomposition of the fundamental representations also occur in the adjoint representation of G+++. In particular, for E8+++, this applies to all its fundamental representations. However, there are some important examples, such as An+++, where this is not true and indeed the adjoint representation contains no generator that can be identified with a space-time translation. We comment on the significance of these results for how space-time can occur in the non-linear realisation based on G+++. Finally we show that there is a correspondence between the A representations that occur in the fundamental representation associated with the very extended node and the adjoint representation of G+++ which is consistent with the interpretation of the former as charges associated with brane solutions.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables, te

    E11, generalised space-time and equations of motion in four dimensions

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    We construct the non-linear realisation of the semi-direct product of E11 and its first fundamental representation at low levels in four dimensions. We include the fields for gravity, the scalars and the gauge fields as well as the duals of these fields. The generalised space-time, upon which the fields depend, consists of the usual coordinates of four dimensional space-time and Lorentz scalar coordinates which belong to the 56-dimensional representation of E7. We demand that the equations of motion are first order in derivatives of the generalised space-time and then show that they are essentially uniquely determined by the properties of the E11 Kac-Moody algebra and its first fundamental representation. The two lowest equations correctly describe the equations of motion of the scalars and the gauge fields once one takes the fields to depend only on the usual four dimensional space-time

    Duality Symmetries and G^{+++} Theories

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    We show that the non-linear realisations of all the very extended algebras G^{+++}, except the B and C series which we do not consider, contain fields corresponding to all possible duality symmetries of the on-shell degrees of freedom of these theories. This result also holds for G_2^{+++} and we argue that the non-linear realisation of this algebra accounts precisely for the form fields present in the corresponding supersymmetric theory. We also find a simple necessary condition for the roots to belong to a G^{+++} algebra.Comment: 35 pages. v2: 2 appendices added, other minor corrections. v3: tables corrected, other minor changes, one appendix added, refs. added. Version published in Class. Quant. Gra

    E_{11} origin of Brane charges and U-duality multiplets

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    We derive general equations which determine the decomposition of the G^{+++} multiplet of brane charges into the sub-algebras that arise when the non-linearly realised G^{+++} theory is dimensionally reduced on a torus. We apply this to calculate the low level E_8 multiplets of brane charges that arise when the E_{8}^{+++}, or E_{11}, non-linearly realised theory is dimensionally reduced to three dimensions on an eight dimensional torus. We find precise agreement with the U-duality multiplet of brane charges previously calculated, thus providing a natural eleven dimensional origin for the "mysterious" brane charges found that do not occur as central charges in the supersymmetry algebra. We also discuss the brane charges in nine dimensions and how they arise from the IIA and IIB theories.Comment: 30 pages, plain te

    E_{11}, ten forms and supergravity

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    We extend the previously given non-linear realisation of E_{11} for the decomposition appropriate to IIB supergravity to include the ten forms that were known to be present in the adjoint representation. We find precise agreement with the results on ten forms found by closing the IIB supersymmetry algebra.Comment: 14 page

    The E_{11} origin of all maximal supergravities

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    Starting from the eleven dimensional E_{11} non-linear realisation of M-theory we compute all possible forms, that is objects with totally antisymmetrised indices, that occur in four dimensions and above as well as all the 1-forms and 2-forms in three dimensions. In any dimension D, the D-1-forms lead to maximal supergravity theories with cosmological constants and they are in precise agreement with the patterns of gauging found in any dimension using supersymmetry. The D-forms correspond to the presence of space-filling branes which are crucial for the consistency of orientifold models and have not been derived from an alternative approach, with the exception of the 10-dimensional case. It follows that the gaugings of supergravities and the spacetime-filling branes possess an eleven dimensional origin within the E_{11} formulation of M-theory. This and previous results very strongly suggest that all the fields in the adjoint representation of E_{11} have a physical interpretation.Comment: 54 page

    IIA Ten-forms and the Gauge Algebras of Maximal Supergravity Theories

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    We show that IIA supergravity can be extended with two independent 10-form potentials. These give rise to a single BPS IIA 9-brane. We investigate the bosonic gauge algebra of both IIA and IIB supergravity in the presence of 10-form potentials and point out an intriguing relation with the symmetry algebra E11E_{11}, which has been conjectured to be the underlying symmetry of string theory/M-theory.Comment: 18 pages, section on IIA 9-branes added, references added; version to be publishe

    A Note on E11 and Three-dimensional Gauged Supergravity

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    We determine the gauge symmetries of all p-forms in maximal three-dimensional gauged supergravity by requiring invariance of the Lagrangian. It is shown that in a particular ungauged limit these symmetries are in precise correspondence to those predicted by the very-extended Kac-Moody algebra E11. We demonstrate that whereas in the ungauged limit the bosonic gauge algebra closes off-shell, the closure is only on-shell in the full gauged theory. This underlines the importance of dynamics for understanding the Kac-Moody origin of the symmetries of gauged supergravity.Comment: Published versio

    Tortuous ways to the extraction of neutron observables from inclusive lepton scattering

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    We analyze new JLAB data for inclusive electron scattering on various targets. Computed and measured total inclusive cross sections in the range 0.3≲x≲0.950.3\lesssim x\lesssim 0.95 show on a logarithmic scale reasonable agreement for all targets. However, closer inspection of the Quasi-Elastic components bares serious discrepancies. EMC ratios which may contain less systematic errors fare the same. The above observations for the new data do not enable the extraction of the magnetic form factor (FF) GMnG_M^n and the Structure Function (SFs) F2nF_2^n of the neutron, although the application of exactly the same analysis to older data had been successful. We add to the above analysis older CLAS collaboration on F2DF_2^D. Removing some scattered points, it appears possible to obtain the above mentioned neutron information. We compare our results with others from alternative sources. Particular attention is paid to the A=3 iso-doublet. Present data exist only for 3^3He, but the available input and charge symmetry also enable computations for 3^3H. Their average is the computed iso-scalar part and is compared with the empirical modification of 3^3He towards a fictitious A=3 iso-singlet.Comment: 27 pages, 30 figure
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