836 research outputs found

    Correspondence between solar fine-scale structures in the corona, transition region, and lower atmosphere from collaborative observations

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    The Soft X-Ray Imaging Payload and the High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) instrument were launched from White Sands on 11 December 1987 in coordinated sounding rocket flights to investigate the correspondence of coronal and transition region structures, especially the relationship between X-ray bright points (XBPs) and transition region small spatial scale energetic events. The coaligned data from X-ray images are presented along with maps of sites of transition region energetic events observed in C IV (100,000 K), HRTS 1600 A spectroheliograms of the T sub min region and ground based magnetogram and He I 10830 A images

    Ground State Energy of the Low Density Bose Gas

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    Now that the properties of low temperature Bose gases at low density, ρ\rho, can be examined experimentally it is appropriate to revisit some of the formulas deduced by many authors 4-5 decades ago. One of these is that the leading term in the energy/particle is 2π2ρa/m2\pi \hbar^2 \rho a/m, where aa is the scattering length. Owing to the delicate and peculiar nature of bosonic correlations, four decades of research have failed to establish this plausible formula rigorously. The only known lower bound for the energy was found by Dyson in 1957, but it was 14 times too small. The correct bound is proved here.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, reference 12 change

    Nonuniversal Effects in the Homogeneous Bose Gas

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    Effective field theory predicts that the leading nonuniversal effects in the homogeneous Bose gas arise from the effective range for S-wave scattering and from an effective three-body contact interaction. We calculate the leading nonuniversal contributions to the energy density and condensate fraction and compare the predictions with results from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations by Giorgini, Boronat, and Casulleras. We give a crude determination of the strength of the three-body contact interaction for various model potentials. Accurate determinations could be obtained from diffusion Monte Carlo calculations of the energy density with higher statistics.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex, 5 ps figures, included with epsf.te

    Towards a fully self-consistent spectral function of the nucleon in nuclear matter

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    We present a calculation of nuclear matter which goes beyond the usual quasi-particle approximation in that it includes part of the off-shell dependence of the self-energy in the self-consistent solution of the single-particle spectrum. The spectral function is separated in contributions for energies above and below the chemical potential. For holes we approximate the spectral function for energies below the chemical potential by a δ\delta-function at the quasi-particle peak and retain the standard form for energies above the chemical potential. For particles a similar procedure is followed. The approximated spectral function is consistently used at all levels of the calculation. Results for a model calculation are presented, the main conclusion is that although several observables are affected by the inclusion of the continuum contributions the physical consistency of the model does not improve with the improved self-consistency of the solution method. This in contrast to expectations based on the crucial role of self-consistency in the proofs of conservation laws.Comment: 26 pages Revtex with 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evolution of an eruptive flare loop system

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    <p><b>Context:</b> Flares, eruptive prominences and coronal mass ejections are phenomena where magnetic reconnection plays an important role. However, the location and the rate of the reconnection, as well as the mechanisms of particle interaction with ambient and chromospheric plasma are still unclear.</p> <p><b>Aims:</b> In order to contribute to the comprehension of the above mentioned processes we studied the evolution of the eruptive flare loop system in an active region where a flare, a prominence eruption and a CME occurred on August 24, 2002.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We measured the rate of expansion of the flare loop arcade using TRACE 195 Å images and determined the rising velocity and the evolution of the low and high energy hard X-ray sources using RHESSI data. We also fitted HXR spectra and considered the radio emission at 17 and 34 GHZ.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> We observed that the top of the eruptive flare loop system initially rises with a linear behavior and then, after 120 mn from the start of the event registered by GOES at 1–8 Å, it slows down. We also observed that the heating source (low energy X-ray) rises faster than the top of the loops at 195 Å and that the high energy X-ray emission (30–40 keV) changes in time, changing from footpoint emission at the very onset of the flare to being coincident during the flare peak with the whole flare loop arcade.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> The evolution of the loop system and of the X-ray sources allowed us to interpret this event in the framework of the Lin & Forbes model (2000), where the absolute rate of reconnection decreases when the current sheet is located at an altitude where the Alfvén speed decreases with height. We estimated that the lower limit for the altitude of the current sheet is km. Moreover, we interpreted the unusual variation of the high energy HXR emission as a manifestation of the non thermal coronal thick-target process which appears during the flare in a manner consistent with the inferred increase in coronal column density.</p&gt

    Hartree Fock Calculations in the Density Matrix Expansion Approach

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    The density matrix expansion is used to derive a local energy density functional for finite range interactions with a realistic meson exchange structure. Exchange contributions are treated in a local momentum approximation. A generalized Slater approximation is used for the density matrix where an effective local Fermi momentum is chosen such that the next to leading order off-diagonal term is canceled. Hartree-Fock equations are derived incorporating the momentum structure of the underlying finite range interaction. For applications a density dependent effective interaction is determined from a G-matrix which is renormalized such that the saturation properties of symmetric nuclear matter are reproduced. Intending applications to systems far off stability special attention is paid to the low density regime and asymmetric nuclear matter. Results are compared to predictions obtained from Skyrme interactions. The ground state properties of stable nuclei are well reproduced without further adjustments of parameters. The potential of the approach is further exemplified in calculations for A=100...140 tin isotopes. Rather extended neutron skins are found beyond 130Sn corresponding to solid layers of neutron matter surrounding a core of normal composition.Comment: Revtex, 29 pages including 14 eps figures, using epsfig.st

    Anomaly in the stability limit of liquid helium 3

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    We propose that the liquid-gas spinodal line of helium 3 reaches a minimum at 0.4 K. This feature is supported by our cavitation measurements. We also show that it is consistent with extrapolations of sound velocity measurements. Speedy [J. Phys. Chem. 86, 3002 (1982)] previously proposed this peculiar behavior for the spinodal of water and related it to a change in sign of the expansion coefficient alpha, i. e. a line of density maxima. Helium 3 exhibits such a line at positive pressure. We consider its extrapolation to negative pressure. Our discussion raises fundamental questions about the sign of alpha in a Fermi liquid along its spinodal.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Computational Nuclear Physics and Post Hartree-Fock Methods

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    We present a computational approach to infinite nuclear matter employing Hartree-Fock theory, many-body perturbation theory and coupled cluster theory. These lectures are closely linked with those of chapters 9, 10 and 11 and serve as input for the correlation functions employed in Monte Carlo calculations in chapter 9, the in-medium similarity renormalization group theory of dense fermionic systems of chapter 10 and the Green's function approach in chapter 11. We provide extensive code examples and benchmark calculations, allowing thereby an eventual reader to start writing her/his own codes. We start with an object-oriented serial code and end with discussions on strategies for porting the code to present and planned high-performance computing facilities.Comment: 82 pages, to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics (Springer), "An advanced course in computational nuclear physics: Bridging the scales from quarks to neutron stars", M. Hjorth-Jensen, M. P. Lombardo, U. van Kolck, Editor

    Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity

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    A comprehensive theory is developed that describes the coexistence of p-wave, spin-triplet superconductivity and itinerant ferromagnetism. It is shown how to use field-theoretic techniques to derive both conventional strong-coupling theory, and analogous gap equations for superconductivity induced by magnetic fluctuations. It is then shown and discussed in detail that the magnetic fluctuations are generically stronger on the ferromagnetic side of the magnetic phase boundary, which substantially enhances the superconducting critical temperature in the ferromagnetic phase over that in the paramagnetic one. The resulting phase diagram is compared with the experimental observations in UGe_2 and ZrZn_2.Comment: 16 pp., REVTeX, 6 eps figs; final version as publishe

    Proposal for an experiment to measure the Hausdorff dimension of quantum mechanical trajectories

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    We make a proposal for a Gedanken experiment, based on the Aharonov-Bohm effect, how to measure in principle the zig-zagness of the trajectory of propagation (abberation from its classical trajectory) of a massive particle in quantum mechanics. Experiment I is conceived to show that contributions from quantum paths abberating from the classical trajectory are directly observable. Experiment II is conceived to measure average length, scaling behavior and critical exponent (Hausdorff dimension) of quantum mechanical paths.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX + 27 figures, ps and gi