744 research outputs found
Top Quark Measurements at the Fermilab Tevatron
The top quark, discovered at the Tevatron in 1995, is a very interesting
particle. Precise measurement of the top properties using large data samples
will allow stringent tests of the Standard Model and offer a unique window on
new physics. In this report will be reviewed the status of the current
knowledge of the top quark as provided by the Run I results of the CDF and D0
experiment. A first look at various preliminary measurements obtained with data
collected during Run II will be also presented.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures Proceeding of Lepton-Photon 2003, Fermilab
Batavia (IL), August 200
On the scattering length of the K^- d system
Multiple-scattering approximations to Faddeev calculations of the K^- d
scattering length are reviewed and compared with published Kbar-N-N pi-Y-N
fully reactive Faddeev calculations. A new multiple-scattering approximation
which goes beyond the `fixed-center' assumption for the nucleons is proposed,
aiming at accuracies of 5-10%. A precise value of the K^- d scattering length
from the measurement of the K^- d 1s atomic level shift and width, planned by
the DEAR/SIDDHARTA collaboration, plus a precise value for the K^- p scattering
length by improving the K^- p atom measurements, are essential for extracting
the K^- n scattering length, for resolving persistent puzzles in low-energy
Kbar-N phenomenology and for extrapolating into Kbar-nuclear systems.Comment: Invited talk at MESON 2006, Krakow, June 2006. To be published in
International Journal of Modern Physics A. Requires use of ws-ijmpa.cl
On Measuring the top quark mass using the dilepton decay modes
We demonstrate a new likelihood method for extracting the top quark mass from
events of the type ttbar-->bW(l+nu)bW(l+nu) This method estimates the top quark
mass correctly from an ensemble of dilepton events. The method proposed by
Dalitz and Goldstein [1] is shown to result in a systematic underestimation of
the top quark mass. Effects due to the spin correlations between the top and
anti-top quarks are shown to be unimportant in estimating the mass of the top
quark.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 1996 DPF/DPB study on new
directions for High Energy Physics, Snowmass, Colorad
On Observing Top Quark Production at the Tevatron
A technique for separating top quark production from Standard Model
background events is introduced. It is applicable to the channel in which one
top quark decays semi-leptonically and its anti-quark decays hadronically into
three jets, or vice versa. The method is shown to discriminate dramatically
between Monte Carlo generated events with and without simulated top quarks of
mass around 120 GeV and above. The simulations were performed with CDF detector
characteristics incorporated, showing that the method is applicable to existing
data.Comment: 8 pages, TUFTS-TH-92-G01 (Two minor TeX mistakes corrected
Test of Analysis Method for Top-Antitop Production and Decay Events
We have carried out Monte Carlo calculations on two sets of randomly
generated QCD events due to with top mass
GeV, one set leading to or or 2jets
(dilepton) and the other leading to or 4jets (unilepton)
configurations, in order to test the likelihood methods we have proposed for
determining the top mass by analyses of these two sets of configurations. For
the set of unilepton events, our method gives a very efficient and quite sharp
measure of the top mass lying several GeV below the input mass. For the
dilepton set, our method gives a much broader and markedly asymmetric
distribution for the top mass estimates, 75% of them lying below 170 GeV, but
the dilepton data will have much lower background than unilepton data. We then
illustrate these methods by applying them to the data available from CDF in
1995 and discuss the results obtained in relation to the results for the sets
of Monte Carlo events. The dilepton events yield masses spread widely, over 140
to 180 GeV, generally lower than the unilepton events, which cluster around
GeV. In an appendix, we discuss the nature of the additional
``slow'' observed in one CDF dilepton event, concluding that it is
most probably a ``tertiary lepton'' resulting from the decay sequence , followed by .Comment: 31 pages from PostScript file (Latex2e and 11 PostScript figures used
rspublic.sty, eps.sty). Submitted to Proc. Royal Society Londo
The permutation group S_N and large Nc excited baryons
We study the excited baryon states for an arbitrary number of colors Nc from
the perspective of the permutation group S_N of N objects. Classifying the
transformation properties of states and quark-quark interaction operators under
S_N allows a general analysis of the spin-flavor structure of the mass operator
of these states, in terms of a few unknown constants parameterizing the unknown
spatial structure. We explain how to perform the matching calculation of a
general two-body quark-quark interaction onto the operators of the 1/Nc
expansion. The inclusion of core and excited quark operators is shown to be
necessary. Considering the case of the negative parity L=1 states transforming
in the MS of S_N, we discuss the matching of the one-gluon and the
Goldstone-boson exchange interactions.Comment: 38 pages. Final version to be published in Physical Review
Liquid-gas Phase Transition in Strange Hadronic Matter with Weak Y-Y Interaction
The liquid-gas phase transition in strange hadronic matter is reexamined by
using the new parameters about the interaction deduced from
recent observation of double hypernucleus. The
extended Furnstahl-Serot-Tang model with nucleons and hyperons is utilized. The
binodal surface, the limit pressure, the entropy, the specific heat capacity
and the Caloric curves are addressed. We find that the liquid-gas phase
transition can occur more easily in strange hadronic matter with weak Y-Y
interaction than that of the strong Y-Y interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
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