94 research outputs found

    Quantitative insertion-site sequencing (QIseq) for high throughput phenotyping of transposon mutants

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    Genetic screening using random transposon insertions has been a powerful tool for uncovering biology in prokaryotes, where whole-genome saturating screens have been performed in multiple organisms. In eukaryotes, such screens have proven more problematic, in part because of the lack of a sensitive and robust system for identifying transposon insertion sites. We here describe quantitative insertion-site sequencing, or QIseq, which uses custom library preparation and Illumina sequencing technology and is able to identify insertion sites from both the 5' and 3' ends of the transposon, providing an inbuilt level of validation. The approach was developed using piggyBac mutants in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum but should be applicable to many other eukaryotic genomes. QIseq proved accurate, confirming known sites in >100 mutants, and sensitive, identifying and monitoring sites over a >10,000-fold dynamic range of sequence counts. Applying QIseq to uncloned parasites shortly after transfections revealed multiple insertions in mixed populations and suggests that >4000 independent mutants could be generated from relatively modest scales of transfection, providing a clear pathway to genome-scale screens in P. falciparum QIseq was also used to monitor the growth of pools of previously cloned mutants and reproducibly differentiated between deleterious and neutral mutations in competitive growth. Among the mutants with fitness defects was a mutant with a piggyBac insertion immediately upstream of the kelch protein K13 gene associated with artemisinin resistance, implying mutants in this gene may have competitive fitness costs. QIseq has the potential to enable the scale-up of piggyBac-mediated genetics across multiple eukaryotic systems

    Punctuated chromatin states regulate Plasmodium falciparum antigenic variation at the intron and 2 kb upstream regions

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    2 kb upstream region FAIRE-Seq signal comparison between var genes and different gene families (P-value is calculated based on Wilcoxon-Rank-Sum test, FDR indicates false discovery rate). (XLSX 53 kb

    Uncovering the essential genes of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum by saturation mutagenesis

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    Malaria is caused by eukaryotic Plasmodium spp. parasites that classically infect red blood cells. These are difficult organisms to investigate genetically because of their AT-rich genomes. Zhang et al. have exploited this peculiarity by using piggyBac transposon insertion sites to achieve saturation-level mutagenesis for identifying and ranking essential genes and drug targets (see the Perspective by White and Rathod). Genes that are current candidates for drug targets were identified as essential, in contrast to many vaccine target genes. Notably, the proteasome degradation pathway was confirmed as a target for developing therapeutic interventions because of the several essential genes involved and the link to the mechanism of action of the current frontline drug, artemisinin

    The apicoplast link to fever-survival and artemisinin-resistance in the malaria parasite.

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    The emergence and spread of Plasmodium falciparum parasites resistant to front-line antimalarial artemisinin-combination therapies (ACT) threatens to erase the considerable gains against the disease of the last decade. Here, we develop a large-scale phenotypic screening pipeline and use it to carry out a large-scale forward-genetic phenotype screen in P. falciparum to identify genes allowing parasites to survive febrile temperatures. Screening identifies more than 200 P. falciparum mutants with differential responses to increased temperature. These mutants are more likely to be sensitive to artemisinin derivatives as well as to heightened oxidative stress. Major processes critical for P. falciparum tolerance to febrile temperatures and artemisinin include highly essential, conserved pathways associated with protein-folding, heat shock and proteasome-mediated degradation, and unexpectedly, isoprenoid biosynthesis, which originated from the ancestral genome of the parasite's algal endosymbiont-derived plastid, the apicoplast. Apicoplast-targeted genes in general are upregulated in response to heat shock, as are other Plasmodium genes with orthologs in plant and algal genomes. Plasmodium falciparum parasites appear to exploit their innate febrile-response mechanisms to mediate resistance to artemisinin. Both responses depend on endosymbiont-derived genes in the parasite's genome, suggesting a link to the evolutionary origins of Plasmodium parasites in free-living ancestors

    Chemogenomic profiling of a Plasmodium falciparum transposon mutant library reveals shared effects of dihydroartemisinin and bortezomib on lipid metabolism and exported proteins

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    The antimalarial activity of the frontline drug artemisinin involves generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to oxidative damage of parasite proteins. To achieve homeostasis and maintain protein quality control in the overwhelmed parasite, the ubiquitin-proteasome system kicks in. Even though molecular markers for artemisinin resistance like pfkelch13 have been identified, the intricate network of mechanisms driving resistance remains to be elucidated. Here, we report a forward genetic screening strategy that enables a broader identification of genetic factors responsible for altering sensitivity to dihydroartemisinin (DHA) and a proteasome inhibitor, bortezomib (BTZ). Using a library of isogenic piggyBac mutants in P. falciparum, we defined phenotype-genotype associations influencing drug responses and highlighted shared mechanisms between the two processes, which mainly included proteasome-mediated degradation and the lipid metabolism genes. Additional transcriptomic analysis of a DHA/BTZ-sensitive piggyBac mutant showed it is possible to find differences between the two response mechanisms on the specific components for regulation of the exportome. Our results provide further insight into the molecular mechanisms of antimalarial drug resistance

    A novel Modulator of Ring Stage Translation (MRST) gene alters artemisinin sensitivity in Plasmodium falciparum

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    The implementation of artemisinin (ART) combination therapies (ACTs) has greatly decreased deaths caused by Plasmodium falciparum malaria, but increasing ACT resistance in Southeast Asia and Africa could reverse this progress. Parasite population genetic studies have identified numerous genes, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and transcriptional signatures associated with altered artemisinin activity with SNPs in the Kelch13 (K13) gene being the most well-characterized artemisinin resistance marker. However, there is an increasing evidence that resistance to artemisinin in P. falciparum is not related only to K13 SNPs, prompting the need to characterize other novel genes that can alter ART responses in P. falciparum. In our previous analyses of P. falciparum piggyBac mutants, several genes of unknown function exhibited increased sensitivity to artemisinin that was similar to a mutant of K13. Further analysis of these genes and their gene co-expression networks indicated that the ART sensitivity cluster was functionally linked to DNA replication and repair, stress responses, and maintenance of homeostatic nuclear activity. In this study, we have characterized PF3D7_1136600, another member of the ART sensitivity cluster. Previously annotated as a conserved Plasmodium gene of unknown function, we now provide putative annotation of this gene as a Modulator of Ring Stage Translation (MRST). Our findings reveal that the mutagenesis of MRST affects gene expression of multiple translation-associated pathways during the early ring stage of asexual development via putative ribosome assembly and maturation activity, suggesting an essential role of MRST in protein biosynthesis and another novel mechanism of altering the parasite’s ART drug response

    Phenotypic screens identify genetic factors associated with gametocyte development in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Transmission of the deadly malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum from humans to mosquitoes is achieved by specialized intraerythrocytic sexual forms called gametocytes. Though the crucial regulatory mechanisms leading to gametocyte commitment have recently come to light, networks of genes that control sexual development remain to be elucidated. Here, we report a pooled-mutant screen to identify genes associated with gametocyte development in P. falciparum. Our results categorized genes that modulate gametocyte progression as hypoproducers or hyperproducers of gametocytes, and the in-depth analysis of individual clones confirmed phenotypes in sexual commitment rates and putative functions in gametocyte development. We present a new set of genes that have not been implicated in gametocytogenesis before and demonstrate the potential of forward genetic screens in isolating genes impacting parasite sexual biology, an exciting step toward the discovery of new antimalarials for a globally significant pathogen

    The Disequilibrium of Nucleosomes Distribution along Chromosomes Plays a Functional and Evolutionarily Role in Regulating Gene Expression

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    To further understand the relationship between nucleosome-space occupancy (NO) and global transcriptional activity in mammals, we acquired a set of genome-wide nucleosome distribution and transcriptome data from the mouse cerebrum and testis based on ChIP (H3)-seq and RNA-seq, respectively. We identified a nearly consistent NO patterns among three mouse tissues—cerebrum, testis, and ESCs—and found, through clustering analysis for transcriptional activation, that the NO variations among chromosomes are closely associated with distinct expression levels between house-keeping (HK) genes and tissue-specific (TS) genes. Both TS and HK genes form clusters albeit the obvious majority. This feature implies that NO patterns, i.e. nucleosome binding and clustering, are coupled with gene clustering that may be functionally and evolutionarily conserved in regulating gene expression among different cell types

    Cortical Gyrification and Sulcal Spans in Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by an insidious onset of progressive cerebral atrophy and cognitive decline. Previous research suggests that cortical folding and sulcal width are associated with cognitive function in elderly individuals, and the aim of the present study was to investigate these morphological measures in patients with AD. The sample contained 161 participants, comprising 80 normal controls, 57 patients with very mild AD, and 24 patients with mild AD. From 3D T1-weighted brain scans, automated methods were used to calculate an index of global cortex gyrification and the width of five individual sulci: superior frontal, intra-parietal, superior temporal, central, and Sylvian fissure. We found that global cortex gyrification decreased with increasing severity of AD, and that the width of all individual sulci investigated other than the intra-parietal sulcus was greater in patients with mild AD than in controls. We also found that cognitive functioning, as assessed by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores, decreased as global cortex gyrification decreased. MMSE scores also decreased in association with a widening of all individual sulci investigated other than the intra-parietal sulcus. The results suggest that abnormalities of global cortex gyrification and regional sulcal span are characteristic of patients with even very mild AD, and could thus facilitate the early diagnosis of this condition
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