33,030 research outputs found

    The effect of advance ratio on the aerodynamics of revolving wings

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    Recent studies have demonstrated that a quasi-steady model closely matches the instantaneous force produced by an insect wing during hovering flight. It is not clear, however, if such methods extend to forward flight. In this study we use a dynamically scaled robotic model of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the forces produced by a wing revolving at constant angular velocity while simultaneously translating at velocities appropriate for forward flight. Because the forward and angular velocities were constant wing inertia was negligible, and the measured forces can be attributed to fluid dynamic phenomena. The combined forward and revolving motions of the wing produce a time-dependent free-stream velocity profile, which suggests that added mass forces make a contribution to the measured forces. We find that the forces due added mass make a small, but measurable, component of the total force and are in excellent agreement with theoretical values. Lift and drag coefficients are calculated from the force traces after subtracting the contributions due to added mass. The lift and drag coefficients, for fixed angle of attack, are not constant for non-zero advance ratios, but rather vary in magnitude throughout the stroke. This observation implies that modifications of the quasi-steady model are required in order to predict accurately the instantaneous forces produced during forward flight. We show that the dependence of the lift and drag coefficients upon advance ratio and stroke position can be characterized effectively in terms of the tip velocity ratio – the ratio of the chordwise components of flow velocity at the wing tip due to translation and revolution. On this basis we develop a modified quasi-steady model that can account for the varying magnitudes of the lift and drag coefficients. Our model may also resolve discrepancies in past measurements of wing performance based on translational and revolving motion

    Intermodulation distortion in high dynamic range microwave fiber-optic links with linearized modulators

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    Linearization of integrated optic intensity modulators significantly reduces the two-tone intermodulation distortion. The resulting intermodulation distortion produced by these modulators then varies as the input power to the fifth-order link system, the overall intermodulation product is a combination of third-order and higher-order terms. The authors determine the dynamic range of a cascaded microwave network consisting of a preamplifier, a high-dynamic-range fiber-optic link with a highly linear modulator, and a postamplifier. An expression is found that relates the intermodulation power at the output to the relative suppression from the signal level. As an example, a hypothetical 10-GHz low-distortion fiber-optic link that has a dynamic range of 125 dB in a bandwidth of 1 Hz is cascaded with various preamplifiers, and it is shown that the dynamic range of the system is reduced by as much as 20 dB, depending on the third-order intercept of the amplifier

    Comparison of Analog R-F Photonic Links Using a Variety of Linearized Electro-Optic Modulators

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    The potential applications of high dynamic range analog r-f photonic links include antenna remoting, photonic-coupled phased-array antennas, and cable-television transmission. This paper compares the results obtained with a number of different modulator types and link configurations and gives recent experimental results. Further details on the analysis and results for some of the schemes can be found in a review paper that will appear later this year

    Distortion in linearized electrooptic modulators

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    Intermodulation and harmonic distortion are calculated for a simple fiber-optic link with a representative set of link parameters and a variety of electrooptic modulators: simple Mach-Zehnder, linearized dual and triple Mach-Zehnder, simple directional coupler (two operating points), and linearized directional coupler with one and two dc electrodes. The resulting dynamic ranges, gains, and noise figures are compared for these modulators. A new definition of dynamic range is proposed to accommodate the more complicated variation of intermodulation with input power exhibited by linearized modulators. The effects of noise bandwidth, preamplifier distortion, and errors in modulator operating conditions are described

    Growth, movement, and attrition of northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, in the Pacific Ocean, as determined by tagging

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    ENGLISH: The growth of northern bluefin tuna is described by a two-stanza model. For fish between 191 and 564 mm in length the Gompertz curve, with values of 581 mm and 4.32 for Loo and K (annual), respectively, is used. The fish between 564 and 1530 mm grow linearly, at the rate of 0.709 mm per day. Age-O fish tagged and released in the western Pacific Ocean have been recaptured in the western, central, and eastern Pacific. The minimum time between release in the western Pacific and recapture in the eastern Pacific is 215 days. Older fish, mostly Land 2-year olds, tagged and released in the eastern Pacific have been recaptured in the eastern and western Pacific. The minimum time between release in eastern Pacific and recapture in the western Pacific is 674 days. The coefficient of natural mortality is estimated from data on growth and ambient temperature to be 0.276 on an annual basis, with 90-percent confidence limits of 0.161 and 0.47L Spawning of northern bluefin takes place only in the western Pacific. Some of the juveniles migrate to the eastern Pacific, where they reside for several months to several years before returning to the western Pacific. The portion of fish which migrate to the eastern Pacific varies among years, and this appears to be an important cause of the annual variation in the catches in the eastern Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: El crecimiento del atún aleta azul del norte es descrito por un modelo de dos estadios. Para los peces de entre 191 y 564 mm de talla se usa la curva de Gompertz, con valores de 581 mm y 4.32 para Loo y K (anual), respectivamente. Los peces de entre 564 y 1530 mm crecen de forma lineal, a 0.709 mm por día. Peces de edad Omarcados y liberados en el Pacífico occidental han sido recapturados en el Pacífico occidental, central, y oriental. La demora mínima entre la liberación en el Pacífico occidental y la recaptura en el Pacífico oriental es de 215 días. Peces mayores, principalmente de 1 ó 2 años de edad, marcados y liberados en el Pacífico oriental han sido re capturados en el Pacífico occidental y oriental. La demora mínima entre la liberación en el Pacífico oriental y la recaptura en el Pacífico occidental es de 674 días. Se estima el coeficiente de mortalidad natural a partir de los datos de crecimiento y temperatura ambiental en un 0.276 anual, con límites de confianza al 90% de 0.161 y 0.471. El aleta azul del norte desova únicamente en el Pacífico occidental. Algunos de los juveniles migran al Pacífico oriental, donde permanecen entre varios meses y varios años antes de regresar al Pacífico occidental. La porción de los peces que migran al Pacífico oriental varía entre años, y ésto parece ser una causa importante de la variación anual en las capturas en el Océano Pacífico oriental. (PDF contains 94 pages.

    Oxidation of basaltic tephras: Influence on reflectance in the 1 micron region

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    As part of a ongoing study into the products of hydrovolcanism, tuffs were examined from the Cerro Colorado and Pavant Butte tuff cones. The former resides in the northeastern corner of the Pinacate Volcanic Field in Sonara, Mexico and the latter is in the Black Rock Desert of southern Utah. Numerous samples were collected and many of these had their Vis/IR reflectance measured. It seems likely that in the palagonite tuffs there is a combination of nanocrystalline ferric oxide phases contributing to the UV absorption edge, but not to the 1 micron band, plus more crystalline ferric oxides which do contribute to that band as well as ferrous iron within unaltered sideromelane which is skewing the band center to longer wavelengths. This work has implications for the study of Mars. The present work indicates that when ferrous and ferric iron phases are both present, their combined spectral contribution is a single band in the vicinity of 1 micron. The center, depth, and width of that feature has potential to be used to gauge the relative proportions of ferrous and ferric iron phases

    Trends in U.S. Trade and Comparative Advantage

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    macroeconomics, U.S. trade, comparative advantage