238 research outputs found

    Bone Marrow-Derived Cells from Male Donors Do Not Contribute to the Endometrial Side Population of the Recipient

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    Accumulated evidence demonstrates the existence of bone marrow-derived cells origin in the endometria of women undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT). In these reports, cells of a bone marrow (BM) origin are able to differentiate into endometrial cells, although their contribution to endometrial regeneration is not yet clear. We have previously demonstrated the functional relevance of side population (SP) cells as the endogenous source of somatic stem cells (SSC) in the human endometrium. The present work aims to understand the presence and contribution of bone marrow-derived cells to the endometrium and the endometrial SP population of women who received BMT from male donors. Five female recipients with spontaneous or induced menstruations were selected and their endometrium was examined for the contribution of XY donor-derived cells using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), telomapping and SP method investigation. We confirm the presence of XY donor-derived cells in the recipient endometrium ranging from 1.7% to 2.62%. We also identify 0.45–0.85% of the donor-derived cells in the epithelial compartment displaying CD9 marker, and 1.0–1.83% of the Vimentin-positive XY donor-derived cells in the stromal compartment. Although the percentage of endometrial SP cells decreased, possibly being due to chemotherapy applied to these patients, they were not formed by XY donor-derived cells, donor BM cells were not associated with the stem cell (SC) niches assessed by telomapping technique, and engraftment percentages were very low with no correlation between time from transplant and engraftment efficiency, suggesting random terminal differentiation. In conclusion, XY donor-derived cells of a BM origin may be considered a limited exogenous source of transdifferentiated endometrial cells rather than a cyclic source of BM donor-derived stem cells

    Rapid Determination of Myosin Heavy Chain Expression in Rat, Mouse, and Human Skeletal Muscle Using Multicolor Immunofluorescence Analysis

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    Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous tissue comprised of fibers with different morphological, functional, and metabolic properties. Different muscles contain varying proportions of fiber types; therefore, accurate identification is important. A number of histochemical methods are used to determine muscle fiber type; however, these techniques have several disadvantages. Immunofluorescence analysis is a sensitive method that allows for simultaneous evaluation of multiple MHC isoforms on a large number of fibers on a single cross-section, and offers a more precise means of identifying fiber types. In this investigation we characterized pure and hybrid fiber type distribution in 10 rat and 10 mouse skeletal muscles, as well as human vastus lateralis (VL) using multicolor immunofluorescence analysis. In addition, we determined fiber type-specific cross-sectional area (CSA), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, and α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) activity. Using this procedure we were able to easily identify pure and hybrid fiber populations in rat, mouse, and human muscle. Hybrid fibers were identified in all species and made up a significant portion of the total population in some rat and mouse muscles. For example, rat mixed gastrocnemius (MG) contained 12.2% hybrid fibers whereas mouse white tibialis anterior (WTA) contained 12.1% hybrid fibers. Collectively, we outline a simple and time-efficient method for determining MHC expression in skeletal muscle of multiple species. In addition, we provide a useful resource of the pure and hybrid fiber type distribution, fiber CSA, and relative fiber type-specific SDH and GPD activity in a number of rat and mouse muscles

    Contractile and histochemical properties of regenerating cross-transplanted fast and slow muscles in the rat

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    The soleus (SOL) or extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of month-old rats were denervated for 14 days and then cross-transplanted so that the fast muscle was placed into the bed of the slow muscle and vice versa. At 17, 30, 60, and 90 days the transplants were tested for certain contractile and histochemical properties. By 90 days the cross-transplanted SOL showed complete conversion of the full contraction time and nearly complete conversion of the half relaxation time to those of the normal EDL. In contrast, the contraction and relaxation times of the cross-transplanted EDL became considerably slowed, but did not attain the values of the normal SOL. Histochemical staining for ATPase and SDH activity demonstrated similar transformations of fiber types. The degree of transformation of twitch and histochemical characteristics in cross-transplanted muscles was greater than the values reported after cross-innervation of the same muscles. The cross-transplantation model has certain advantages over nerve cross-union experiments because the cross-transplanted muscle is placed in the normal functional environment of the other muscle.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47444/1/424_2004_Article_BF00584286.pd

    Husbandry Of Monodelphis Domestica In The Study Of Mammalian Embryogenesis

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    Monodelphis domestica, commonly called the laboratory opossum, is a useful laboratory animal for studying marsupial embryogenesis and mammalian development. Females breed year-round and the animals can be sustainably bred indoors. The authors draw on their own laboratory\u27s experience to supplement previously published research on laboratory opossums. They describe a breeding protocol that reliably produces timed-pregnant M. domestica. Additionally, the authors discuss general laboratory opossum husbandry techniques and describe how to collect, handle and culture embryos

    A hierarchy of determining factors controls motoneuron innervation

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    Quail leg buds were grafted in place of chick leg buds or chick wing buds and vice versa at stages 18 to 21 after colonization by muscle precursor cells had been completed. Motor endplate pattern in the plantaris muscle of the grafts was analyzed before hatching by means of esterase and acetylcholinesterase staining techniques. Muscle fibre types were made visual using the myosin ATPase reaction. Investigations are based on the species-specific endplate pattern of the plantaris muscle: multiply innervated fibres in the chick and focally innervated fibres in the quail. Muscle pieces isolated from the adjacent medial gastrocnemius muscle of the grafted legs were histologically examined to judge their species-specific composition. Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the plantaris muscles of both the grafted and the opposite leg as well as in the plantaris muscle of normal quail embryos, in order to be sure that the plantaris muscle of the graft is innervated by appropriate motoneurons. This procedural design offers for the first time a possibility to test experimentally the influences of motoneurons on endplate pattern formation under conditions corresponding to those in normal ontogenesis. It is shown that such appropriate motoneurons of one species which project to the plantaris muscle of the other species dictate the endplate pattern. When the plantaris muscle is innervated by inappropriate motoneurons, the endplate pattern inherent in the muscle primordium itself becomes realized. A sequence of hierarchically acting factors is proposed to bring different results in line. According to this, the neuronally set programme has priority compared with that set in the muscle. This is true for the normal development and might generate the high neuro-muscular specificity. If under experimental conditions the neuronal programme and the peripheral programme differ, the axons and muscle fibres selectively interact with respect to their inherent characteristics and the muscle-specific programme becomes expressed. If there is a lack of a certain axon type, muscle fibres might become innervated by non-corresponding motoneurons which alter the muscle fibre type.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47522/1/429_2004_Article_BF00309770.pd