3,464 research outputs found

    Command Interneurons in the Crayfish Central Nervous System

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    The motor effects evoked by stimulation of each of eight command fibres in the circumoesophageal commissures of the crayfish are described. The fibres obtained appeared to have widespread connexions in all or most of the lower ganglia. For certain fibres the response was stronger on the homolateral side of the animal; for others it was symmetrical. The frequency of stimulation of a command fibre generally had a pronounced influence on the speed of the evoked response. In addition, segments of the total response could be elicited selectively by alteration of the frequency and duration of stimulation. Although the responses associated with most of the fibres were not sensitive to the fine temporal pattern of the applied stimulation, for one fibre the motor output depended clearly on the spacing of the stimulating pulses

    Desperately Seeking Non-Standard Phases via Direct CP Violation in bsgb\to sg^\ast Process

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    Attributing the recent CLEO discovery of Bη+XsB \to \eta' + X_s to originate (primarily) from the fragmentation of an off-shell gluon (gg^*) via bs+gb \to s + g^*, gg+ηg^* \to g + \eta', we emphasize that many such states (XgX_g) should materialize. Indeed the hadronic fragments (XgX_g) of gg^* states are closely related to those seen in ψγ(ϕ,ω)+Xg\psi \to \gamma (\phi, \omega) + X_g. A particular final state of considerable interest is Xg=K+KX_g=K^+K^-. Signals from such states in BB decays can be combined to provide a very sensitive search for CP violating phase(s) from non-standard physics. The method should work even if the contribution of these source(s) to the rates is rather small (10\sim10%) to the point that a comparison between theory and experiment may find it extremely difficult to reveal the presence of such a new physics.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Nonlinear Fluid Computations in a Distributed Environment

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    The performance of a loosely and tightly-coupled workstation cluster is compared against a conventional vector supercomputer for the solution the Reynolds- averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The application geometries include a transonic airfoil, a tiltrotor wing/fuselage, and a wing/body/empennage/nacelle transport. Decomposition is of the manager-worker type, with solution of one grid zone per worker process coupled using the PVM message passing library. Task allocation is determined by grid size and processor speed, subject to available memory penalties. Each fluid zone is computed using an implicit diagonal scheme in an overset mesh framework, while relative body motion is accomplished using an additional worker process to re-establish grid communication

    Two body decays of the bb-quark: Applications to direct CP violation, searches for electro-weak penguins and new physics

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    A systematic experimental search for two-body hadronic decays of the b-quark of the type b to quark + meson is proposed. These reactions have a well defined experimental signature and they should be theoretically cleaner compared to exclusive decays. Many modes have appreciable branching ratios and partial rate asymmetries may also be quite large (about 8-50%) in several of them. In a few cases electroweak penguins appear to be dominant and may be measurable. CP violating triple correlation asymmetries provide a clean test of the Standard Model.Comment: 12 pages 1 figure 1 tabl

    Transverse Tau Polarization in Decays of the Top and Bottom Quarks in the Weinberg Model of CP Non-conservation

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    We show that the transverse polarization asymmetry of the τ\tau-lepton in the decay tbτνt\rightarrow b \tau \nu is extremely sensitive to CP violating phases arising from the charged Higgs exchange in the Weinberg model of CP non-conservation. Qualitatively, the polarization asymmetries are enhanced over rate or energy asymmetries by a factor of mtmτO(100)\approx {m_t\over m_\tau}\approx O(100). Thus for optimal values of the parameters the method requires 104\approx 10^4 top pairs to be observable rather than 10710^7 needed for rate or energy asymmetries. We also examine τ\tau polarization in b decays via bcντb \rightarrow c \nu \tau and find that it can also be very effective in constraining the CP violation parameters of the extended Higgs sector.Comment: 11,1 figure, SLAC-PUB-608

    Semi-inclusive B Decays and Direct CP Violation in QCD Factorization

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    We have systematically investigated the semi-inclusive B decays B->MX, which are manifestations of the quark decay b->Mq, within the framework of QCD-improved factorization. These decays are theoretically clean and have distinctive experimental signatures. We focus on a class of these that do not require any form factor information and therefore may be especially suitable for extracting information on the angles α\alpha and γ\gamma of the unitarity triangle. The nonfactorizable effects, such as vertex-type and penguin-type corrections to the two-body b decay and hard spectator corrections to the 3-body decay are calculable in the heavy quark limit. QCD factorization is applicable when the emitted meson is a light meson or a charmonium. We discuss the issue of the CPT constraint on partial rate asymmetries. The strong phase coming from final-state rescattering due to hard gluon exchange between the final states can induce large rate asymmetries for tree-dominated color-suppressed modes (π0,ρ0,ω)Xsˉ(\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}. The nonfactorizable hard spectator interactions in the 3-body decay, though phase-space suppressed, are extremely important for the tree-dominated modes (π0,ρ0,ω)Xsˉ,ϕX(\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}, \phi X, JXs,JXJ X_s,J X and the penguin-dominated mode ωXssˉ\omega X_{s\bar s}. In fact, they are dominated by the hard spectator corrections. Our result for B(BJ/ψXs){\cal B} (B\to J/\psi X_s) is in agreement with experiment. The semi-inclusive decay modes: Bs0(π0,ρ0,ω)XsˉB^0_s\to (\pi^0,\rho^0,\omega)X_{\bar s}, ρ0Xssˉ\rho^0X_{s\bar s}, B0(KX,KX)B^0\to(K^-X,K^{*-}X) and B(K0Xs,K0Xs)B^-\to (K^0X_s,K^{*0}X_s) are the most promising ones in searching for direct CP violation. In fact, they have branching ratios of order 10610410^{-6}-10^{-4} and CP rate asymmetries of order (1040)(10-40)%.Comment: 28 page

    Polarized Single Top Production at Leptonic Colliders from Broken R Parity Interactions Incorporating CP Violation

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    The contribution from the R parity violating interactions in the associated production of a top quark with a charm antiquark is examined for high energy leptonic colliders. We concentrate on the reactions associated with the semileptonic top decay. A set of characteristic dynamical distributions for the signal events is evaluated and the results contrasted against those from the standard model W-boson pair production background. Next, we turn to a study of a CP-odd observable, associated with the top spin, which leads to an asymmetry in the energy distribution of the emitted charged leptons for the pair of CP-conjugate final states, blˉνcˉb \bar l \nu \bar c and bˉlνˉc \bar b l \bar \nu c . A non vanishing asymmetry arises from a CP-odd phase, embedded in the R parity violating coupling constants, through interference terms between the R parity violating amplitudes at both the tree and loop levels.Comment: revtex file. 17 pages. 7 postscript figures. 1 table. The revised version includes an estimate of experimental uncertainties. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bounds for Lepton Flavor Violation and the Pseudoscalar Higgs in the General Two Higgs Doublet Model using g2g-2 muon factor

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    Current experimental data from the g2g-2 muon factor, seems to show the necessity of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), since the difference between SM and experimental predictions is 2.6σ\sigma . In the framework of the General Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM), we calculate the muon anomalous magnetic moment to get lower and upper bounds for the Flavour Changing (FC) Yukawa couplings in the leptonic sector. We also obtain lower bounds for the mass of the pseudoscalar Higgs (mA0m_{A^0}) as a function of the parameters of the model.Comment: 12 pages, RevTex4, 5 figures. Improved presentation, updated experimental data, amplified analysis, new figures added. Subbmited to Phys. Rev.

    hμτh\to \mu\tau at Hadron Colliders

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    We study the observability for a lepton flavor-changing decay of a Higgs boson hμτh\to \mu\tau at hadron colliders. Flavor-changing couplings of a Higgs boson exist at tree level in models with multiple Higgs doublets. The hμτh\mu\tau coupling is particularly motivated by the favorable intepretation of νμντ\nu_\mu-\nu_\tau oscillation. We find that at the Tevatron Run II the unique μτ\mu\tau signature could serve as the Higgs discovery channel, surpassing expectations for Higgs boson searches in the SM and in a large parameter region of the MSSM. The sensitivity will be greatly improved at the LHC, beyond the coverage at a muon collider Higgs factory.Comment: Version to appear in PR