62,573 research outputs found


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    Masyarakat Indonesia pada abad ke 7 Masehi melakukan perdagangan dengan negeri Islam. Interaksi tersebut berpengaruh pada bentuk arsitektur bangunan masjid yang dibangun. Masjid di Indonesia pada umumnya mengadopsi masjid dari Timur Tengah dan ditambah dengan budaya lokal setempat. Tetapi masyarakat keturunan Cina yang beragama islam membangun masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo Surabaya dengan arsitektur khas Cina. Rumusan masalah yang ingin dipecahkan dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan karakteristik bangunan Masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data dan informan review. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bentuk bangunan Masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo Surabaya memiliki arsitektur Cina dengan warna merah dan hijau yang mendominasi. Warna-warna yang menghiasi masjid memiliki makna harapan dan doa, dan kaligrafi yang menghiasi masjid memiliki warna yang beragam sehingga memperkuat arsitektur Cina pada bangunan masjid. Pat kwa, bubungan, genting, tiang, dan dinding Masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo Surabaya menjadi ciri khas bangunan masjid. Pat kwa adalah bagian bangunan yang menonjol karena berbentuk pagoda 8 sisi yang juga memiliki makna pada jumlah sisinya. Setiap bagian dari masjid tidak lepas dari arsitektur Cina yang melekat pada bangunan masjid. Kata Kunci: bentuk, karakteristik, Masjid Muhammad Cheng Hoo Surabaya  Indonesian society in the 7th century AD to trade with Islamic countries. The interaction effect on the architecture of the mosque is built. Mosque in Indonesia generally adopt mosques of the Middle East and coupled with the local culture. But the Chinese people are Moslem build Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya with typical Chinese architecture. The formulation of the problem to be solved in this study is the shape and characteristics of the buildings Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya. This type of research is qualitative, with data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. Validity of the data is done by triangulation of data and informants review. The results showed the shape of buildings Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya Chinese architecture with red and green colors dominate. Colors that adorn the mosque has a meaning of hope and prayer, and calligraphy adorning the mosque have a variety of colors so as to strengthen the architecture of China on mosque building. Pat kwa, ridge, tiles, beams, and walls Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya is characteristic of the mosque building. Pat kwa is part of the building that stands out for its pagoda-shaped 8 side also has significance on the number of sides. Every part of the mosque can not be separated from Chinese architecture attached to the building of the mosque. Keywords: Forms, Characteristics, Muhammad Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabay

    Measurements of laminar flame speeds of acetone/methane/air mixtures

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    The effect of acetone on the laminar flame speed of methane/air mixtures is investigated over a range of stoichiometries at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The liquid acetone is vaporised and seeded into the methane/air mixture at 5%, 9% and 20% of the total fuel by mole. The experiment is performed using the jet-wall stagnation flame configuration and the particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) technique. Laminar flame speeds are derived by extrapolating the reference flame speed back to zero strain rate. Experimental results are compared to numerically calculated values using a base methane chemical kinetic mechanism (GRI-Mech 3.0) extended with acetone oxidation and pyrolysis reactions from the literature. The experimental results show that acetone addition does not affect the laminar flame speed of methane significantly within the range of concentrations considered, with a stronger effect on the rich range than under fuel-lean conditions, and that the peak laminar flame speed of acetone in air is ~42.5 cm/s at ϕ = 1.2. Simulation results reveal that the most important reactions determining acetone laminar flame speeds are H + O2 → O + OH, OH + CO → H + CO2, HO2 + CH3 → OH + CH3O and H + O2 + H2O → HO2 + H2O. Comparison of the expected disappearance of acetone relative to methane shows that the former is a good fluorescent marker for the latter


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    Penyebaran agama Islam di Nusantara terjadi karena efek samping dari perdagangan, lembaga pendidikan, dan perkawinan yang dilakukan para pendatang dari Arab, Gujarat, dan Cina. Kedatangan Laksamana Cheng Hoo beserta armada kapalnya dari Cina yang singgah di Indonesia memberikan pengaruh penyebaran agama Islam dan budaya Tiongkok. Masyarakat Indonesia kini mayoritas memeluk dan mempelajari agama Islam, dan membangun masjid sebagai tempat beribadah dan lembaga peradaban dan budaya masyarakat Islam, di masjid umat muslim beribadah bersama, akan tetapi pada Al Quran dan Assunah tidak terdapat aturan-aturan yang mengungkapkan secara detail dan jelas bentuk bangunan. PITI (Pembina Iman Tauhid Islam) di Surabaya membangun Masjid Cheng Hoo untuk mengenang Laksamana Cheng Hoo yang membawa pengaruh Islam dan budaya Tiongkok. Karena latar belakang tersebut, masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian. (1) bagaimana seni bangunan dari Masjid Cheng Hoo Surabaya, (2) bagaimana ornamen Masjid Cheng Hoo Surabaya, (3)bagaimana kaligrafi Masjid Cheng Hoo Surabaya. Metode kualitatif digunakan sebagai dasar penelitian dengan rancangan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan seni bangunan, ornamen, dan kaligrafi yang terdapat pada Masjid Cheng Hoo Surabaya, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian mengetahui bahwa masjid yang menyerupai tempat ibadah Tri Dharma dibangun untuk mengenang Laksamana Cheng Hoo. Kombinasi kehadiran budaya Cina dan elemen Islam dalam seni bangunan, ornamen masjid dalam bentuk lukisan dan ukiran atau cetakan di lantai, pintu, jendela, dinding, kuda-kuda, dan langit-langit. Gaya kaligrafi Islam di Masjid Cheng Hoo seperti gaya kaligrafi Raihani masjid pada umumnya. Terdapat keunikan pada dinding yang ditimbulkan oleh gaya kaligrafi Raihani dikombinasikan dengan jendela melingkar seperti bangunan Cina dan terbuat dari besi. Pada papan masjid terdapat gaya kaligrafi Cina: Cursive Script (xingshu).Kata Kunci: Masjid Cheng Hoo, ornamen, kaligrafi, dan seni bangunan.The spread of Islam in the archipelago occur due to the side effects of commerce, educational institutions, and marriages were performed migrants from Arab, Gujarat, and China. The arrival of Admiral Cheng Hoo along with a fleet of ships from China were stopped in Indonesia gives influence the spread of Islam and the culture of China. Indonesia is now the majority society and learn to embrace Islam, and to build a mosque as a place of worship and institutions of civilization and culture of Islamic societies, in the mosque Muslims worship together. But the Quran and Assunah there are no rules in detail and clearly reveal the shape of the building. PITI (Trustees of Tawheed Islamic Faith) in Surabaya build Cheng Hoo Mosque to commemorate Admiral Cheng Hoo who brought Islam and the influence of Chinese culture. Because of this background, issues examined in the study. (1) How is the art of building Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya. (2) How is the ornaments Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya. (3) How is the calligraphy Cheng Hoo Mosque Surabaya. Qualitative methods are used as a basis to draft a descriptive study to describe the art of building, ornament, and calligraphy found in Cheng Hoo Mosque, with data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Results of this study, researchers knew that mosque resembles Tri Dharma place of worship was built in memory of Admiral Cheng Hoo. The presence combination of Chinese culture and Islamic elements in the art of building, mosque’s ornament in the form of paintings and carvings or mold on the floors, doors, windows, walls, easels, and ceiling. Islamic calligraphy style at Cheng Hoo Mosque like the style of calligraphy Raihani most mosques in general. On the wall there is a uniqueness posed by Rihani calligraphic style combined with a circular window looks like the Chinese buildings and made of iron. On board mosque there is also Chinese calligraphy-style: Cursive Script (xingshu).Keywords: Cheng Hoo Mosque, ornament, calligraphy, and architectur


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    Examining Relationships Between Prices and Consumption For Selected Meat Cuts and Convenience Items Using Electronic Scanner Data, by Michael A. Hudson; Economic Impacts of Price Volatility in the Egg Industry, by Henry Kinnucan; Present and Potential Uses of Scanner-Derived Information For Managerial Decision-Making in Food Retailing, by Oral Capps Jr.; Consumer Preference for Locally Produced Fruits and Vegetables, by David B. Eastwood, Robert H. Orr, John R. Brooker; The Effectiveness of Promotional Programs for Florida Tomatoes, by Robert L. Degner; Strategic Planning by Mid-Atlantic Food Distributors, by H. Reed Muller, Ulrich C. Toensmeyer, Jarvis L. Cain; Impacts of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors on Household Expenditure for Disaggregate Fish and Shellfish in the United States, by Hsiang-Tai Cheng, Oral Capps Jr.; An Assessment of Delaware Consumers' Perception of Retail Package Sizes for Meat, Poultry and Bulk Purchases, by R. Dean Shippy, Ulrich C. Toensmeyer; Using Micro Computers to Facilitate the Management of Independant Supermarkets, by Angelo E. Di Antonio, Ulrich C. Toensmeyer; Comparison of Food Stamp Program Participation and Nonparticipation By Elderly Households: An Exploratory Study, by Glen H. Mitchell, Renny J. Myers; Opportunities for Order and Delivery Consolidation, by Harry F. Krueckeberg; Factors Affecting Adoption of the Uniform Communication Standard In Major Wholesale Grocery Markets, by Walter B. EppsResearch and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Using genetic evolutionary software application testing to verify a DSP SoC

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    Copyright © 2008 IEEEA digital signal processor (DSP) system-on-chip (SoC) can be designed using a variety of architectures and techniques. This often presents different verification challenges compared to conventional SoC or processor designs. Verification of such designs should take into account the goals and applications of the DSP, and how they are eventually used. This paper proposes an application based verification methodology and demonstrates this technique on a real-life DSP SoC design. Our technique employs a library of specially devised application functions as test building blocks, followed by a genetic evolutionary test generator to compose these application functions into effective test programs.Adriel Cheng, Cheng-Chew Lim, Yihe Sun, Hu He, Zhixiong Zhou, Ting Le

    Preface Modeling soil system: Complexity under your feet

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    none4openDe Bartolo S.; Otten W.; Cheng Q.; Tarquis A.M.De Bartolo, S.; Otten, W.; Cheng, Q.; Tarquis, A. M

    Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the central domain of Drosophila Dribble, a protein that is essential for ribosome biogenesis. Addendum

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    An addition to the paper by Cheng et al. [(2010), Acta Cryst. F66, 546–548]
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