33,938 research outputs found

    Relative Entropy: Free Energy Associated with Equilibrium Fluctuations and Nonequilibrium Deviations

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    Using a one-dimensional macromolecule in aqueous solution as an illustration, we demonstrate that the relative entropy from information theory, kpkln(pk/pk)\sum_k p_k\ln(p_k/p_k^*), has a natural role in the energetics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium conformational fluctuations of the single molecule. It is identified as the free energy difference associated with a fluctuating density in equilibrium, and is associated with the distribution deviate from the equilibrium in nonequilibrium relaxation. This result can be generalized to any other isothermal macromolecular systems using the mathematical theories of large deviations and Markov processes, and at the same time provides the well-known mathematical results with an interesting physical interpretations.Comment: 5 page

    Liquid-gas Phase Transition in Strange Hadronic Matter with Weak Y-Y Interaction

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    The liquid-gas phase transition in strange hadronic matter is reexamined by using the new parameters about the ΛΛ\Lambda - \Lambda interaction deduced from recent observation of ΛΛ6He^{6}_{\Lambda\Lambda}He double hypernucleus. The extended Furnstahl-Serot-Tang model with nucleons and hyperons is utilized. The binodal surface, the limit pressure, the entropy, the specific heat capacity and the Caloric curves are addressed. We find that the liquid-gas phase transition can occur more easily in strange hadronic matter with weak Y-Y interaction than that of the strong Y-Y interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Generalized Haldane Equation and Fluctuation Theorem in the Steady State Cycle Kinetics of Single Enzymes

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    Enyzme kinetics are cyclic. We study a Markov renewal process model of single-enzyme turnover in nonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) with sustained concentrations for substrates and products. We show that the forward and backward cycle times have idential non-exponential distributions: \QQ_+(t)=\QQ_-(t). This equation generalizes the Haldane relation in reversible enzyme kinetics. In terms of the probabilities for the forward (p+p_+) and backward (pp_-) cycles, kBTln(p+/p)k_BT\ln(p_+/p_-) is shown to be the chemical driving force of the NESS, Δμ\Delta\mu. More interestingly, the moment generating function of the stochastic number of substrate cycle ν(t)\nu(t), follows the fluctuation theorem in the form of Kurchan-Lebowitz-Spohn-type symmetry. When $\lambda$ = $\Delta\mu/k_BT$, we obtain the Jarzynski-Hatano-Sasa-type equality: \equiv 1 for all tt, where νΔμ\nu\Delta\mu is the fluctuating chemical work done for sustaining the NESS. This theory suggests possible methods to experimentally determine the nonequilibrium driving force {\it in situ} from turnover data via single-molecule enzymology.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The Dynamics of Zeroth-Order Ultrasensitivity: A Critical Phenomenon in Cell Biology

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    It is well known since the pioneering work of Goldbeter and Koshland [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 78, pp. 6840-6844 (1981)] that cellular phosphorylation- dephosphorylation cycle (PdPC), catalyzed by kinase and phosphatase under saturated condition with zeroth order enzyme kinetics, exhibits ultrasensitivity, sharp transition. We analyse the dynamics aspects of the zeroth order PdPC kinetics and show a critical slowdown akin to the phase transition in condensed matter physics. We demonstrate that an extremely simple, though somewhat mathematically "singular" model is a faithful representation of the ultrasentivity phenomenon. The simplified mathematical model will be valuable, as a component, in developing complex cellular signaling network theory as well as having a pedagogic value.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Stochastic Physics, Complex Systems and Biology

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    In complex systems, the interplay between nonlinear and stochastic dynamics, e.g., J. Monod's necessity and chance, gives rise to an evolutionary process in Darwinian sense, in terms of discrete jumps among attractors, with punctuated equilibrium, spontaneous random "mutations" and "adaptations". On an evlutionary time scale it produces sustainable diversity among individuals in a homogeneous population rather than convergence as usually predicted by a deterministic dynamics. The emergent discrete states in such a system, i.e., attractors, have natural robustness against both internal and external perturbations. Phenotypic states of a biological cell, a mesoscopic nonlinear stochastic open biochemical system, could be understood through such a perspective.Comment: 10 page

    Human African trypanosomiasis : the current situation in endemic regions and the risks for non-endemic regions from imported cases

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense and caused devastating epidemics during the 20th century. Due to effective control programs implemented in the last two decades, the number of reported cases has fallen to a historically low level. Although fewer than 977 cases were reported in 2018 in endemic countries, HAT is still a public health problem in endemic regions until it is completely eliminated. In addition, almost 150 confirmed HAT cases were reported in non-endemic countries in the last three decades. The majority of non-endemic HAT cases were reported in Europe, United States and South Africa, due to historical alliances, economic links or geographic proximity to disease endemic countries. Furthermore, with the implementation of the “Belt and Road” project, sporadic imported HAT cases have been reported in China as a warning sign of tropical diseases prevention. In this paper, we explore and interpret the data on HAT incidence and find no positive correlation between the number of HAT cases from endemic and non-endemic countries.This data will provide useful information for better understanding the imported cases of HAT globally in the post-elimination phase

    Exchange and correlation near the nucleus in density functional theory

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    The near nucleus behavior of the exchange-correlation potential vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) in Hohenberg-Kohn-Sham density functional theory is investigated. It is shown that near the nucleus the linear term of O(r)O(r) of the spherically averaged exchange-correlation potential vˉxc(r){\bar v}_{xc}(r) is nonzero, and that it arises purely from the difference between the kinetic energy density at the nucleus of the interacting system and the noninteracting Kohn-Sham system. An analytical expression for the linear term is derived. Similar results for the exchange vx(r)v_{x}({\bf r}) and correlation vc(r)v_{c}({\bf r}) potentials are also obtained separately. It is further pointed out that the linear term in vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) arising mainly from vc(r)v_{c}({\bf r}) is rather small, and vxc(r)v_{xc}({\bf r}) therefore has a nearly quadratic structure near the nucleus. Implications of the results for the construction of the Kohn-Sham system are discussed with examples.Comment: 10 page

    Formation of helical states in wormlike polymer chains

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    We propose a potential for wormlike polymer chains which can be used to model the low-temperature conformational structures. We successfully reproduced helix ground states up to 6.5 helical loops, using the multicanonical Monte Carlo simulation method. We demonstrate that the coil-helix transition involves four distinct phases: coil(gaslike), collapsed globular(liquidlike), and two helical phases I and II (both solidlike). The helix I phase is characterized by a helical structure with dangling loose ends, and the helix II phase corresponds to a near perfect helix ordering in the entire crystallized chain.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Submitted to PR

    Toolbox for analyzing finite two-state trajectories

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    In many experiments, the aim is to deduce an underlying multi-substate on-off kinetic scheme (KS) from the statistical properties of a two-state trajectory. However, the mapping of a KS into a two-state trajectory leads to the loss of information about the KS, and so, in many cases, more than one KS can be associated with the data. We recently showed that the optimal way to solve this problem is to use canonical forms of reduced dimensions (RD). RD forms are on-off networks with connections only between substates of different states, where the connections can have non-exponential waiting time probability density functions (WT-PDFs). In theory, only a single RD form can be associated with the data. To utilize RD forms in the analysis of the data, a RD form should be associated with the data. Here, we give a toolbox for building a RD form from a finite two-state trajectory. The methods in the toolbox are based on known statistical methods in data analysis, combined with statistical methods and numerical algorithms designed specifically for the current problem. Our toolbox is self-contained - it builds a mechanism based only on the information it extracts from the data, and its implementation on the data is fast (analyzing a 10^6 cycle trajectory from a thirty-parameter mechanism takes a couple of hours on a PC with a 2.66 GHz processor). The toolbox is automated and is freely available for academic research upon electronic request