19,338 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties of Interacting Bose Gases in Quasi-2D Harmonic Traps

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    The analytical probability distribution of the quasi-2D (and purely 2D) ideal and interacting Bose gas are investigated by using a canonical ensemble approach. Using the analytical probability distribution of the condensate, the statistical properties such as the mean occupation number and particle number fluctuations of the condensate are calculated. Researches show that there is a continuous crossover of the statistical properties from a quasi-2D to a purely 2D ideal or interacting gases. Different from the case of a 3D Bose gas, the interaction between atoms changes in a deep way the nature of the particle number fluctuations.Comment: RevTex, 10pages, 4 figures, E-mail: [email protected]

    A Tri-band-notched UWB Antenna with Low Mutual Coupling between the Band-notched Structures

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    A compact printed U-shape ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna with triple band-notched characteristics is presented. The proposed antenna, with compact size of 24×33 mm2, yields an impedance bandwidth of 2.8-12GHz for VSWR<2, except the notched bands. The notched bands are realized by introducing two different types of slots. Two C-shape half-wavelength slots are etched on the radiating patch to obtain two notched bands in 3.3-3.7GHz for WiMAX and 7.25-7.75GHz for downlink of X-band satellite communication systems. In order to minimize the mutual coupling between the band-notched structures, the middle notched band in 5-6GHz for WLAN is achieved by using a U-slot defected ground structure. The parametric study is carried out to understand the mutual coupling. Surface current distributions and equivalent circuit are used to illustrate the notched mechanism. The performance of this antenna both by simulation and by experiment indicates that the proposed antenna is suitable and a good candidate for UWB applications

    Anomaly Inflow and Membrane Dynamics in the QCD Vacuum

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    Large NcN_c and holographic arguments, as well as Monte Carlo results, suggest that the topological structure of the QCD vacuum is dominated by codimension-one membranes which appear as thin dipole layers of topological charge. Such membranes arise naturally as D6D6 branes in the holographic formulation of QCD based on IIA string theory. The polarizability of these membranes leads to a vacuum energy θ2\propto \theta^2, providing the origin of nonzero topological susceptibility. Here we show that the axial U(1) anomaly can be formulated as anomaly inflow on the brane surfaces. A 4D gauge transformation at the brane surface separates into a 3D gauge transformation of components within the brane and the transformation of the transverse component. The in-brane gauge transformation induces currents of an effective Chern-Simons theory on the brane surface, while the transformation of the transverse component describes the transverse motion of the brane and is related to the Ramond-Ramond closed string field in the holographic formulation of QCD. The relation between the surface currents and the transverse motion of the brane is dictated by the descent equations of Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Non-linear amplification of small spin precession using long range dipolar interactions

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    In measurements of small signals using spin precession the precession angle usually grows linearly in time. We show that non-linear interactions between particles can lead to an exponentially growing spin precession angle, resulting in an amplification of small signals and raising them above the noise level of a detection system. We demonstrate amplification by a factor of greater than 8 of a spin precession signal due to a small magnetic field gradient in a spherical cell filled with hyperpolarized liquid 129^{129}Xe. This technique can improve the sensitivity in many measurements that are limited by the noise of the detection system, rather then the fundamental spin-projection noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single-atom as a macroscopic entanglement source

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    We discuss the generation of a macroscopic entangled state in a single atom cavity-QED system. The three-level atom in a cascade configuration interacts dispersively with two classical coherent fields inside a doubly resonant cavity. We show that a macroscopic entangled state between these two cavity modes can be generated under large detuning conditions. The entanglement persists even under the presence of cavity losses

    Inverse Magnetoresistance of Molecular Junctions

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    We present calculations of spin-dependent electron transport through single organic molecules bridging pairs of iron nanocontacts. We predict the magnetoresistance of these systems to switch from positive to negative with increasing applied bias for both conducting and insulating molecules. This novel inverse magnetoresistance phenomenon is robust, does not depend on the presence of impurities, and is unique to molecular and atomic nanoscale magnetic junctions. Its physical origin is identified and its relevance to experiment and to potential technological applications is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published version Phys. Rev.

    Dynamic surface scaling behavior of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets

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    The effects of free surfaces on the dynamic critical behavior of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets are studied via phenomenological scaling theory, field-theoretic renormalization group tools, and high-precision computer simulations. An appropriate semi-infinite extension of the stochastic model J is constructed, the boundary terms of the associated dynamic field theory are identified, its renormalization in d <= 6 dimensions is clarified, and the boundary conditions it satisfies are given. Scaling laws are derived which relate the critical indices of the dynamic and static infrared singularities of surface quantities to familiar static bulk and surface exponents. Accurate computer-simulation data are presented for the dynamic surface structure factor; these are in conformity with the predicted scaling behavior and could be checked by appropriate scattering experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure