4,441 research outputs found

    Conformal field theory correlations in the Abelian sandpile mode

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    We calculate all multipoint correlation functions of all local bond modifications in the two-dimensional Abelian sandpile model, both at the critical point, and in the model with dissipation. The set of local bond modifications includes, as the most physically interesting case, all weakly allowed cluster variables. The correlation functions show that all local bond modifications have scaling dimension two, and can be written as linear combinations of operators in the central charge -2 logarithmic conformal field theory, in agreement with a form conjectured earlier by Mahieu and Ruelle in Phys. Rev. E 64, 066130 (2001). We find closed form expressions for the coefficients of the operators, and describe methods that allow their rapid calculation. We determine the fields associated with adding or removing bonds, both in the bulk, and along open and closed boundaries; some bond defects have scaling dimension two, while others have scaling dimension four. We also determine the corrections to bulk probabilities for local bond modifications near open and closed boundaries.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; referee comments incorporated; Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Breakdown of self-organized criticality

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    We introduce two sandpile models which show the same behavior of real sandpiles, that is, an almost self-organized critical behavior for small systems and the dominance of large avalanches as the system size increases. The systems become fully self-organized critical, with the critical exponents of the Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld model, as the system parameters are changed, showing that these systems can make a bridge between the well known theoretical and numerical results and what is observed in real experiments. We find that a simple mechanism determines the boundary where self-organized can or cannot exist, which is the presence of local chaos.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Noncommutative Vortex Solitons

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    We consider the noncommutative Abelian-Higgs theory and investigate general static vortex configurations including recently found exact multi-vortex solutions. In particular, we prove that the self-dual BPS solutions cease to exist once the noncommutativity scale exceeds a critical value. We then study the fluctuation spectra about the static configuration and show that the exact non BPS solutions are unstable below the critical value. We have identified the tachyonic degrees as well as massless moduli degrees. We then discuss the physical meaning of the moduli degrees and construct exact time-dependent vortex configurations where each vortex moves independently. We finally give the moduli description of the vortices and show that the matrix nature of moduli coordinates naturally emerges.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, a comment on the soliton size is adde

    Spatial-temporal correlations in the process to self-organized criticality

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    A new type of spatial-temporal correlation in the process approaching to the self-organized criticality is investigated for the two simple models for biological evolution. The change behaviors of the position with minimum barrier are shown to be quantitatively different in the two models. Different results of the correlation are given for the two models. We argue that the correlation can be used, together with the power-law distributions, as criteria for self-organized criticality.Comment: 3 pages in RevTeX, 3 eps figure

    Layer Features of the Lattice Gas Model for Self-Organized Criticality

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    A layer-by-layer description of the asymmetric lattice gas model for 1/f-noise suggested by Jensen [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 3103 (1990)] is presented. The power spectra of the lattice layers in the direction perpendicular to the particle flux is studied in order to understand how the white noise at the input boundary evolves, on the average, into 1/f-noise for the system. The effects of high boundary drive and uniform driving force on the power spectrum of the total number of diffusing particles are considered. In the case of nearest-neighbor particle interactions, high statistics simulation results show that the power spectra of single lattice layers are characterized by different βx\beta_x exponents such that βx1.9\beta_x \to 1.9 as one approaches the outer boundary.Comment: LaTeX, figures upon reques

    d_c=4 is the upper critical dimension for the Bak-Sneppen model

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    Numerical results are presented indicating d_c=4 as the upper critical dimension for the Bak-Sneppen evolution model. This finding agrees with previous theoretical arguments, but contradicts a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 5746-5749 (1998)] that placed d_c as high as d=8. In particular, we find that avalanches are compact for all dimensions d<=4, and are fractal for d>4. Under those conditions, scaling arguments predict a d_c=4, where hyperscaling relations hold for d<=4. Other properties of avalanches, studied for 1<=d<=6, corroborate this result. To this end, an improved numerical algorithm is presented that is based on the equivalent branching process.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex4, as to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., related papers available at http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~sboettc

    Scale Dependent Dimension of Luminous Matter in the Universe

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    We present a geometrical model of the distribution of luminous matter in the universe, derived from a very simple reaction-diffusion model of turbulent phenomena. The apparent dimension of luminous matter, D(l)D(l), depends linearly on the logarithm of the scale ll under which the universe is viewed: D(l)3log(l/l0)/log(ξ/l0)D(l) \sim 3\log(l/l_0)/\log(\xi/l_0), where ξ\xi is a correlation length. Comparison with data from the SARS red-shift catalogue, and the LEDA database provides a good fit with a correlation length ξ300\xi \sim 300 Mpc. The geometrical interpretation is clear: At small distances, the universe is zero-dimensional and point-like. At distances of the order of 1 Mpc the dimension is unity, indicating a filamentary, string-like structure; when viewed at larger scales it gradually becomes 2-dimensional wall-like, and finally, at and beyond the correlation length, it becomes uniform.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Exact equqations and scaling relations for f-avalanche in the Bak-Sneppen evolution model

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    Infinite hierarchy of exact equations are derived for the newly-observed f-avalanche in the Bak-Sneppen evolution model. By solving the first order exact equation, we found that the critical exponent which governs the divergence of the average avalanche size, is exactly 1 (for all dimensions), confirmed by the simulations. Solution of the gap equation yields another universal exponent, denoting the the relaxation to the attractor, is exactly 1. We also establish some scaling relations among the critical exponents of the new avalanche.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Self-Organized Criticality model for Brain Plasticity

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    Networks of living neurons exhibit an avalanche mode of activity, experimentally found in organotypic cultures. Here we present a model based on self-organized criticality and taking into account brain plasticity, which is able to reproduce the spectrum of electroencephalograms (EEG). The model consists in an electrical network with threshold firing and activity-dependent synapse strenghts. The system exhibits an avalanche activity power law distributed. The analysis of the power spectra of the electrical signal reproduces very robustly the power law behaviour with the exponent 0.8, experimentally measured in EEG spectra. The same value of the exponent is found on small-world lattices and for leaky neurons, indicating that universality holds for a wide class of brain models.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure