23 research outputs found

    Planning of Banana Plant Development Based on the Land Conservation Aspect in Jenawi District

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    Banana is one type of fruits that is very potential to grow to support food security because it contains source of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Jenawi District has a dry land area that is potential for the development of banana plants. The purpose of this research was to plan the development of banana plants in accordance with the land conservation aspect against the threat of the erosion. The research was conducted by making land unit map, field survey, analysis of soil sample in the laboratory, and data analysis of erosion hazard level. Land unit mapping was made by overlay method so there were 12 units of land with the same land conditions. Field survey and sample analysis at the observation point was conducted to obtain the parameters: slope gradient, depth of solum, surface unity, slope length, bulk density, soil texture, soil c-organic, and soil permeability. The analysis of land conservation aspects for banana plants was determined from the level of erosion hazard with the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method. The results showed that the threat of moderate to severe erosion hazard for banana crops was overcome by the efforts of land conservation techniques using a good construction bench terrace. The threat of erosion hazard after land conservation directives is very low to low. The amount of the erosion prediction for banana plant planning in garden is 35.80 t/ha/yr (unit B unit), land use of dry fields is 29.82 t/ha/yr (land unit I), 31.54 t/ha/yr (land unit K), and 13.72 t/ha/yr (unit land L)

    Kajian Klasifikasi Bahaya Erosi dengan Sistem Informasi Geografi di Daerah Hulu Waduk Sempor, Gombong

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    Title : The Study of Erosion Hazard Clasification by Geographic Information System in Sempor Reservoir Upstream Area, Gombong. Sempor reservoir, about 5 km north side of Gombong – Kebumen Regency, has decreased of water reservoir volume about 45% in 2002. The aim of this research has established erosion hazard classification in Sempor reservoir upstream area. This research was done on April until October 2007. The method used explorative descriptive that was began with interpretation of Landsat 7 ETM+ image satellite and continue with field survey. The erosion prediction calculating used Universal Soil Loss Erosion Equation (USLE) based on land unit. The result shows that erosion hazard level has dominated by very heavy level with 2,413.84 ha (55.70%). The erosion hazard index has been dominated by very high class (2,129.45 ha or 49.14%). The factor that caused high erosion is slope, especially on land whose very heavy Erosion Hazard Level and high until very high Erosion hazard index. This research give 8 recommendations about soil conservation technical based on soil deep, erosion prediction amount and erosion hazard level

    Kajian Imbangan Dosis (Chromolaena Odorata) Dan Urea Ternadap N Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi Sawah

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    Studi Kualitas Air dan Sumbangan Hara dari Irigasi Siderejo-Jawa Tengah pada Budidaya Padi Sawah

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    Pengeloloan Kesuburan pada Tanah yang Dipersawahkan dengan Sistem Pertanian Organik

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    Inventarisasi dan Klasifikasi Bahaya Erosi dengan Sistem Informasi Geografi di Daerah Hulu Waduk Sempor – Gombong

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    Title : Inventorying and Erosion Hazard Clasification by Geographic Information System in Sempor- Gombong Reservoir Upstream Area. Sempor reservoir is located about 5 km northside of Gombong – Kebumen Regency, has decreased of water reservoir volume about 45% in 2002. The aim of this research has established erosion hazard classification in Sempor reservoir upstream area. This research conducted on April until October 2007. The method used explorative descriptive that was began with interpretating of Landsat 7 ETM+ image satellite and continue with field survey. The erosion prediction calculating used Universal Soil Loss Erosion Equation (USLE) based on land unit.The result shows erosion hazard level has dominated by very heavy level with 2,413.84 ha (55.70 %). The erosion hazard index has been dominated by very high class (2,129.45 ha or 49.14 %). High erosion is caused slope factor, especially on land whose very heavy Erosion Hazard Level and high until very high Erosion hazard index. This research give 8 recommendations about soil conservation technical based on soil deep, erosion prediction amount and erosion hazard level

    Dampak Air Limbah Industri Josroyo, Karanganyar terhadap Kadar Tembaga dalam Air dan Permukaan Tanah Saluran Air Pungkuk

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    The Effect of Industry Waste in Josroyo, Karanganyar to Copper (Cu) Concentration in Water and Top Soil of Pungkuk Ditch. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of industry waste water distance in Jaten – Karanganyar on Cu concentration in the water and soils at Pungkuk Waterworks, also to know Cu concentration on that waterworks. The kind of this research was explorative research. The independent variable was treatment of take some water and soils sample at 0 km, 0.5 km and 1 km distance from pollutant source at Pungkuk Waterworks and control. The result showed that distance where farther can because concentration Cu concentration change in the soils were heightening but can because Cu concentration change was descending. The heightening of Cu concentration change in the soils was effect of Cu acumulation in the soils. The descending of Cu in the water because precipitation of water Cu and. The value of water pH was influenced by water EMC value. From sample analysis result showed that there was not dirtied of heavy metal especially Cu (between 0.094 – 0.122 ppm)

    Isolasi Mikroba Asli Tanah Andisol Dieng dan Kajian Potensinya sebagai Inokulan Pupuk Hayati Pelarut Fosfat

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    Title : Isolation of Indigenous Phosphate Solubilizing Microbia from Andisols Dieng and Its Potency as Inoculum of Phosphate Solubilizing Biofertilizer. Phosphor (P) is an essential macro nutrient that occur frequently in low availability for plant. This research aimed to find indigenous phosphate solubilizing microbia from Andisols Dieng as biofertilizer inoculum. It was conducted in UNS Soil Biology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, UNS. The research was begun with an exploratory research to obtain P solubilizer isolates (PSB). Research continued by two experiment, set by a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors: kind of isolate from Andisols Dieng and incubation time. The first experiment was conducted in temporary period in the pikovskaya liquid medium. The second experiment was conducted in vermicompost its carrier. Each treatment combination was repeated 3 times. As much as 106cell or spore was inoculated per gram of medium or vermicompost. Dissolved P , biomass or cell density, and pH at 0,1, 3 and 6 days after incubation for the pikovskaya liquid medium and at 0, 2, 4 weeks for vermicompost. The results showed that there were 4 isolates potential to be inoculums of P solubilizer biofertilizer, they were are isolates of bacteria (P1), Aspergillusniger, Fusarium sp, and Aspergillus tamarii. Aspergillus Niger is the most potential inoculums as it highest viability and dissolving phosphate both in liquid media (2.83me/l), and vermicompost (36.78% )

    Pengaruh Pupuk Alami Bermikroba (Bio-Natural Fertilizer) terhadap Serapan Fosfor dan Pertumbuhan Kacang Tanah pada Tanah Alfisol, Entisol, dan Vertisol

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    Title : Effect of Bio-Natural Fertilizer on Phosphorus Uptake and Growth of Peanut in Alfisols, Entisols, and Vertisols. Development of bio-natural fertilizer was needed to overcome the scarcity of fertilizer in Indonesia, the deficiency of soil nutrient, and low efficiency of fertilizer use. The research purposed to study the effect of bio-natural fertilizer formula and find out of best formula on P uptake and growth of peanuts in various soils ordo. The experiment used a completely randomized design with three factors. The first factor was bio-natural fertilizer P1 (vermicompost 100% without enrichment material, without microbial inoculums), P2 (vermicompost 66,67%, enrichment material 33,33% and microbial inoculum of NPKS with proportion of 2:2:1:1), and P3 (vermicompost 33,33%, enrichment material 66,67% and microbial inoculum of NPKS with proportion of 2:2:1:1). The second factor was peanut varieties, Elephant and Rabbit varieties. The third factor was soil ordo, Alfisols, Entisols, and Vertisols. The variables observed were av-P, P uptake, shoot dry weight, soil pH, population of P-solubilizing fungi, plant height, and shoot fresh weight. Data was analyzed by F test at 95% level confidence. The results showed that formula of bio-natural fertilizer influence significantly on P uptake and growth of peanuts in various soils. The formula of bio-natural fertilizer P2 is the best formula to increased P uptake of peanut on Alfisols, Entisol, and Vertisol, as well as for highest peanut growth on Alfisols

    Kajian Macam Pupuk Organik Dan Dosis Pupuk P Terhadap Hasil Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Dl Tanah Entisol

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    The aim of the study was to know the affect of organic fertilizer kind and dosage of P fertilizer to yield of peanut(Arachis hypogxa L) on entisol. The research was carried out at Colomadu, Karanganyar from September 1999 to January 2000. The field research design was factorial arranged in Completely Randomized Block Design, consist of two factors : organic Fertilizer and Dosage ofP fertiilizer. The first factor was kind of organic fertilizer: bokhasi (O1), animal manure (O,) and fine compost (O3). The second factor was dosage of P fertilizer consist of four doses: without P fertilizer (P0), 50 kg SP-36 /ha (P1), 100 kg SP-36 /ha (P2) and 150 kg SP-36 /ha (P3). The study indicated that the kind of organic fertilizer non significant to soil pH, available Pemegang, height of plant, total of fill pod, total of empty pod, weight of fresh pod of plant and weight of 100 seeds and significant to fresh weight of plant, weight of fresh pod of plot, weight of dry pods of plot and weight of seed of plant. Bokhasi indicated better affect than animal manure and fine compost. P fertilizer incraesed weight fresh pod of plot and weight of dry of plot