807 research outputs found

    The Order Bacillales Hosts Functional Homologs of the Worrisome cfr Antibiotic Resistance Gene

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    The cfr gene encodes the Cfr methyltransferase that methylates a single adenine in the peptidyl transferase region of bacterial ribosomes. The methylation provides resistance to several classes of antibiotics that include drugs of clinical and veterinary importance. This paper describes a first step toward elucidating natural residences of the worrisome cfr gene and functionally similar genes. Three cfr-like genes from the order Bacillales were identified from BLAST searches and cloned into plasmids under the control of an inducible promoter. Expression of the genes was induced in Escherichia coli, and MICs for selected antibiotics indicate that the cfr-like genes confer resistance to PhLOPSa (phenicol, lincosamide, oxazolidinone, pleuromutilin, and streptogramin A) antibiotics in the same way as the cfr gene. In addition, modification at A2503 on 23S rRNA was confirmed by primer extension. Finally, expression of the Cfr-like proteins was verified by SDS gel electrophoresis of whole-cell extracts. The work shows that cfr-like genes exist in the environment and that Bacillales are natural residences of cfr-like genes

    Easily denaturing nucleic acids derived from intercalating nucleic acids: thermal stability studies, dual duplex invasion and inhibition of transcription start

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    The bulged insertions of (R)-1-O-(pyren-1-ylmethyl)glycerol (monomer P) in two complementary 8mer DNA strands (intercalating nucleic acids) opposite to each other resulted in the formation of an easily denaturing duplex, which had lower thermal stability (21.0°C) than the wild-type double-stranded DNA (dsDNA, 26.0°C), but both modified oligodeoxynucleotides had increased binding affinity toward complementary single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) (41.5 and 39.0°C). Zipping of pyrene moieties in an easily denaturing duplex gave formation of a strong excimer band at 480 nm upon excitation at 343 nm in the steady-state fluorescence spectra. The excimer band disappeared upon addition of a similar short dsDNA, but remained when adding a 128mer dsDNA containing the same sequence. When P was inserted into 2′-OMe-RNA strands, the duplex with zipping P was found to be more stable (42.0°C) than duplexes with the complementary ssDNAs (31.5 and 19.5°C). The excimer band observed in the ds2′-OMe-RNA with zipping P had marginal changes upon addition of both 8 and 128mer dsDNA. Synthesized oligonucleotides were tested in a transcriptional inhibition assay for targeting of the open complex formed by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase with the lac UV-5 promoter using the above mentioned 128mer dsDNA. Inhibition of transcription was observed for 8mer DNAs possessing pyrene intercalators and designed to target both template and non-template DNA strands within the open complex. The observed inhibition was partly a result of unspecific binding of the modified DNAs to the RNA polymerase. Furthermore, the addition of 8mer DNA with three bulged insertions of P designed to be complementary to the template strand at the +36 to +43 position downstream of the transcription start resulted in a specific halt of transcription producing a truncated RNA transcript. This is to our knowledge the first report of an RNA elongation stop mediated by a small DNA sequence possessing intercalators. The insertions of P opposite to each other in ds2′-OMe-RNA showed inhibition efficiency of 96% compared with 25% for unmodified ds2′-OMe-RNA

    Locked nucleoside analogues expand the potential of DNAzymes to cleave structured RNA targets

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    BACKGROUND: DNAzymes cleave at predetermined sequences within RNA. A prerequisite for cleavage is that the DNAzyme can gain access to its target, and thus the DNAzyme must be capable of unfolding higher-order structures that are present in the RNA substrate. However, in many cases the RNA target sequence is hidden in a region that is too tightly structured to be accessed under physiological conditions by DNAzymes. RESULTS: We investigated how incorporation of LNA (locked nucleic acid) monomers into DNAzymes improves their ability to gain access and cleave at highly-structured RNA targets. The binding arms of DNAzymes were varied in length and were substituted with up to three LNA and α-L-LNA monomers (forming LNAzymes). For one DNAzyme, the overall cleavage reaction proceeded fifty times faster after incorporation of two α-L-LNA monomers per binding arm (k(obs )increased from 0.014 min(-1 )to 0.78 min(-1)). CONCLUSION: The data demonstrate how hydrolytic performance can be enhanced by design of LNAzymes, and indicate that there are optimal lengths for the binding arms and for the number of modified LNA monomers

    Sternal Abnormalities on Thoracic Radiographs of Dogs and Cats

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    Evaluation of the sternum is part of the routine examination of small animal thoracic radiographs. However, descriptions on frequency and type of abnormalities are lacking. This retrospective observational study aimed to describe abnormal radiographic findings of the sternum in a cross-section of client-owned dogs and cats undergoing thoracic radiography between 1 January 2019 and 1 January 2021 for reasons unrelated to diseases of the sternum. The study population consisted of 777 dogs (mean age, 7.3 ± 3.9 years) and 183 cats (mean age, 7.3 ± 5.1 years). Sternal abnormalities were observed in 189/777 (24%) dogs and 53/183 (29%) cats, mostly around the intersternebral cartilages, accounting for 32/80 (40%) dogs and 20/35 (57%) cats. This was followed by an abnormal number of sternal segments (8% dogs, range 3-9 sternebrae; 15% cats, range 7-9 sternebra). Pectus excavatum was observed in 6/777 (0.8%) dogs and 6/183 (3%) cats, and pectus carinatum in 18/777 (2%) dogs and 2/183 (1%) cats. Post-traumatic changes, such as subluxation, were observed in nine dogs (1.1%) and three cats (1.6%). Presumed prostatic carcinoma metastasis and malignant lymphoma were observed in two dogs (0.2%). Incidental radiographic sternal abnormalities are common in cats and dogs but mostly of unknown clinical relevance

    Probing the O-glycoproteome of gastric cancer cell lines for biomarker discovery

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    Circulating O-glycoproteins shed from cancer cells represent important serum biomarkers for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. We have recently shown that selective detection of cancer-associated aberrant glycoforms of circulating O-glycoprotein biomarkers can increase specificity of cancer biomarker assays. However, the current knowledge of secreted and circulating O-glycoproteins is limited. Here, we used the COSMC KO "Simple- Cell" (SC) strategy to characterize the O-glycoproteome of two gastric cancer SimpleCell lines (AGS, MKN45) as well as a gastric cell line (KATO III) which naturally expresses at least partially truncated O-glycans. Overall, we identified 499 O-glycoproteins and 1236 O-glycosites in gastric cancer SimpleCells, and a total 47 O-glycoproteins and 73 O-glycosites in the KATO III cell line. We next modified the glycoproteomic strategy to apply it to pools of sera from gastric cancer and healthy individuals to identify circulating O-glycoproteins with the STn glycoform. We identified 37 O-glycoproteins in the pool of cancer sera, and only nine of these were also found in sera from healthy individuals. Two identified candidate O-glycoprotein biomarkers (CD44 and GalNAc-T5) circulating with the STn glycoform were further validated as being expressed in gastric cancer tissue. A proximity ligation assay was used to show that CD44 was expressed with the STn glycoform in gastric cancer tissues. The study provides a discovery strategy for aberrantly glycosylated O-glycoproteins and a set of O-glycoprotein candidates with biomarker potential in gastric cancer.This work was supported by The Danish Research Councils, The Mizutani Foundation, The Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF107) and Fundacão para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and COMPETE (Programa Operacional Temático Factores de Competitividade, comparticipado pelo fundo comunitário europeu FEDER) in the framework of the projects: PTDC/BBB-EBI/0786/2012; EXPL/CTM-BIO/0762/2013. Grants were received from FCT (SFRH/BD/73717/2010 to DC), (SFRH/BPD/75871/2011 to AM), (SFRH/BPD/96510/2013 to CG) and (SFRH/BPD/66288/2009 to JAF). IPATIMUP is an Associate Laboratory of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and is partially supported by FCT

    Presumed residual thymic tissue is a common finding in thoracic computed tomography in adult dogs

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    Residual thymic tissue is a common incidental finding in thoracic CT of human adults. To determine whether presumed residual thymic tissue is also a common incidental finding in adult dogs, a two part-study was performed. The first part was a prospective, descriptive design where CT examination was performed in six canine cadavers within 24 h after death and presumed residual thymic tissue was examined pathologically. The second part of the study was a retrospective, analytical design where medical records of our institution were searched for thoracic CT scans of adult dogs performed in the year 2020. Age, sex, breed, presence of presumed thymic tissue, location, shape, attenuation, homogeneity, and width of the tissue were recorded and comparisons were performed using these data. In 4 of 6 of the prospective cases, thymic tissue was present on histology and in 2 of 6 dogs the presence of thymic tissue could not be confirmed. For the retrospective study, in 161/169 (95.3%) cases with presumed residual thymic tissue were detected. Shape and size were highly variable with either homogeneous (46.6%), heterogeneous (42.9%), or mixed (10.6%) attenuation. Dogs with presumed residual thymic tissue were significantly younger (median: 9.1 years; range: 1.2-14.3 vs. median: 10.5 years; range: 9.4-12.3) as were dogs with homogeneous attenuation of the tissue (median: 8.1 years; range: 1.2-14.3 vs. median: 9.5 years; range: 4.0-14.3). In conclusion, results indicated that presumed residual thymic tissue is a common CT finding in adult dogs and can be considered incidental
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