2 research outputs found
Intramuscular enzyme abnormalities of dystrophic chickens compared to those of dystrophic mice.
- Publication venue
- The Mouseion at the JAXlibrary
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
- Author
- A Frisch
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Goldstone
- A Gonzales-Noriega
- A Hasilik
- A Hershko
- AB Novikoff
- AH Erickson
- AJ Barrett
- AJ Barrett
- AL Goldberg
- AL Goldberg
- AL Kovács
- AL Kovács
- AL Kovács
- AN Neely
- B Grinde
- B Poole
- BMF Pearse
- BV Plapp
- C Duve de
- C Josepovitz
- CM Schworer
- CY Lu
- CY Lu
- D Hopkins
- D Rudman
- DE Goldberg
- DF Bainton
- DK Banerjee
- DM Fambrough
- DRP Tulsiani
- DS Leake
- E Conzelmann
- E Holtzman
- E Westergaard
- EB McGowan
- EF Neufeld
- ERB Graham
- F Joá
- F Joá
- F Okhuma
- FJ Ballard
- FJ Silverblatt
- FM Baccino
- FR Maxfield
- G Bernardi
- G Hauser
- G Werb
- GE Mortimore
- GE Mortimore
- GE Mortimore
- GN Martino de
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Koenig
- H Umizawa
- HD Fischer
- HP Roedemann
- HP Roedemann
- I Sternlieb
- I Tabas
- IH Pastan
- IH Pastan
- J-O Josefsson
- JB Lloyd
- JC Kosek
- JD Edmond
- JD Shelburne
- JE Rothman
- JL Goldstein
- JL Salisbury
- JN Kanfer
- JS Amenta
- JT Dingle
- LS Wolfe
- LS Wolfe
- LT Kremzner
- M Bowley
- M Derechin
- M Sastrasinh
- M Wibo
- MD Skudlarek
- ME Fedorko
- MG Rosenfeld
- MK Pratten
- MM Jaweed
- MR Tischler
- NE Miller
- NE Miller
- NI Neff
- NN Aronson
- NS Radin
- P Libby
- P Libby
- P Libby
- P Libby
- P Sanghavi
- PJ Davies
- PO Seglen
- PO Seglen
- R Libelius
- R Libelius
- R Libelius
- R Liillman-Rauch
- R Myerowitz
- R Nayyar
- R Nayyar
- R Pohlmann
- RD Prusch
- RD Prusch
- RH Michell
- RL Deter
- RM Aruna
- RO Brady
- RO Brady
- RR Bruns
- RT Dean
- S Bishayee
- S Hickman
- S Ohkuma
- SB Needleman
- SB Needleman
- SC Hubbard
- SC Silverstein
- SE Knowles
- SH Appel
- SK Masur
- T Kameyama
- TB Tomasi
- W Gawlitta
- WA Dunn
- WA Gahl
- WA Hennings
- WS Sly
- Z Hruban
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study