1,036 research outputs found

    Rotationally-Driven Fragmentation for the Formation of the Binary Protostellar System L1551 IRS 5

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    Either bulk rotation or local turbulence is widely invoked to drive fragmentation in collapsing cores so as to produce multiple star systems. Even when the two mechanisms predict different manners in which the stellar spins and orbits are aligned, subsequent internal or external interactions can drive multiple systems towards or away from alignment thus masking their formation process. Here, we demonstrate that the geometrical and dynamical relationship between the binary system and its surrounding bulk envelope provide the crucial distinction between fragmentation models. We find that the circumstellar disks of the binary protostellar system L1551 IRS 5 are closely parallel not just with each other but also with their surrounding flattened envelope. Measurements of the relative proper motion of the binary components spanning nearly 30 yr indicate an orbital motion in the same sense as the envelope rotation. Eliminating orbital solutions whereby the circumstellar disks would be tidally truncated to sizes smaller than are observed, the remaining solutions favor a circular or low-eccentricity orbit tilted by up to āˆ¼\sim25āˆ˜^\circ from the circumstellar disks. Turbulence-driven fragmentation can generate local angular momentum to produce a coplanar binary system, but which bears no particular relationship with its surrounding envelope. Instead, the observed properties conform with predictions for rotationally-driven fragmentation. If the fragments were produced at different heights or on opposite sides of the midplane in the flattened central region of a rotating core, the resulting protostars would then exhibit circumstellar disks parallel with the surrounding envelope but tilted from the orbital plane as is observed.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Detection of Macroscopic Entanglement by Correlation of Local Observables

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    We propose a correlation of local observables on many sites in macroscopic quantum systems. By measuring the correlation one can detect, if any, superposition of macroscopically distinct states, which we call macroscopic entanglement, in arbitrary quantum states that are (effectively) homogeneous. Using this property, we also propose an index of macroscopic entanglement.Comment: Although the index q was proposed for mixed states, it is also applicable to pure states, on which we fix minor bugs (that will be reported in PRL as erratum). The conclusions of the paper remain unchanged. (4 pages, no figures.

    The negative Bogoliubov dispersion in exciton-polariton condensates

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    Bogoliubov's theory states that self-interaction effects in Bose-Einstein condensates produce a characteristic linear dispersion at low momenta. One of the curious features of Bogoliubov's theory is that the new quasiparticles in the system are linear combinations of creation and destruction operators of the bosons. In exciton-polariton condensates, this gives the possibility of directly observing the negative branch of the Bogoliubov dispersion in the photoluminescence (PL) emission. Here we theoretically examine the PL spectra of exciton-polariton condensates taking into account of reservoir effects. At sufficiently high excitation densities, the negative dispersion becomes visible. We also discuss the possibility for relaxation oscillations to occur under conditions of strong reservoir coupling. This is found to give a secondary mechanism for making the negative branch visible

    Macroscopic entanglement of many-magnon states

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    We study macroscopic entanglement of various pure states of a one-dimensional N-spin system with N>>1. Here, a quantum state is said to be macroscopically entangled if it is a superposition of macroscopically distinct states. To judge whether such superposition is hidden in a general state, we use an essentially unique index p: A pure state is macroscopically entangled if p=2, whereas it may be entangled but not macroscopically if p<2. This index is directly related to the stability of the state. We calculate the index p for various states in which magnons are excited with various densities and wavenumbers. We find macroscopically entangled states (p=2) as well as states with p=1. The former states are unstable in the sense that they are unstable against some local measurements. On the other hand, the latter states are stable in the senses that they are stable against local measurements and that their decoherence rates never exceed O(N) in any weak classical noises. For comparison, we also calculate the von Neumann entropy S(N) of a subsystem composed of N/2 spins as a measure of bipartite entanglement. We find that S(N) of some states with p=1 is of the same order of magnitude as the maximum value N/2. On the other hand, S(N) of the macroscopically entangled states with p=2 is as small as O(log N)<< N/2. Therefore, larger S(N) does not mean more instability. We also point out that these results are analogous to those for interacting many bosons. Furthermore, the origin of the huge entanglement, as measured either by p or S(N), is discussed to be due to the spatial propagation of magnons.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures. The manuscript has been shortened and typos have been fixed. Data points of figures have been made larger in order to make them clearly visibl

    Study of fast electron generation using multi beam of LFEX-class laser

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    Fast Ignition Realization Experiment project phase-I (FIREX-I) is being performed at Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University. In this project, the four-beam bundled high-energy Petawatt laser (LFEX) is being operated. LFEX laser provides great multi-beam irradiation flexibility, with the possibility of arrange the pulses in temporal sequence, spatially separate them in distinct spots of focus them in a single spot. In this paper, we study the two-beam interference effects on high-intensity picosecond laser-plasma interaction (LPI) by two-dimensional relativistic Particle-In-Cell simulations. The interference causes surface perturbation, which enhances laser absorption and underdense plasma generation, increasing the accelerated electron number and their slope temperature. The laser-to-electron energy conversion efficiency for two-beam interference case is suitable for Fast Ignition (FI) compared to the single beam case, but the increment of fast electron divergence leads to lower energy coupling. To optimize the target design for FI, these interference effects should be taken into consideration

    PCRPi, Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interfaces, a new computational tool to chart hot spots in protein interfaces

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    Proteinā€“protein interactions (PPIs) are ubiquitous in Biology, and thus offer an enormous potential for the discovery of novel therapeutics. Although protein interfaces are large and lack defining physiochemical traits, is well established that only a small portion of interface residues, the so-called hot spot residues, contribute the most to the binding energy of the protein complex. Moreover, recent successes in development of novel drugs aimed at disrupting PPIs rely on targeting such residues. Experimental methods for describing critical residues are lengthy and costly; therefore, there is a need for computational tools that can complement experimental efforts. Here, we describe a new computational approach to predict hot spot residues in protein interfaces. The method, called Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interfaces (PCRPi), depends on the integration of diverse metrics into a unique probabilistic measure by using Bayesian Networks. We have benchmarked our method using a large set of experimentally verified hot spot residues and on a blind prediction on the protein complex formed by HRAS protein and a single domain antibody. Under both scenarios, PCRPi delivered consistent and accurate predictions. Finally, PCRPi is able to handle cases where some of the input data is either missing or not reliable (e.g. evolutionary information)

    Confirmation of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg system with ferromagnetic first-nearest-neighbor and antiferromagnetic second-nearest-neighbor interactions in Rb2{}_{2}Cu2{}_{2}Mo3{}_{3}O12{}_{12}

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    We have investigated magnetic properties of Rb2_2Cu2_2Mo3_3O12_{12} powder. Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility and magnetic-field dependence of magnetization have shown that this cuprate is a model compound of a one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg system with ferromagnetic first-nearest-neighbor (1NN) and antiferromagnetic second-nearest-neighbor (2NN) competing interactions (competing system). Values of the 1NN and 2NN interactions are estimated as J1=āˆ’138J_1 = -138 K and J2=51J_2 = 51 K (Ī±ā‰”J2/J1=āˆ’0.37\alpha \equiv J_2 / J_1 = -0.37). This value of Ī±\alpha suggests that the ground state is a spin-singlet incommensurate state. In spite of relatively large J1J_1 and J2J_2, no magnetic phase transition appears down to 2 K, while an antiferromagnetic transition occurs in other model compounds of the competing system with ferromagnetic 1NN interaction. For that reason, Rb2_2Cu2_2Mo3_3O12_{12} is an ideal model compound to study properties of the incommensurate ground state that are unconfirmed experimentally.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Algebraic entropy and the space of initial values for discrete dynamical systems

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    A method to calculate the algebraic entropy of a mapping which can be lifted to an isomorphism of a suitable rational surfaces (the space of initial values) are presented. It is shown that the degree of the nnth iterate of such a mapping is given by its action on the Picard group of the space of initial values. It is also shown that the degree of the nnth iterate of every Painlev\'e equation in sakai's list is at most O(n2)O(n^2) and therefore its algebraic entropy is zero.Comment: 10 pages, pLatex fil

    A Fast Algorithm for Solving the Poisson Equation on a Nested Grid

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    We present a numerical method for solving the Poisson equation on a nested grid. The nested grid consists of uniform grids having different grid spacing and is designed to cover the space closer to the center with a finer grid. Thus our numerical method is suitable for computing the gravity of a centrally condensed object. It consists of two parts: the difference scheme for the Poisson equation on the nested grid and the multi-grid iteration algorithm. It has three advantages: accuracy, fast convergence, and scalability. First it computes the gravitational potential of a close binary accurately up to the quadraple moment, even when the binary is resolved only in the fine grids. Second residual decreases by a factor of 300 or more by each iteration. We confirmed experimentally that the iteration converges always to the exact solution of the difference equation. Third the computation load of the iteration is proportional to the total number of the cells in the nested grid. Thus our method gives a good solution at the minimum expense when the nested grid is large. The difference scheme is applicable also to the adaptive mesh refinement in which cells of different sizes are used to cover a domain of computation.Comment: 22 pages 21 figures. To appear in Ap
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