51 research outputs found

    A Spatiotemporal Study and Location-Specific Trip Pattern Categorization of Shared E-Scooter Usage

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    This study analyzes the temporally resolved location and trip data of shared e-scooters over nine months in Berlin from one of Europe’s most widespread operators. We apply time, distance, and energy consumption filters on approximately 1.25 million trips for outlier detection and trip categorization. Using temporally and spatially resolved trip pattern analyses, we investigate how the built environment and land use affect e-scooter trips. Further, we apply a density-based clustering algorithm to examine point of interest-specific patterns in trip generation. Our results suggest that e-scooter usage has point of interest related characteristics. Temporal peaks in e-scooter usage differ by point of interest category and indicate work-related trips at public transport stations. We prove these characteristic patterns with the statistical metric of cosine similarity. Considering average cluster velocities, we observe limited time-saving potential of e-scooter trips in congested areas near the city center

    Statistical Mechanics of Canonical-Dissipative Systems and Applications to Swarm Dynamics

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    We develop the theory of canonical-dissipative systems, based on the assumption that both the conservative and the dissipative elements of the dynamics are determined by invariants of motion. In this case, known solutions for conservative systems can be used for an extension of the dynamics, which also includes elements such as the take-up/dissipation of energy. This way, a rather complex dynamics can be mapped to an analytically tractable model, while still covering important features of non-equilibrium systems. In our paper, this approach is used to derive a rather general swarm model that considers (a) the energetic conditions of swarming, i.e. for active motion, (b) interactions between the particles based on global couplings. We derive analytical expressions for the non-equilibrium velocity distribution and the mean squared displacement of the swarm. Further, we investigate the influence of different global couplings on the overall behavior of the swarm by means of particle-based computer simulations and compare them with the analytical estimations.Comment: 14 pages incl. 13 figures. v2: misprints in Eq. (40) corrected, ref. updated. For related work see also: http://summa.physik.hu-berlin.de/~frank/active.htm

    An empirical test for cellular automaton models of traffic flow

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    Based on a detailed microscopic test scenario motivated by recent empirical studies of single-vehicle data, several cellular automaton models for traffic flow are compared. We find three levels of agreement with the empirical data: 1) models that do not reproduce even qualitatively the most important empirical observations, 2) models that are on a macroscopic level in reasonable agreement with the empirics, and 3) models that reproduce the empirical data on a microscopic level as well. Our results are not only relevant for applications, but also shed new light on the relevant interactions in traffic flow.Comment: 28 pages, 36 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Generalized Force Model of Traffic Dynamics

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    Floating car data of car-following behavior in cities were compared to existing microsimulation models, after their parameters had been calibrated to the experimental data. With these parameter values, additional simulations have been carried out, e.g. of a moving car which approaches a stopped car. It turned out that, in order to manage such kinds of situations without producing accidents, improved traffic models are needed. Good results have been obtained with the proposed generalized force model.Comment: For related work see http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.htm

    Criterion for traffic phases in single vehicle data and empirical test of a microscopic three-phase traffic theory

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    A microscopic criterion for distinguishing synchronized flow and wide moving jam phases in single vehicle data measured at a single freeway location is presented. Empirical local congested traffic states in single vehicle data measured on different days are classified into synchronized flow states and states consisting of synchronized flow and wide moving jam(s). Then empirical microscopic characteristics for these different local congested traffic states are studied. Using these characteristics and empirical spatiotemporal macroscopic traffic phenomena, an empirical test of a microscopic three-phase traffic flow theory is performed. Simulations show that the microscopic criterion and macroscopic spatiotemporal objective criteria lead to the same identification of the synchronized flow and wide moving jam phases in congested traffic. It is found that microscopic three-phase traffic models can explain both microscopic and macroscopic empirical congested pattern features. It is obtained that microscopic distributions for vehicle speed difference as well as fundamental diagrams and speed correlation functions can depend on the spatial co-ordinate considerably. It turns out that microscopic optimal velocity (OV) functions and time headway distributions are not necessarily qualitatively different, even if local congested traffic states are qualitatively different. The reason for this is that important spatiotemporal features of congested traffic patterns are it lost in these as well as in many other macroscopic and microscopic traffic characteristics, which are widely used as the empirical basis for a test of traffic flow models, specifically, cellular automata traffic flow models.Comment: 27 pages, 16 figure

    Modeling Vortex Swarming In Daphnia

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    Based on experimental observations in \textit{Daphnia}, we introduce an agent-based model for the motion of single and swarms of animals. Each agent is described by a stochastic equation that also considers the conditions for active biological motion. An environmental potential further reflects local conditions for \textit{Daphnia}, such as attraction to light sources. This model is sufficient to describe the observed cycling behavior of single \textit{Daphnia}. To simulate vortex swarming of many \textit{Daphnia}, i.e. the collective rotation of the swarm in one direction, we extend the model by considering avoidance of collisions. Two different ansatzes to model such a behavior are developed and compared. By means of computer simulations of a multi-agent system we show that local avoidance - as a special form of asymmetric repulsion between animals - leads to the emergence of a vortex swarm. The transition from uncorrelated rotation of single agents to the vortex swarming as a function of the swarm size is investigated. Eventually, some evidence of avoidance behavior in \textit{Daphnia} is provided by comparing experimental and simulation results for two animals.Comment: 24 pages including 11 multi-part figs. Major revisions compared to version 1, new results on transition from uncorrelated rotation to vortex swarming. Extended discussion. For related publications see http://www.sg.ethz.ch/people/scfrank/Publication

    GIS and database management system for mass movements documentation in Austria

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    GEORIOS jest jednym z głównych programów Służby Geologicznej Austrii, realizowanym przez Departament Geologii Inżynierskiej. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Narodowego Prawa Nauki z 2000 roku są zbierane i przechowywane wszystkie informacje dotyczące ruchów masowych w Austrii. Dane te są opracowywane i udostępniane w formacie GIS. Wszystkie dane uzupełniające są również przechowywane w relacyjnych bazach danych, połączonych z systemem GIS. Dane te są wykorzystywane do konstrukcji map podatności terenu na zagrożenia naturalne, w skali 1:50 000

    GIS-based web-application of mass movements in Austria registered by publications and internet

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    Służba Geologiczna Austrii zamierza publikować informacje o naturalnych ruchach masowych poprzez dostępny dla wszystkich system internetowy. Zastosowany system oparto na mapie z GISowską informacją punktową o miejscowościach, w których występują różnego rodzaju ruchy masowe (skala 1:500 000) oraz na bazie informacji o poszczególnych obiektach, opracowanych w systemie GIS. Ponadto, system internetowy zawiera opcje wyjaśniające zasady korzystania oraz ogólną informację o mapie i o ruchach masowych. Należy mieć nadzieję, że ta aplikacja internetowa będzie pomocna dla wszystkich pragnących uzyskać informację o ruchach masowych w Austrii