37 research outputs found

    Quantum Critical Transport Near the Mott Transition

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    We perform a systematic study of incoherent transport in the high temperature crossover region of the half-filled one-band Hubbard model. We demonstrate that the family of resistivity curves displays characteristic quantum critical scaling of the form ρ(δU,T)=ρc(T)f(T/To(δU))\rho(\delta U,T)=\rho_{c}(T)f(T/T_{o}(\delta U)), with To(δU)δUzνT_{o}(\delta U)\sim\delta U^{z\nu}, and ρc(T)T\rho_{c}(T)\sim T. The corresponding β\beta-function displays a "strong coupling" form βln(ρc/ρ)\beta\sim\ln(\rho_{c}/\rho), reflecting the peculiar mirror symmetry of the scaling curves. This behavior, which is surprisingly similar to some experimental findings, indicates that Mott quantum criticality may be acting as the fundamental mechanism behind the unusual transport phenomena in many systems near the metal-insulator transition.Comment: Published version; 4+epsilon pages, 4 figure

    Typical-medium, multiple-scattering theory for disordered systems with Anderson localization

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    The typical medium dynamical cluster approximation (TMDCA) is reformulated in the language of multiple scattering theory to make possible first principles calculations of the electronic structure of substitutionally disordered alloys including the effect of Anderson localization. The TMDCA allows for a systematic inclusion of non-local multi-site correlations and at same time provides an order parameter, the typical density of states, for the Anderson localization transition. The relation between the dynamical cluster approximation and the multiple scattering theory is analyzed, and is illustrated for a tight-binding model.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Dual Fermion Method for Disordered Electronic Systems

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    While the coherent potential approximation (CPA) is the prevalent method for the study of disordered electronic systems, it fails to capture non-local correlations and Anderson localization. To incorporate such effects, we extend the dual fermion approach to disordered non-interacting systems using the replica method. Results for single- and two- particle quantities show good agreement with cluster extensions of the CPA; moreover, weak localization is captured. As a natural extension of the CPA, our method presents an alternative to the existing cluster theories. It can be used in various applications, including the study of disordered interacting systems, or for the description of non-local effects in electronic structure calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Fingerprints of intrinsic phase separation: magnetically doped two-dimensional electron gas

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    In addition to Anderson and Mott localization, intrinsic phase separation has long been advocated as the third fundamental mechanism controlling the doping-driven metal-insulator transitions. In electronic system, where charge neutrality precludes global phase separation, it may lead to various inhomogeneous states and dramaticahttp://arxiv.org/submit/215787/metadata arXiv Submission metadatally affect transport. Here we theoretically predict the precise experimental signatures of such phase-separation-driven metal-insulator transitions. We show that anomalous transport is expected in an intermediate regime around the transition, displaying very strong temperature and magnetic field dependence, but very weak density dependence. Our predictions find striking agreement with recent experiments on Mn-doped CdTe quantum wells, a system where we identify the microscopic origin for intrinsic phase separation.Comment: 4+epsilon pages, 4 figure

    Mean-field embedding of the dual fermion approach for correlated electron systems

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    To reduce the rapidly growing computational cost of the dual fermion lattice calculation with increasing system size, we introduce two embedding schemes. One is the real fermion embedding, and the other is the dual fermion embedding. Our numerical tests show that the real fermion and dual fermion embedding approaches converge to essentially the same result. The application on the Anderson disorder and Hubbard models shows that these embedding algorithms converge more quickly with system size as compared to the conventional dual fermion method, for the calculation of both single-particle and two-particle quantities.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Study of off-diagonal disorder using the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation

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    We generalize the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation (TMDCA) and the local Blackman, Esterling, and Berk (BEB) method for systems with off-diagonal disorder. Using our extended formalism we perform a systematic study of the effects of non-local disorder-induced correlations and of off-diagonal disorder on the density of states and the mobility edge of the Anderson localized states. We apply our method to the three-dimensional Anderson model with configuration dependent hopping and find fast convergence with modest cluster sizes. Our results are in good agreement with the data obtained using exact diagonalization, and the transfer matrix and kernel polynomial methods.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    A Typical Medium Dynamical Cluster Approximation for the Study of Anderson Localization in Three Dimensions

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    We develop a systematic typical medium dynamical cluster approximation that provides a proper description of the Anderson localization transition in three dimensions (3D). Our method successfully captures the localization phenomenon both in the low and large disorder regimes, and allows us to study the localization in different momenta cells, which renders the discovery that the Anderson localization transition occurs in a cell-selective fashion. As a function of cluster size, our method systematically recovers the re-entrance behavior of the mobility edge and obtains the correct critical disorder strength for Anderson localization in 3D.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figures and Supplementary Material include

    Nearly frozen Coulomb Liquids

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    We show that very long range repulsive interactions of a generalized Coulomb-like form V(R)RαV(R)\sim R^{-\alpha}, with α<d\alpha<d (dd-dimensionality), typically introduce very strong frustration, resulting in extreme fragility of the charge-ordered state. An \textquotedbl{}almost frozen\textquotedbl{} liquid then survives in a broad dynamical range above the (very low) melting temperature TcT_{c} which is proportional to α\alpha. This \textquotedbl{}pseudogap\textquotedbl{} phase is characterized by unusual insulating-like, but very weakly temperature dependent transport, similar to experimental findings in certain low carrier density systems.Comment: 5 pages,4 figure

    Finite Cluster Typical Medium Theory for Disordered Electronic Systems

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    We use the recently developed typical medium dynamical cluster (TMDCA) approach~[Ekuma \etal,~\textit{Phys. Rev. B \textbf{89}, 081107 (2014)}] to perform a detailed study of the Anderson localization transition in three dimensions for the Box, Gaussian, Lorentzian, and Binary disorder distributions, and benchmark them with exact numerical results. Utilizing the nonlocal hybridization function and the momentum resolved typical spectra to characterize the localization transition in three dimensions, we demonstrate the importance of both spatial correlations and a typical environment for the proper characterization of the localization transition in all the disorder distributions studied. As a function of increasing cluster size, the TMDCA systematically recovers the re-entrance behavior of the mobility edge for disorder distributions with finite variance, obtaining the correct critical disorder strengths, and shows that the order parameter critical exponent for the Anderson localization transition is universal. The TMDCA is computationally efficient, requiring only a small cluster to obtain qualitative and quantitative data in good agreement with numerical exact results at a fraction of the computational cost. Our results demonstrate that the TMDCA provides a consistent and systematic description of the Anderson localization transition.Comment: 20 Pages, 19 Figures, 3 Table