37 research outputs found

    Summer eczema in exported Icelandic horses: influence of environmental and genetic factors

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    A cross sectional study was designed to estimate the prevalence of summer eczema (a chronic, recurrent seasonal dermatitis) in exported Icelandic horses and the influence of environmental and genetic factors on the development of the disease. Among 330 horses, which had been exported to Germany, Denmark and Sweden, 114 (34.5%) were found to have clinical signs of summer eczema. The prevalence was highest 2 years after export and the exposure to the biting midges Culicoides spp., was found to be the main risk factor for developing the disease. Genetic influence on the sensitivity for the disease was not established. It was concluded that exported Icelandic horses are predisposed for summer dermatitis and the fact that they are not introduced to the antigens of the biting midges early in live, due to it's absence in Iceland, is likely to explain the high prevalence of the disease after export

    3640 Unique EST Clusters from the Medaka Testis and Their Potential Use for Identifying Conserved Testicular Gene Expression in Fish and Mammals

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    BACKGROUND: The fish medaka is the first vertebrate capable of full spermatogenesis in vitro from self-renewing spermatogonial stem cells to motile test-tube sperm. Precise staging and molecular dissection of this process has been hampered by the lack of suitable molecular markers. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have generated a normalized medaka testis cDNA library and obtained 7040 high quality sequences representing 3641 unique gene clusters. Among these, 1197 unique clusters are homologous to known genes, and 2444 appear to be novel genes. Ontology analysis shows that the 1197 gene products are implicated in diverse molecular and cellular processes. These genes include markers for all major types of testicular somatic and germ cells. Furthermore, markers were identified for major spermatogenic stages ranging from spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal to meiosis entry, progression and completion. Intriguingly, the medaka testis expresses at least 13 homologs of the 33 mouse X-chromosomal genes that are enriched in the testis. More importantly, we show that key components of several signaling pathways known to be important for testicular function in mammals are well represented in the medaka testicular EST collection. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Medaka exhibits a considerable similarity in testicular gene expression to mammals. The medaka testicular EST collection we obtained has wide range coverage and will not only consolidate our knowledge on the comparative analysis of known genes' functions in the testis but also provide a rich resource to dissect molecular events and mechanism of spermatogenesis in vivo and in vitro in medaka as an excellent vertebrate model

    Targeted Inactivation of p12Cdk2ap1, CDK2 Associating Protein 1, Leads to Early Embryonic Lethality

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    Targeted disruption of murine Cdk2ap1, an inhibitor of CDK2 function and hence G1/S transition, results in the embryonic lethality with a high penetration rate. Detailed timed pregnancy analysis of embryos showed that the lethality occurred between embryonic day 3.5 pc and 5.5 pc, a period of implantation and early development of implanted embryos. Two homozygous knockout mice that survived to term showed identical craniofacial defect, including a short snout and a round forehead. Examination of craniofacial morphology by measuring Snout Length (SL) vs. Face Width (FW) showed that the Cdk2ap1+/− mice were born with a reduced SL/FW ratio compared to the Cdk2ap1+/+ and the reduction was more pronounced in Cdk2ap1−/− mice. A transgenic rescue of the lethality was attempted by crossing Cdk2ap1+/− animals with K14-Cdk2ap1 transgenic mice. Resulting Cdk2ap1+/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 transgenic mice showed an improved incidence of full term animals (16.7% from 0.5%) on a Cdk2ap1−/− background. Transgenic expression of Cdk2ap1 in Cdk2ap1−/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 animals restored SL/FW ratio to the level of Cdk2ap1+/−:K14-Cdk2ap1 mice, but not to that of the Cdk2ap1+/+:K14-Cdk2ap1 mice. Teratoma formation analysis using mESCs showed an abrogated in vivo pluripotency of Cdk2ap1−/− mESCs towards a restricted mesoderm lineage specification. This study demonstrates that Cdk2ap1 plays an essential role in the early stage of embryogenesis and has a potential role during craniofacial morphogenesis

    Persistent Megalocystic Ovary Following in Vitro Fertilization in a Postpartum Patient with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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    SummaryObjectiveOvarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is more severe when pregnancy occurs, as the developing pregnancy produces human chorionic gonadotropin, which stimulates the ovary's persistent growth. If no pregnancy occurs, the syndrome will typically resolve within 1 week. In a maintained pregnancy, slow resolution of symptoms usually occurs over 1-2 months.Case ReportA 31-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, aborta 1, with polycystic ovary syndrome underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) with clomiphene citrate and follicle-stimulating hormone/gonadotropin releasing hormone-antagonist stimulation. During transvaginal oocyte retrieval, enlarged bilateral ovaries were noted. She had an episode of OHSS after IVF/embryo transfer, for which paracentesis was performed three times. Pregnancy was achieved. Throughout antenatal examinations, bilateral ovaries were enlarged. She delivered a healthy baby by cesarean section at term. However, 1 month after delivery, the bilateral ovary had not shrunk, and levels of tumor markers CA125 and CA199 were 50.84 and 41.34 U/mL, respectively. At laparotomy for suspected malignancy, both adnexae formed “kissing ovaries”, which were multinodulated with yellow serous fluid. Specimens from wedge resection submitted for frozen section showed a benign ovarian cyst. The final pathology report showed bilateral follicle cysts.ConclusionWith the increasing use of gonadotropins in the management of infertility, ovarian enlargement secondary to hyperstimulation is common. Generally, symptoms appear between the 6th and 13th weeks of pregnancy and disappear thereafter. The hyperstimulated ovary often subsides after the first trimester. This case is unusual as the megalocystic ovary persisted after delivery. To the best of our knowledge, we report the first case of enlarged bilateral ovaries persisting 2 months after delivery

    Über Vergiftungen mit Dimethylsulfat

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