72 research outputs found

    Effects of Acute or Chronic Ethanol Exposure during Adolescence on Behavioral Inhibition and Efficiency in a Modified Water Maze Task

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    Ethanol is well known to adversely affect frontal executive functioning, which continues to develop throughout adolescence and into young adulthood. This is also a developmental window in which ethanol is misused by a significant number of adolescents. We examined the effects of acute and chronic ethanol exposure during adolescence on behavioral inhibition and efficiency using a modified water maze task. During acquisition, rats were trained to find a stable visible platform onto which they could escape. During the test phase, the stable platform was converted to a visible floating platform (providing no escape) and a new hidden platform was added in the opposite quadrant. The hidden platform was the only means of escape during the test phase. In experiment 1, adolescent animals received ethanol (1.0g/kg) 30min before each session during the test phase. In experiment 2, adolescent animals received chronic intermittent ethanol (5.0g/kg) for 16 days (PND30 To PND46) prior to any training in the maze. At PND72, training was initiated in the same modified water maze task. Results from experiment 1 indicated that acute ethanol promoted behavioral disinhibition and inefficiency. Experiment 2 showed that chronic intermittent ethanol during adolescence appeared to have no lasting effect on behavioral disinhibition or new spatial learning during adulthood. However, chronic ethanol did promote behavioral inefficiency. In summary, results indicate that ethanol-induced promotion of perseverative behavior may contribute to the many adverse behavioral sequelae of alcohol intoxication in adolescents and young adults. Moreover, the long-term effect of adolescent chronic ethanol exposure on behavioral efficiency is similar to that observed after chronic exposure in humans

    Changes in the Adult GluN2B Associated Proteome following Adolescent Intermittent Ethanol Exposure

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    Adolescent alcohol use is the strongest predictor for alcohol use disorders. In rodents, adolescents have distinct responses to acute ethanol, and prolonged alcohol exposure during adolescence can maintain these phenotypes into adulthood. One brain region that is particularly sensitive to the effects of both acute and chronic ethanol exposure is the hippocampus. Adolescent intermittent ethanol exposure (AIE) produces long lasting changes in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and dendritic morphology, as well as in the susceptibility to acute ethanol-induced spatial memory impairment. Given the pattern of changes in hippocampal structure and function, one potential target for these effects is the ethanol sensitive GluN2B subunit of the NMDA receptor, which is known to be involved in synaptic plasticity and dendritic morphology. Thus we sought to determine if there were persistent changes in hippocampal GluN2B signaling cascades following AIE. We employed a previously validated GluN2B-targeted proteomic strategy that was used to identify novel signaling mechanisms altered by chronic ethanol exposure in the adult hippocampus. We collected adult hippocampal tissue (P70) from rats that had been given 2 weeks of AIE from P30-45. Tissue extracts were fractionated into synaptic and non-synaptic pools, immuno-precipitated for GluN2B, and then analyzed using proteomic methods. We detected a large number of proteins associated with GluN2B. AIE produced significant changes in the association of many proteins with GluN2B in both synaptic and non-synaptic fractions. Intriguingly the number of proteins changed in the non-synaptic fraction was double that found in the synaptic fraction. Some of these proteins include those involved in glutamate signaling cytoskeleton rearrangement, calcium signaling, and plasticity. Disruptions in these pathways may contribute to the persistent cellular and behavioral changes found in the adult hippocampus following AIE. Further, the robust change in non-synaptic proteins suggests that AIE may prime this signaling pathway for future ethanol exposures in adulthood

    Regional-Specific Effects of Ovarian Hormone Loss on Synaptic Plasticity in Adult Human APOE Targeted Replacement Mice

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    The human apolipoprotein ε4 allele (APOE4) has been implicated as one of the strongest genetic risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and in influencing normal cognitive functioning. Previous studies have demonstrated that mice expressing human apoE4 display deficits in behavioral and neurophysiological outcomes compared to those with apoE3. Ovarian hormones have also been shown to be important in modulating synaptic processes underlying cognitive function, yet little is known about how their effects are influenced by apoE. In the current study, female adult human APOE targeted replacement (TR) mice were utilized to examine the effects of human APOE genotype and long-term ovarian hormone loss on synaptic plasticity in limbic regions by measuring dendritic spine density and electrophysiological function. No significant genotype differences were observed on any outcomes within intact mice. However, there was a significant main effect of genotype on total spine density in apical dendrites in the hippocampus, with post-hoc t-tests revealing a significant reduction in spine density in apoE3 ovariectomized (OVX) mice compared to sham operated mice. There was also a significant main effect of OVX on the magnitude of LTP, with post-hoc t-tests revealing a decrease in apoE3 OVX mice relative to sham. In contrast, apoE4 OVX mice showed increased synaptic activity relative to sham. In the lateral amygdala, there was a significant increase in total spine density in apoE4 OVX mice relative to sham. This increase in spine density was consistent with a significant increase in spontaneous excitatory activity in apoE4 OVX mice. These findings suggest that ovarian hormones differentially modulate synaptic integrity in an apoE-dependent manner within brain regions that are susceptible to neurophysiological dysfunction associated with AD

    Long-Term Effects of Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Exposure in Adolescent and Adult Rats: Radial-Arm Maze Performance and Operant Food Reinforced Responding

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    Background: Adolescence is not only a critical period of late-stage neurological development in humans, but is also a period in which ethanol consumption is often at its highest. Given the prevalence of ethanol use during this vulnerable developmental period we assessed the long-term effects of chronic intermittent ethanol (CIE) exposure during adolescence, compared to adulthood, on performance in the radial-arm maze (RAM) and operant food-reinforced responding in male rats. Methodology/Principal Findings: Male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to CIE (or saline) and then allowed to recover. Animals were then trained in either the RAM task or an operant task using fixed- and progressive- ratio schedules. After baseline testing was completed all animals received an acute ethanol challenge while blood ethanol levels (BECs) were monitored in a subset of animals. CIE exposure during adolescence, but not adulthood decreased the amount of time that animals spent in the open portions of the RAM arms (reminiscent of deficits in risk-reward ntegration) and rendered animals more susceptible to the acute effects of an ethanol challenge on working memory tasks. The operant food reinforced task showed that these effects were not due to altered food motivation or to differential sensitivity to the nonspecific performance-disrupting effects of ethanol. However, CIE pre-treated animals had lower BEC levels than controls during the acute ethanol challenges indicating persistent pharmacokinetic tolerance to ethanol after the CIE treatment. There was little evidence of enduring effects of CIE alone on traditional measures of spatial and working memory. Conclusions/Significance: These effects indicate that adolescence is a time of selective vulnerability to the long-term effects of repeated ethanol exposure on neurobehavioral function and acute ethanol sensitivity. The positive and negative findings reported here help to further define the nature and extent of the impairments observed after adolescent CIE and provide direction for future research

    Regulation of the Deleterious Effects of Binge-Like Exposure to Alcohol during Adolescence by α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agents: Prevention by Pretreatment with a α7 Negative Allosteric Modulator and Emulation by a α7 Agonist in Alcohol-Preferring (P) Male and Female Rats

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    Rationale and objectives: Binge-like alcohol consumption during adolescence associates with several deleterious consequences during adulthood including an increased risk for developing alcohol use disorder (AUD) and other addictions. Replicated preclinical data has indicated that adolescent exposure to binge-like levels of alcohol results in a reduction of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and an upregulation in the α7 nicotinic receptor (α7). From this information, we hypothesized that the α7 plays a critical role in mediating the effects of adolescent alcohol exposure. Methods: Male and female P rats were injected with the α7 agonist AR-R17779 (AR) once during 6 time points between post-natal days (PND) 29-37. Separate groups were injected with the α7 negative allosteric modulator (NAM) dehydronorketamine (DHNK) 2 h before administration of 4 g/kg EtOH (14 total exposures) during PND 28-48. On PND 75, all rats were given access to water and ethanol (15 and 30%) for 6 consecutive weeks (acquisition). All rats were then deprived of EtOH for 2 weeks and then, alcohol was returned (relapse). Results: Administration of AR during adolescence significantly increased acquisition of alcohol consumption during adulthood and prolonged relapse drinking in P rats. In contrast, administration of DHNK prior to binge-like EtOH exposure during adolescence prevented the increase in alcohol consumption observed during acquisition of alcohol consumption and the enhancement of relapse drinking observed during adulthood. Discussion: The data indicate that α7 mediates the effects of alcohol during adolescence. The data also indicate that α7 NAMs are potential prophylactic agents to reduce the deleterious effects of adolescent alcohol abuse

    Adolescent Intermittent Alcohol Exposure: Deficits in Object Recognition Memory and Forebrain Cholinergic Markers

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    The long-term effects of intermittent ethanol exposure during adolescence (AIE) are of intensive interest and investigation. The effects of AIE on learning and memory and the neural functions that drive them are of particular interest as clinical findings suggest enduring deficits in those cognitive domains in humans after ethanol abuse during adolescence. Although studies of such deficits after AIE hold much promise for identifying mechanisms and therapeutic interventions, the findings are sparse and inconclusive. The present results identify a specific deficit in memory function after AIE and establish a possible neural mechanism of that deficit that may be of translational significance. Male rats (starting at PND-30) received exposure to AIE (5g/kg, i.g.) or vehicle and were allowed to mature into adulthood. At PND-71, one group of animals was assessed using the spatial-temporal object recognition (stOR) test to evaluate memory function. A separate group of animals was used to assess the density of cholinergic neurons in forebrain areas Ch1-4 using immunohistochemistry. AIE exposed animals manifested deficits in the temporal component of the stOR task relative to controls, and a significant decrease in the number of ChAT labeled neurons in forebrain areas Ch1-4. These findings add to the growing literature indicating long-lasting neural and behavioral effects of AIE that persist into adulthood and indicate that memory-related deficits after AIE depend upon the tasks employed, and possibly their degree of complexity. Finally, the parallel finding of diminished cholinergic neuron density suggests a possible mechanism underlying the effects of AIE on memory and hippocampal function as well as possible therapeutic or preventive strategies for AIE

    Prenatal Choline Supplementation Protects against Postnatal Neurotoxicity

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    Choline, a dietary compound present in many foods, has recently been classified as an essential nutrient for humans. There is evidence from animal models that the availability of choline during the prenatal period influences neural and cognitive development. Here we report that choline supplementation during a 6 d gestational period protects against neurodegeneration in the posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortices of female adolescent rats produced by peripheral administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist dizocilpine (MK-801). These data show that availability of a single nutrient, choline, during a brief period of prenatal development diminishes vulnerability to neurotoxicity in adolescent offspring

    Negative and positive allosteric modulators of the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor regulates the ability of adolescent binge alcohol exposure to enhance adult alcohol consumption

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    Rationale and Objectives: Ethanol acts directly on the α7 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7). Adolescent-binge alcohol exposure (ABAE) produces deleterious consequences during adulthood, and data indicate that the α7 receptor regulates these damaging events. Administration of an α7 Negative Allosteric Modulator (NAM) or the cholinesterase inhibitor galantamine can prophylactically prevent adult consequences of ABAE. The goals of the experiments were to determine the effects of co-administration of ethanol and a α7 agonist in the mesolimbic dopamine system and to determine if administration of an α7 NAM or positive allosteric modulator (PAM) modulates the enhancement of adult alcohol drinking produced by ABAE.Methods: In adult rats, ethanol and the α7 agonist AR-R17779 (AR) were microinjected into the posterior ventral tegmental area (VTA), and dopamine levels were measured in the nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh). In adolescence, rats were treated with the α7 NAM SB-277011-A (SB) or PNU-120596 (PAM) 2 h before administration of EtOH (ABAE). Ethanol consumption (acquisition, maintenance, and relapse) during adulthood was characterized.Results: Ethanol and AR co-administered into the posterior VTA stimulated dopamine release in the AcbSh in a synergistic manner. The increase in alcohol consumption during the acquisition and relapse drinking during adulthood following ABAE was prevented by administration of SB, or enhanced by administration of PNU, prior to EtOH exposure during adolescence.Discussion: Ethanol acts on the α7 receptor, and the α7 receptor regulates the critical effects of ethanol in the brain. The data replicate the findings that cholinergic agents (α7 NAMs) can act prophylactically to reduce the alterations in adult alcohol consumption following ABAE
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