217 research outputs found

    The asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update

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    We present a solution for the stationary state of an asymmetric exclusion model with sequential update and open boundary conditions. We solve the model exactly for random hopping in both directions by applying a matrix-product formalism which was recently used to solve the model with sublattice-parallel update[1]. It is shown that the matrix-algebra describing the sequential update and sublattice-parallel update are identical and can be mapped onto the random sequential case treated by Derrida et al[2].Comment: 7 pages, Late

    The Effect Of Delay Times On The Optimal Velocity Traffic Flow Behavior

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    We have numerically investigated the effect of the delay times Ï„f\tau_f and Ï„s\tau_s of a mixture of fast and slow vehicles on the fundamental diagram of the optimal velocity model. The optimal velocity function of the fast cars depends not only on the headway of each car but also on the headway of the immediately preceding one. It is found that the small delay times have almost no effects, while, for sufficiently large delay time Ï„s\tau_s the current profile displays qualitatively five different forms depending on Ï„f\tau_f, Ï„s\tau_s and the fractions dfd_f and dsd_s of the fast and slow cars respectively. The velocity (current) exhibits first order transitions at low and/or high densities, from freely moving phase to the congested state, and from congested state to the jamming one respectively accompanied by the existence of a local minimal current. Furthermore, there exist a critical value of Ï„f\tau_f above which the metastability and hysteresis appear. The spatial-temporal traffic patterns present more complex structur

    Economics-Based Optimization of Unstable Flows

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    As an example for the optimization of unstable flows, we present an economics-based method for deciding the optimal rates at which vehicles are allowed to enter a highway. It exploits the naturally occuring fluctuations of traffic flow and is flexible enough to adapt in real time to the transient flow characteristics of road traffic. Simulations based on realistic parameter values show that this strategy is feasible for naturally occurring traffic, and that even far from optimality, injection policies can improve traffic flow. Moreover, the same method can be applied to the optimization of flows of gases and granular media.Comment: Revised version of ``Optimizing Traffic Flow'' (cond-mat/9809397). For related work see http://www.parc.xerox.com/dynamics/ and http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.htm

    Off-Equilibrium Dynamics of a 4D Spin Glass with Asymmetric Couplings

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    We study the off-equilibrium dynamics of the Edwards-Anderson spin glass in four dimensions under the influence of a non-hamiltonian perturbation. We find that for small asymmetry the model behaves as the hamiltonian one, while for large asymmetry the behaviour of the model can be well described by an interrupted aging scenario. The autocorrelation function C(t_w+\tau,t_w) scales as \tau/t_w^\beta, with \beta a function of the asymmetry. For very long waiting times the previous regime crosses over to a time translational invariant regime (TTI) with stretched exponential relaxation. The model does not show signs of reaching a TTI regime for weak asymmetry, but in the aging regime the exponent \beta is always different from one, showing a non trivial aging scenario.Comment: Latex, 12 pages, 9 figure

    On the Stability of the Mean-Field Glass Broken Phase under Non-Hamiltonian Perturbations

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    We study the dynamics of the SK model modified by a small non-hamiltonian perturbation. We study aging, and we find that on the time scales investigated by our numerical simulations it survives a small perturbation (and is destroyed by a large one). If we assume we are observing a transient behavior the scaling of correlation times versus the asymmetry strength is not compatible with the one expected for the spherical model. We discuss the slow power law decay of observable quantities to equilibrium, and we show that for small perturbations power like decay is preserved. We also discuss the asymptotically large time region on small lattices.Comment: 34 page

    Deterministic approach to microscopic three-phase traffic theory

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    Two different deterministic microscopic traffic flow models, which are in the context of the Kerner's there-phase traffic theory, are introduced. In an acceleration time delay model (ATD-model), different time delays in driver acceleration associated with driver behaviour in various local driving situations are explicitly incorporated into the model. Vehicle acceleration depends on local traffic situation, i.e., whether a driver is within the free flow, or synchronized flow, or else wide moving jam traffic phase. In a speed adaptation model (SA-model), vehicle speed adaptation occurs in synchronized flow depending on driving conditions. It is found that the ATD- and SA-models show spatiotemporal congested traffic patterns that are adequate with empirical results. In the ATD- and SA-models, the onset of congestion in free flow at a freeway bottleneck is associated with a first-order phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow; moving jams emerge spontaneously in synchronized flow only. Differences between the ATD- and SA-models are studied. A comparison of the ATD- and SA-models with stochastic models in the context of three phase traffic theory is made. A critical discussion of earlier traffic flow theories and models based on the fundamental diagram approach is presented.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figure
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