485 research outputs found

    Some Comments on the Representation Theory of the Algebra Underlying Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Important characteristics of the loop approach to quantum gravity are a specific choice of the algebra A of observables and of a representation of A on a measure space over the space of generalized connections. This representation is singled out by its elegance and diffeomorphism covariance. Recently, in the context of the quest for semiclassical states, states of the theory in which the quantum gravitational field is close to some classical geometry, it was realized that it might also be worthwhile to study different representations of the algebra A of observables. The content of the present note is the observation that under some mild assumptions, the mathematical structure of representations of A can be analyzed rather effortlessly, to a certain extent: Each representation can be labeled by sets of functions and measures on the space of (generalized) connections that fulfill certain conditions. These considerations are however mostly of mathematical nature. Their physical content remains to be clarified, and physically interesting examples are yet to be constructed

    Towards new background independent representations for Loop Quantum Gravity

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    Recently, uniqueness theorems were constructed for the representation used in Loop Quantum Gravity. We explore the existence of alternate representations by weakening the assumptions of the so called LOST uniqueness theorem. The weakened assumptions seem physically reasonable and retain the key requirement of explicit background independence. For simplicity, we restrict attention to the case of gauge group U(1).Comment: 22 pages, minor change

    Background independent quantizations: the scalar field I

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    We are concerned with the issue of quantization of a scalar field in a diffeomorphism invariant manner. We apply the method used in Loop Quantum Gravity. It relies on the specific choice of scalar field variables referred to as the polymer variables. The quantization, in our formulation, amounts to introducing the `quantum' polymer *-star algebra and looking for positive linear functionals, called states. The assumed in our paper homeomorphism invariance allows to determine a complete class of the states. Except one, all of them are new. In this letter we outline the main steps and conclusions, and present the results: the GNS representations, characterization of those states which lead to essentially self adjoint momentum operators (unbounded), identification of the equivalence classes of the representations as well as of the irreducible ones. The algebra and topology of the problem, the derivation, all the technical details and more are contained in the paper-part II.Comment: 13 pages, minor corrections were made in the revised versio

    Automorphism covariant representations of the holonomy-flux *-algebra

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    We continue an analysis of representations of cylindrical functions and fluxes which are commonly used as elementary variables of Loop Quantum Gravity. We consider an arbitrary principal bundle of a compact connected structure group and following Sahlmann's ideas define a holonomy-flux *-algebra whose elements correspond to the elementary variables. There exists a natural action of automorphisms of the bundle on the algebra; the action generalizes the action of analytic diffeomorphisms and gauge transformations on the algebra considered in earlier works. We define the automorphism covariance of a *-representation of the algebra on a Hilbert space and prove that the only Hilbert space admitting such a representation is a direct sum of spaces L^2 given by a unique measure on the space of generalized connections. This result is a generalization of our previous work (Class. Quantum. Grav. 20 (2003) 3543-3567, gr-qc/0302059) where we assumed that the principal bundle is trivial, and its base manifold is R^d.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX2e, minor clarifying remark

    Microlocal spectrum condition and Hadamard form for vector-valued quantum fields in curved spacetime

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    Some years ago, Radzikowski has found a characterization of Hadamard states for scalar quantum fields on a four-dimensional globally hyperbolic spacetime in terms of a specific form of the wavefront set of their two-point functions (termed `wavefront set spectrum condition'), thereby initiating a major progress in the understanding of Hadamard states and the further development of quantum field theory in curved spacetime. In the present work, we extend this important result on the equivalence of the wavefront set spectrum condition with the Hadamard condition from scalar fields to vector fields (sections in a vector bundle) which are subject to a wave-equation and are quantized so as to fulfill the covariant canonical commutation relations, or which obey a Dirac equation and are quantized according to the covariant anti-commutation relations, in any globally hyperbolic spacetime having dimension three or higher. In proving this result, a gap which is present in the published proof for the scalar field case will be removed. Moreover we determine the short-distance scaling limits of Hadamard states for vector-bundle valued fields, finding them to coincide with the corresponding flat-space, massless vacuum states.Comment: latex2e, 41 page

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity IV. Free Field Theories

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    This is the fourth paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. We now move on to free field theories with constraints, namely Maxwell theory and linearized gravity. Since the Master constraint involves squares of constraint operator valued distributions, one has to be very careful in doing that and we will see that the full flexibility of the Master Constraint Programme must be exploited in order to arrive at sensible results.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity III. SL(2,R) Models

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    This is the third paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we analyze models which, despite the fact that the phase space is finite dimensional, are much more complicated than in the second paper: These are systems with an SL(2,\Rl) gauge symmetry and the complications arise because non -- compact semisimple Lie groups are not amenable (have no finite translation invariant measure). This leads to severe obstacles in the refined algebraic quantization programme (group averaging) and we see a trace of that in the fact that the spectrum of the Master Constraint does not contain the point zero. However, the minimum of the spectrum is of order 2\hbar^2 which can be interpreted as a normal ordering constant arising from first class constraints (while second class systems lead to \hbar normal ordering constants). The physical Hilbert space can then be be obtained after subtracting this normal ordering correction.Comment: 33 pages, no figure

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity II. Finite Dimensional Systems

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    This is the second paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we begin with the simplest examples: Finite dimensional models with a finite number of first or second class constraints, Abelean or non -- Abelean, with or without structure functions.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity V. Interacting Field Theories

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    This is the final fifth paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. Here we consider interacting quantum field theories, specificlly we consider the non -- Abelean Gauss constraints of Einstein -- Yang -- Mills theory and 2+1 gravity. Interestingly, while Yang -- Mills theory in 4D is not yet rigorously defined as an ordinary (Wightman) quantum field theory on Minkowski space, in background independent quantum field theories such as Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) this might become possible by working in a new, background independent representation.Comment: 20 pages, no figure