70 research outputs found

    Respons Tokoh Ormas Islam Terhadap Peran Publik Perempuan

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    Studi ini menelaah respons organisasi keagamaan di Sumatera Utara: Al Washliyah, Al Ittihadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah, terhadap peran publik perempuan. Bagaimana agama dan budaya dimaknai serta dipraktikkan pada tataran empiris dalam bentuk norma, fatwa dan sikap. Penelitian ini menemukan perkembangan signifikan fatwa kebebasan peran publik perempuan. Pada level fatwa respons ormas Islam di Sumatera Utara memperlihatkan aspek keterbukaan dan pem-baharuan. Fatwa telah merespons persoalan-persoalan praktis di samping persoalan hukum. Meskipun terdapat varian pemikiran tentang peran publik perempuan, tetapi secara kelembagaan respons tersebut menjadi bagian upaya pemecahan permasalahan relasi gender. Temuan ini menjadi pemikiran kritis bagi kalangan yang berpandangan bahwa isu ketimpangan gender dalam Islam bersumber dari pandangan ulama yang tidak sensitif gender

    The Abundance of Phytoplankton in Media of Peat Soil Given Different Vermikompos

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    The research was conducted in January to March 2017, located in thevillage of Qualu Nenas, Tambang Subdistrict, Kampar District, Riau Province.Phytoplankton observation was conducted in Environmental Quality Laboratoryof Cultivation, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine University of Riau. Method thisresearch using a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) was one factor with 4levels of treatment. The kinds of using are P0 (without giving the vermicompos),P1 vermicompos from human feces (0,615 kg m-2), P2 vermicompos from cowfeses (0,615 kg m-2) and P3 vermicompos from chicken feses (0,615 kg m-2).The best of treatment of this research was the P1 vermicompos from human feces(0,615 kg m-2). Phytoplankton abundance this treatment is 17.520 individu/L,rather than of the other treatment. The water quality parameters in this research isgood, especially of temperature 27-32 0C, pH 3.6-6,8, dissolved oxygen 2,0-3,3mg/L, nitrate 4.66-10,44 ppm and orthoposfat 2,50-6,76 ppm. refering for theQuality Standart of Aquaculture

    Using Quality Of Service Virtual Private Network (Vpn) On E-ktp Bandar Lampung

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    Implementation e-ktp in Bandar Lampung , there areseveral obstaclesin the field, among others, areoftendelays inthe exchange of databetween theserverthatislocatedin the districtandthat is inthe centralserver. Tofindthe cause ofthese obstaclesand the importance ofthequality ofnetwork servicesit is necessarytodothemeasurementthatcanbeusedtomeasurethePerformance of/qualityofnetworkservice VPN that isused in theimplementation of E-Ktpin Bandar Lampungon each -eachin the district, the main problemin this studyis"Identification of QualityofService Virtual PrivateNetwork (vpn) on the Implementationof Electronic-Ktp"in Bandar Lampung. By using Axcent Net Toolsandmethods used action research model with QoSmonitoringsystem

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penerapan metode kooperatif tipe STAD dalam meningkatkan keaktifan belajar dan prestasi belajar pada mata kuliah Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro.Hal ini disebabkan karena selama ini yang sering dilakukan adalah metode ceramah yang dinilai kurang efektif dan kurang memberikan hasil yang optimal. Selain itu metode ceramah yang lebih memfokuskan kepada peran dosen sehingga dalam proses pembelajaran mahasiswa kurang aktif dan kurang mandiri.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dirancang dalam 3 siklus.Dari hasil pada siklus I dilakukan refleksi yang bertujuan untuk agar dapat melakukan perbaikan pada siklus yang selanjutnya. Setiap siklus akan diawali dengan pre test, diskusi kelompok, post test dan pengerjaan lembar kegiatan.Pada saat berlangsungnya diskusi kelompok, maka dilakukan observasi untuk mengetahui keaktifan peserta kelompok.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan untuk nilai hasil pre test dan post test, peningkatan keaktifan belajar mahasiswa serta meratanya kelompok Yng mencapai nilai tertinggi untuk pengerjaan lembar kegiatan

    Model Resiko Keamanan Pangan Produk Pindang pada UMKM Pengolahan Ikan Rakyat

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    Standar keamanan pangan pada sektor Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) makanan di Indonesia masih tergolong rendah, termasuk UMKM pengolahan ikan rakyat. Produk pindang merupakan salah satu produk olahan ikan yang cukup popular di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Usaha yang umumnya dikelola oleh UMKM ini tampak sangat jauh dari prinsip higiene pangan. Infrastruktur yang dimiliki sangat minim dan sangat berpeluang menyebabkan kontaminasi silang. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk memodelkan resiko keamanan pangan pada rantai produksi olahan pindang pada kasus UMKM pengolahan ikan rakyat. Tahapan pengembangan model resiko keamanan pangan pada USAha pemindangan ikan dimulai dari identifikasi resiko keamanan pangan pada rantai produksi, identifikasi prosedur dan standar keamanan pangan yang mampu meminimumkan bahaya keamanan pangan produk pindang, dan merancang model resiko keamanan pangan produk pindang. Ada empat titik kritis resiko kemanan pangan pada pemindangan ikan, yaitu resiko dari bahan baku, resiko dari proses persiapan bahan, resiko pada proses perebusan, dan resiko pada proses penirisan dan penanganan. Untuk mencapai keamanan pangan produk pindang, UMKM pengolahan ikan perlu menerapkan pre requisites atau persyaratan dasar Good Manufacturing Practises dan Good Hygiene Practices. Pre requisites adalah kelengkapan yang harus dipenuhi oleh Perusahaan yang ingin menerapkan sistem manajemen keamanan pangan baik berbasis HACCP maupun ISO 22000

    Perbedaan Stres Kerja Berdasarkan Shift Kerja pada Pekerja Bagian Electrical Field Service di PT. Baker Hughes Indonesia Duri-Riau Tahun 2013

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    The differences in work stress based on working shifts at Electrical Field Service workers in PT. Baker Hughes Indonesia Duri – Riau 2013. Job stress disorder is the negative reaction that arising caused by work performed. A variety of factors can contribute to a person feeling stressed at work including the work shift, where workers will experience a different work situations between the day shift and night shift. This research is aimed to look the differences work related stress that occurred due to the work shift on electrical field service workers at PT. Baker Hughes Indonesia Duri-Riau, 2013. This research is an analytical survey using cros sectional design. The population in this research was 27 electrical field service workers and the sample was the total population. The measurement of job stress using a questionnaire and analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with significance level (α) of 5%. Wilcoxon test results obtained using a significance value of 0.02 (p <0.05), in order to obtain the result that there is a significant difference in job stress based on working shift, and the most experienced high job stress is when the night shift as many as 13 workers (48.15%). Suggested to the company to pay attention and listen to the grievances of the workers, especially in night shift workers, and for workers are advised to always used the waiting time for positive activities. Ker Words: Work Stress, Shift Work, Electrical Field Servic

    Utilization of Content Base Image RetrievalTechnique Based Sketch for Facial Recognition

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    As the rising up Including terrorist crimes in our society due to issues politics, economy, poverty, religion and ethnic conflicts. Many ways and techniques have been tried to crack down Reviews those crimes, but unfortunately the Efforts to seize person or group of suspected criminal is far from our expectation. Face recognition is one of techniques Introduced by many Researchers for the last Decades with many methods and approaches they tried to Recognize a person based on his or his faces. Some of the methods such as face recognition with Query by Example (QBE) using shape, color, and texture to match a query face with the face in the database; however the result is not good enough to Recognize the faces. One of the problems of face recognition by QBE is sometime we do not have a picture or a face image to the make QBE. In order to sort it out the problem, in this research we will try to introduce of face recognition method by generating a face image by a face sketch.Many sketch based face recognition was Introduced by some Researchers and experts, but most of reviews their methods have been applied directly inputting a sketch into a database the which is very costly and Involved a complex algorithm. In addition to the research, we are applying our proposed method compressed into face images, as the compressed images will save storage and unsumming the algorithm

    Identification of Determinant Socio-Economic Variables for the Success of Biodiversity Conservation

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    Biodiversity conservation in national parks has not shown an expected result. Biological natural resources degradation is still on going and its almost entirely due to human activities. Some researchers have indicated that socio-economic aspect is significantly related with the success of conservation. However, the researches have not yet shown in detail, which variabels were related with the succes conservation variables and how significant were the relations. This research was intended to identify the socio-economic variable(s) that would successfully determine biodiversity conservation in national park. The research was conducted in Gunung Halimun Salak Nasional Park, Ujung Kulon National Park, and Gunung Ciremai National Park from July to October 2015 using direct observation, literature study, and interview methods involving 150 respondents, selected based on random sampling in several resorts in the three national parks. Data were analyzed using pearson correlation tests using SPSS PSAW statistic 18. The achievement of biodiversity conservation was determined by the decrease in the number of individual species, increase in the rate of encroachment, increase of illegal natural resource utilization, increase violation of regulation, positive interaction, and biodiversity utilization. Results showed that variables leading to the succesful biodiversity conservation were: 1) determinant variable to decrease in the number of species is religion & customary system; 2) determinant variables to increase in encroachment rate is age and distance; 3) determinant variable to increase illegal natural resource utilization is land ownership; 4) determinant variable to increase violation of regulation is family dependant; 5) determinant variables to positive interaction is age and distance; 6) determinant variable to biodiversity utilization is education

    Sistem Pakar Rekomendasi Peminjaman Buku di Perpustakaan Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto YOGYAKARTA dengan Metode Penyaringan Kolaboratif

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    Library of Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi “Adisutjipto” Yogyakarta has developed rapidly according to the world development and the increasing number of library members and book collections that are owned by the library. The billing system which is running now is able to serve books borrowing and returning services to the members, but is unable to provide an alternative book recommendation according to a certain book borrowed by a member. Book Recommendation Expert System for Library of Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi “Adisutjipto” Yogyakarta with collaborative filtering method uses historic book borrowing data, building, and maintaining profiles of the members of library based on the major taken by the member and the favourite reading topic of each member in order to provide some alternatives when a member borrow a book. After passing the test period, this system is claimed effective to be used in the library, make the library service become more efficient in providing alternative book recommendations, and is able to provide user satisfied alternative book recommendations