114 research outputs found

    Non-exponential decay via tunneling in tight-binding lattices and the optical Zeno effect

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    An exactly-solvable model for the decay of a metastable state coupled to a semi-infinite tight-binding lattice, showing large deviations from exponential decay in the strong coupling regime, is presented. An optical realization of the lattice model, based on discrete diffraction in a semi-infinite array of tunneling-coupled optical waveguides, is proposed to test non-exponential decay and for the observation of an optical analog of the quantum Zeno effect

    Quantum simulator for the Ising model with electrons floating on a helium film

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    We propose a physical setup that can be used to simulate the quantum dynamics of the Ising model with present-day technology. Our scheme consists of electrons floating on superfluid helium which interact via Coulomb forces. In the limit of low temperatures, the system will stay near the ground state where its Hamiltonian is equivalent to the Ising model and thus shows phenomena such as quantum criticality. Furthermore, the proposed design could be generalized in order to study interacting field theories (e.g., λϕ4\lambda\phi^4) and adiabatic quantum computers.Comment: 4 page

    Full transmission within a wide energy range and super-criticality in relativistic barrier scattering

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    For potential barriers with scalar and vector coupling, we show that a Dirac particle could experience nearly full transmission within a wide sub-barrier energy band. Moreover, for certain potential configurations, including pseudo-spin symmetry where the scalar potential is the negative of the vector, full transmission occurs for arbitrarily small momentum.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 1 video animatio

    Quantum particle displacement by a moving localized potential trap

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    We describe the dynamics of a bound state of an attractive δ\delta-well under displacement of the potential. Exact analytical results are presented for the suddenly moved potential. Since this is a quantum system, only a fraction of the initially confined wavefunction remains confined to the moving potential. However, it is shown that besides the probability to remain confined to the moving barrier and the probability to remain in the initial position, there is also a certain probability for the particle to move at double speed. A quasi-classical interpretation for this effect is suggested. The temporal and spectral dynamics of each one of the scenarios is investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Pulse Propagation in Resonant Tunneling

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    We consider the analytically solvable model of a Gaussian pulse tunneling through a transmission resonance with a Breit-Wigner characteristic. The solution allows for the identification of two opposite pulse propagation regimes: if the resonance is broad compared to the energetic width of the incident Gaussian pulse a weakly deformed and slightly delayed transmitted Gaussian pulse is found. In the opposite limit of a narrow resonance the dying out of the transmitted pulse is dominated by the slow exponential decay characteristic of a quasi-bound state with a long life time (decaying state). We discuss the limitation of the achievable pulse transfer rate resulting from the slow decay. Finally, it is demonstrated that for narrow resonances a small second component is superimposed to the exponential decay which leads to characteristic interference oscillations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement and suppression of tunneling by controlling symmetries of a potential barrier

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    We present a class of 2D systems which shows a counterintuitive property that contradicts a semi classical intuition: A 2D quantum particle "prefers" tunneling through a barrier rather than traveling above it. Viewing the one particle 2D system as the system of two 1D particles, it is demonstrated that this effect occurs due to a specific symmetry of the barrier that forces excitations of the interparticle degree of freedom that, in turn, leads to the appearance of an effective potential barrier even though there is no "real" barrier. This phenomenon cannot exist in 1D.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figure

    Accurate numerical verification of the instanton method for macroscopic quantum tunneling: dynamics of phase slips

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    Instanton methods, in which imaginary-time evolution gives the tunneling rate, have been widely used for studying quantum tunneling in various contexts. Nevertheless, how accurate instanton methods are for the problems of macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) still remains unclear because of lack of their direct comparison with exact time evolution of the many-body Schroedinger equation. Here, we verify instanton methods applied to coherent MQT. Specifically applying the quasi-exact numerical method of time-evolving block decimation to the system of bosons in a ring lattice, we directly simulate the real-time quantum dynamics of supercurrents, where a coherent oscillation between two macroscopically distinct current states occurs due to MQT. The tunneling rate extracted from the coherent oscillation is compared with that given by the instanton method. We show that the error is within 10% when the effective Planck's constant is sufficiently small. We also discuss phase slip dynamics associated with the coherent oscillations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Periodic Quasi - Exactly Solvable Models

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    Various quasi-exact solvability conditions, involving the parameters of the periodic associated Lam{\'e} potential, are shown to emerge naturally in the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi approach. It is found that, the intrinsic nonlinearity of the Riccati type quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation is primarily responsible for the surprisingly large number of allowed solvability conditions in the associated Lam{\'e} case. We also study the singularity structure of the quantum momentum function, which yields the band edge eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.Comment: 11 pages, 5 table

    Deformation Quantization of a Certain Type of Open Systems

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    We give an approach to open quantum systems based on formal deformation quantization. It is shown that classical open systems of a certain type can be systematically quantized into quantum open systems preserving the complete positivity of the open time evolution. The usual example of linearly coupled harmonic oscillators is discussed.Comment: Major update. Improved main statements. 21 page

    Quantum probability distribution of arrival times and probability current density

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    This paper compares the proposal made in previous papers for a quantum probability distribution of the time of arrival at a certain point with the corresponding proposal based on the probability current density. Quantitative differences between the two formulations are examined analytically and numerically with the aim of establishing conditions under which the proposals might be tested by experiment. It is found that quantum regime conditions produce the biggest differences between the formulations which are otherwise near indistinguishable. These results indicate that in order to discriminate conclusively among the different alternatives, the corresponding experimental test should be performed in the quantum regime and with sufficiently high resolution so as to resolve small quantum efects.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX; Revised version to appear in Phys. Rev. A (many small changes
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