201 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Jaringan Bisnis, Teknologi Produksi, Dan Penjaminan Mutu Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran (Studi Pada IKM Gitar Di Kecamatan Baki, Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    Economy of Indonesia. Undeniable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is one of the drivers of economic growth in Indonesia. Amid the global crisis which hit many countries in the world, Indonesia proved to be able to continue to survive the economic turmoil. Various SMES growing in Indonesia, one of them is creating guitar in the village of Mancasan, Kec. Baki, Kab. Sukoharjo. Mancasan village is famous as a Center for the manufacture of the guitar because the majority of the residents of the village of Mancasan is the crafters of guitar. But in its development of competition with competitors that are moving on the same type of business make SME guitar in Kec. Baki should implement a range of strategies that can improve the performance of the market.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of business networks, production technology, quality assurance and marketing performance SMEs of guitar in Kec. Baki, Kab. Sukoharjo. This research type is explanatory research. The population in this study i.e. crafters of guitar and SME number of samples taken is 63 respondents. Sampling techniques in the study using a non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Methods of analysis used is cross-tabulations, correlation, linear regression, the determination of the simple, double, t-test and F-test with SPSS program version.Based on the results of the research note that the network business, production technology, quality assurance and a positive and significant effect on performance marketing, whether partial or simultaneous. Free variables that have the greatest influence on performance marketing is a business network variables. As for the advice that can be given to maintaining and enhancing the harmony with a partner, providing a period of training for employees in the future so that raw doesn't do a lot of faults, select human resources, give promo and make sales online in order to increase the pace of sales that will have an impact on the acquisition of profit is received so that the company can keep his survival

    Keamanan Fisik Teknologi Informasi: Desain Lingkungan

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    Keamanan fisik fasilitas teknologi informasi menjadi semakin populer beberapa tahun belakangan ini. Hal ini disebabkan oleh semakin meningkatnya kesadaran institusi teknologi informasi terhadap pentingnya keamanan fasilitas fisik mereka. Keamanan fisik mempunyai cakupan yang sangat luas, meliputi hak akses, lingkungan dan juga infrastruktur. Banyak institusi tidak mempunyai pilihan dalam membangun keamanan fisiknya sendiri. Karena mayoritas infrastuktur yang digunakan merupakan infrastruktur yang sudah siap pakai. Hal ini tentu saja sangat membatasi kebijakan keamanan fisik yang ingin diterapkan. Selain aspek infrastruktur, ada aspek lain yang sering terabaikan, yaitu manusia yang terlibat di dalamnya. Manusia dapat melakukan kejahatan dengan berbagai kondisi. Maka dari itu, keamanan fisik juga harus mempertimbangkan motif dan situasi yang dapat memicu terjadinya kejahatan oleh manusia. Bahkan orang yang sangat dipercayapun mampu melakukan kejahatan jika motif dan situasinya mendukung. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas beberapa alternatif penanganan keamanan fisik berdasarkan CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) serta standarisasi infrastruktur berdasarkan TIA-942. Konsep dasar dari CPTED adalah bahwa lingkungan fisik dapat diubah dan berdampak pada berkurangnya tindak kejahatan. CPTED berfokus pada empat area untuk mencapai tujuannya, yaitu pengendalian akses, pengawasan pasif, kegiatan pendukung, dan motivasi. Sedangkan TIA-942 adalah standar yang dikeluarkan oleh Telecommunications Industry Association untuk infrastruktur teknologi informasi

    Shared Memory Architecture for Simulating Sediment-Fluid Flow by OpenMP

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    Simulation of fluid flow using Shallow water equations (SWE) and sediment movement below it using Exner equation is given. Both of the equations will be combined using splitting technique, in which SWE would be computed using Harten-Lax-van Leer and Einfeldt (HLLE) numerical flux, then Exner would be computed semi-implicitly. This paper elaborates the steps of constructing SWE-Exner model. To show the agreement of the scheme, two problems will be elaborated: (1) comparison between analytical solution and numerical solution, and (2) parallelism using OpenMP for Transcritical over a granular bump. The first problem is going to tell the discrete L1L^{1}-, L2L^{2}-, and LL^{\infty}-norm error of the scheme, and the second one will show the simulation result, speedup, and efficiency of the scheme, which is around 56.44%56.44\%

    Strategi Komunikasi dalam Menyerap Aspirasi Masyarakat Adat oleh Anggota Dprd Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni Provinsi Papua Barat

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    The aim of the research is to analyze communication strategies of the members of local assembly in absorbing the aspirations of indigenous community in Bintuni Bay Regency. The research used descriptive qualitative approach conducted in Bintuni Bay Regency. The informants were selected purposively. The methods of obtaining the data were participative observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The results of the research indicate that communication strategies used in absorbing the aspirations of indigenous community by the members of local Assembly are various based on the characteristics of the absorption process of aspiration of the indigenous community, i.e formal and informal, the groups of indigenous community, and the origin of the members of local Assembly. The factors affecting the communication strategies are group characteristics of indigenous community, custom order, and the origin of the members of Local Assembly. The forms of communication happening between the members of Local Assembly and indigenous community in the absorption process of aspiration are verbal communication (using Indonesian and local languages) and nonverbal communication to affirm the message. Meanwhile, the communication patterns used by indigenous community are linear communication and circular communication for some groups of community or both of them are used simultaneousl

    A Review on the Performance of Modified Cam Clay Model in Predicting the Mechanical Behaviour of Heavily Overconsolidated Clay

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    The Modified Cam Clay (MCC) is one of the most commonly used soil models, which is very popular in the world. It was developed by the researchers at the University of Cambridge, U.K. This MCC model has gained general acceptance amongst the researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering. Some commercial softwares for geotechnical problems are using the MCC model as the basis of analysis. The MCC model undoubtedly works very well for predicting the mechanical behavior of normally consolidated clay, but in reality some soils are in the state of overconsolidated. This study is aimed to find out some pitfalls in using the MCC model in relation to its application on overconsolidated soils. Some data from plane strain testing on the overconsolidated clay were used to examine the application of MCC model on overconsolidated clay. The results showed that, the MCC model is no longer able to simulate the mechanical behavior of heavily overconsolidated clay; the MCC calculation for heavily overconsolidated clay was deviated far below the experimental result

    Effect of shot peening at different almen intensities on fatigue behavior of AISI 304

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    AISI 304 stainless steel is a common material that is widely used in the extensive implant industry. The failure of this material, especially in bone implant applications, is affected by its fatigue load. The purpose of the present experiment is to improve fatigue crack growth resistance and surface hardness in AISI 304 by using a shot peening metal treatment with varying Almen intensities. In this experiment, specimens of AISI 304 underwent a shot peening treatment and then subjected to surface fatigue failure. The results of this experiment show that shot peening with an Almen intensity of 0,005 achieved a 192,3 % increase in fatigue life compared to a non-treatment material, with a fatigue life of 127 700 cycles (Paris constant C, n is 1x10-11 and 3,5, respectively). The surface hardness reached HV 429,63