101 research outputs found

    Public Transportation Driver\u27s Aggressive Behavior in Highly Traffic Jam

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    The aim of this study is to know the description of public transportation driver aggresive behavior and factors that might be influencing that behavior. This study is a case study with single subject with interview and observation as the method pf the study and helped by some of research tools such as map, graphic test and camera. The participant of this study is public transportation driver Bekasi city. The result shows that factors influencing the aggresive behavior are external and internal factors. And the aggresive behavior that can be seen are territorial, dominant aggresion and aggresive behavior because afraid of something

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Harga terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Expedisi di Pekanbaru (Studi PT. Jne (Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir) Pekanbaru)

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    Problems hearts Research singer is whether the quality of service and price effect Satisfaction of customers, as for the purpose Of Research Singer is to review determine the effect of service quality and price of Satisfaction of customers (Study PT. JNE (JNE) Pekanbaru. quality service and price as a variable (X1, X2) meanwhile customer satisfaction as the dependent variable (Y).The problem in this research is the number of customers who experienced fluctuations in Pekanbaru JNE, and in the last 4 years are not achieving the target of only acquired in 2013. The research sample taken as many as 93 respondents from the population is calculated using the formula slovin. Data obtained from the questionnaire and subsequently processed to then be tested with statistics through SPSS.From the results of tests carried out showed that the quality of service and price positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction at PT. JNE (Line NugrahaEkakurir) Pekanbaru. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis and partial regression analysis

    Analysis of Household Livelihood Structure and Strategies of Farmers in Conservation Forest Areas, Case in the Village of Cipeuteuy, District Sukabumi

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    Penduduk Desa Cipeuteuy masih menggantungkan kehidupan mereka dari kegiatan pertanian. Lahan yang digunakan adalah Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak dan menggunakan prinsip pinjam pakai. Strategi nafkah warga yang tinggal di desa ini tidak hanya dari sektor pertanian, tapi juga sektor non pertanian. Terdapat berbagai cara penerapan struktur strategi penghidupan, mulai dari intensifikasi satu sektor, diversifikasi pendapatan atau pola nafkah ganda, rekayasa spasial atau migrasi. Namun, semua sektor pendapatan tetap menggunakan modal. Kelima modal yaitu modal sumberdaya alam, modal sosial, modal manusia, modal finansial, dan modal fisik digunakan sebagai cara untuk mendukung keberlanjutan strategi nafkah mereka. Bahkan semakin lama, warga cenderung lebih bergantung pada sektor non petanian. Namun basis nafkah mereka adalah sebagai petani. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi transformasi sosial dimana nilai pertanian terhadap masyarakat telah menurun

    Kontribusi Strategi Belajar Mahasiswa dan Kualitas Pembelajaran Dosen Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mata Kuliah Akuntansi Sektor Publik Mahasiswa Pendidikan Akuntansi Angkatan 2013 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Novia Pratama, A210110035, Accounting Education Program, the Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015 The purpose of this study was to: 1) To determine the contribution of the students' learning strategies on student achievement; 2) To determine the contribution of the quality of teaching faculty on student achievement; 3) To determine the contribution of student learning strategies and the quality of teaching faculty on student achievement. This research is a quantitative associative. The population in this study were all students of Accounting Education class of 2013 who took Public Sector Accounting courses totaling 184 students with a sample of 119 students were taken by proportional random sampling technique. Data obtained by using questionnaires and methods of documentation. Previous questionnaire has been tested and tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, F test, t test, the relative contribution and effective contribution. Results from the analysis of data obtained by a linear line equation Y = 19,590 + 0,576X1 + 0,443X2. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research are: 1) no contribution to the achievement of student learning strategies learning courses Public Sector Accounting Accounting Education class of 2013. Student t test Berasarkan obtained t_hitung> t_tabel, namely 3.452> 1.981 (α = 5%) and value significance t_tabel, namely 3,000> 1,981 (α = 5%) and a significance value F_tabel ie 14.394> 3.074 at 5% significance; 4) variable X1 relative contribution by 37% and the effective contribution of 13.7%, the variable X2 relative contribution of 7.6% and 6.2% effective contribution. The calculation result obtained R ^ 2 of 0.199, meaning 19.9% ​​achievement of students affected by the students' learning strategies and teaching quality of lecturers, the remaining balance of 80.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Keywords: student learning strategies, the quality of teaching faculty, academic achievemen

    Tindak Tutur Ilokusi Ustaz Yusuf Mansur Dalam Acara Wisata Hati Di Stasiun Televisi ANTV

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    The purposes of this study are as follows. The first, to describe the types of illocutionary speech acts that used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur in the show of Wisata Hati on ANTV television station. Second, to describe the strategies of speech acts that used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur in the show of Wisata Hati on ANTV. Third, to describe the context of the situation of speech that used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur in the show of Wisata Hati on television. The data of this study is a form of illocutionary speech act, speak strategies, and context used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur on television. The method used in this study is themethod refer to the advanced techniques involved free free techniques refer to competent. Based on the study results, it was concluded the following. First, the form of illocutionary speech acts of the most widely used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur in the show of Wisata Hati on ANTV is representative speech acts and speech act directive. It fits with the illocutionary speech act theory as religious speech containing factual matters raised by religious leaders. Second, the strategy of speech the most widely used by Ustaz Yusuf Mansur is a strategy speak frankly without further ado. Third, the context of the situation of speech in the illocutionary speech act Ustaz Yusuf Mansur speech in the situation relaxed atmosphere sensitive topic, tend to use strategies speak frankly with strings attached positive politeness; sensitive topic in the situation speech a formal atmosphere, tend to use strategies speak frankly with strings attached politeness negative; in the situation of speech topic is not sensitive relaxed atmosphere, tend to use strategies speak frankly without further ado; in the situation of speech, topic is not sensitive formal atmosphere, tend to use strategies speak frankly without further ado

    Struktur Dan Nilai Budaya Minangkabau Dalam Naskah Pasambahan Batagak Pangulu

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    The purpose of this article to describe structure and culture value Minangkabau in document Pasambahan Batagak Pangulu. The data of this structure and culture value Minangkabau in document Pasambahan Batagak Pangulu. Analyzed technique do with analysis descriptive and content analysis. The findings of the study is opening obeisance by si pangka and si alek, obeisance statement si pangka and si alek, intention delivery si pangka, obeisance terminate si pangka, confirmation si pangka and si alek, suspension while si pangka and si alek, opening obeisance si alek and si pangka, statement obeisance si alek and si pangka, delivery repeated intention si alek and si pangka, confirmation si alek and si pangka, offering answer and obeisance terminate si alek and si pangka, adaptation si pangka and si alek. Culture value Minangkabau which be contained is humility value and respect for other, agreement value and consensus, fidelity value and accuracy, submissive value and obedient to the custome, the nature of human life, nature of human work, human nature against time, and human nature to nature

    Struktur Dan Fungsi Cerita Rakyat Gadih Basanai Pada Masyarakat Surantih

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the structure and function of folklore Gadih Basanai in the Surantih society. Furthermore, the problem in this research is focusing to the structure and function of folklore Gadih Basanai in the Surantih society. This research is kind of qualitatife by using descriptive method. Then, the objects of folklore Gadih Basanai in the Surantih society. The data of the research is collected by using interview technique and observator. Base on the discover the results are: first, characterized, incident, channel, beckgraund, the point of view, thema, and moral value. Second, if found that the function of the story as a tool to educate children, it can be an entertainment or a tool to force obey public rule. Third, in the folklore Gadih Basanai there can be found many fuction of the story that many educate children, keep the promise, obey their parents
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