604 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Persepsi Tentang Agama Dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Konsep Diri Siswa MAN Di Kota Medan

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    The study is aimed at finding out the contribution of perception of religion and emotional quotient to self concepts of students of Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Medan. The sample included 285 students taken randomly. Data were analyzed using questionnairs correlation and regression. The study indicates that: 1) there are significant correlation between perception of religion and self concept; 2) there are significant correlation between emotional quotient and self concept; 3) the perception of religion and emotional quotient are at the same time related and contribute positively to the self concepts of the students of Islamic Senior High School (MAN) in Meda

    Analisis Yuridis Pertanggungjawaban Kreditur dalam Masa Pengawasan Sebelum Dilelang Mengalami Kehilangan Sebagian Properti Barang Jaminan (Studi pada PT. Bank Sumut Cabang Pembantu Melati)

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    Credit settlement sometimes encounters problems, namely failure in credit payment. In the practice, a creditor requests some collateral for his security in the credit payment. In the practice of the object analyzed in this research, the status of the debtor\u27s credit is a bad credit. The creditor secured the collateral by means of supervision by planting a signboard on the collateral. However, some of the properties often miss before being auctioned; the collateral was an empty house under the supervision. The debtor filed an objection to the creditor for any compensation, but the creditor refused with an excuse that the missing of some of the properties was not his/her responsibility. Keywords : Creditor, Debtor, supervision, Collatera

    Pembatalan Perkawinan Poligami di Pengadilan Agama (Tinjauan dari Hukum Positif)

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    Nullity Polygamy in the Religious Court. According to the positive law in Indonesia, Muslim husband may practice polygamy, and the polygamy can be recorded at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) if he got permission from the Religious Court. If permission is not obtained from the Religious Court, then according to the provisions of article 44 of Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 the marriage can not be authorized. Therefore, if polygamous marriages is recorded by the KUA when marriages have permission from a religious court. Keywords: cancellation, polygamy, religious courtDOI: 10.15408/jch.v1i1.298

    Pengaruh Variasilemakterhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Sintasanikan Rainbow (Melanotaenia Boesemani Allen & Cross) [Effect of Fat Variation on Growth and Survival Rate of Rainbow Fish, Melanotaenia Boesemani Allen & Cross]

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    Ikan rainbow adalah ikan hias dari Papua, yang mempunyai warna yang indah terutama ikan jantan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mcngctahui pengaruh pakan yang mengandung berbagai kandungan lemak (kepala udang, minyak sardine, dan keong mas) terhadap pertumbuhan dan sintasan ikan. Tigapuluh ikan dipelihara dalam akuarium yang berukuran 80 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm dengan panjang clan bobot tubuh berkisar antara 12,3 - 13,3 mm and 0,022 gram. Hasil studi menujukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata pada a 0,05 dalam pertumbuhan panjang dan pada pertumbuhan bobot. Sintasan berkisar antara 71 - 77%

    Distribusi Spasial Dan Temporal Ikan Bonti-bonti (Paratherina Striata Aurich), Endemik Di Danau Towuti-Sulawesi Selatan

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    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) an EndemicFish in Towuti Lake, South Sulawesi. Bonti-bonti (Paratherina striata) is an endemicfish species in Towuti and Mahalona Lake. This fish included into vulnerable species. Itshould be protected from decreasing of fish population due to increasing exploitationand habitat quality changes. The objective of this research to study on spatial and temporaldistribution of the fish, as a basic information for its conservation. Samples were collectedfrom May 2006 to April 2007 using experimental gillnet mesh size 0.625, 0.75, 1.0, and1.25 inches at five stations. Fish number and size captured during 15 hours. Waterquality parameters that analyzed were temperature, conductivity, pH, and dissolvedoxygen using water quality checker-Horiba, alkalinity used titration methode, whilewater level and rain fall obtained from PT. Inco. Distribution of fish abundance wasanalyzed with Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. Water quality parameters thatinfluencing fish abundance were analyzed by multivariate analysis. The results show thatthe distribution of bonti-bonti spreading widely starting from lakeside to middle of thelake. The highest abundance of the fish are in inlet with sand, gravel, and stone substrat.Fish size was obtained more various at the inlet station than other stasions and it predictedas main habitat. Water qualitiy parameters of were not factors influencing difference ofspatial distribution but it was influenced by behavior of habitat selection. The highesttemporal distribution of the fish abundance in November and December influenced bydissolved oxygen and high water level
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