62 research outputs found

    Lack of Adiponectin Drives Hyperosteoclastogenesis in Lipoatrophic Mice.

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    Long bones from mammals host blood cell formation and contain multiple cell types, including adipocytes. Physiological functions of bone marrow adipocytes are poorly documented. Herein, we used adipocyte-deficient PPARγ-whole body null mice to investigate the consequence of total adipocyte deficiency on bone homeostasis in mice. We first highlighted the dual bone phenotype of PPARγ null mice: one the one hand, the increased bone formation and subsequent trabecularization extending in the long bone diaphysis, due to the well-known impact of PPARγ deficiency on osteoblasts formation and activity; on the other hand, an increased osteoclastogenesis in the cortical bone. We then further explored the cause of this unexpected increased osteoclastogenesis using two independent models of lipoatrophy, which recapitulated this phenotype. This demonstrates that hyperosteoclastogenesis is not intrinsically linked to PPARγ deficiency, but is a consequence of the total lipodystrophy. We further showed that adiponectin, a cytokine produced by adipocytes and mesenchymal stromal cells is a potent inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, pharmacological activation of adiponectin receptors by the synthetic agonist AdipoRon inhibited mature osteoclast activity both in mouse and human cells by blocking podosome formation through AMPK activation. Finally, we demonstrated that AdipoRon treatment blocks bone erosion in vivo in a murine model of inflammatory bone loss, providing potential new approaches to treat osteoporosis

    Do linden trees kill bees? Reviewing the causes of bee deaths on silver linden (Tilia tomentosa)

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    For decades, linden trees (basswoods or lime trees), and particularly silver linden (Tilia tomentosa), have been linked to mass bee deaths. This phenomenon is often attributed to the purported occurrence of the carbohydrate mannose, which is toxic to bees, in Tilia nectar. In this review, however, we conclude that from existing literature there is no experimental evidence for toxicity to bees in linden nectar. Bee deaths on Tilia probably result from starvation, owing to insufficient nectar resources late in the tree's flowering period. We recommend ensuring sufficient alternative food sources in cities during late summer to reduce bee deaths on silver linden. Silver linden metabolites such as floral volatiles, pollen chemistry and nectar secondary compounds remain underexplored, particularly their toxic or behavioural effects on bees. Some evidence for the presence of caffeine in linden nectar may mean that linden trees can chemically deceive foraging bees to make sub-optimal foraging decisions, in some cases leading to their starvation