1,296 research outputs found

    Superconductivity-enhanced bias spectroscopy in carbon nanotube quantum dots

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    We study low-temperature transport through carbon nanotube quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime coupled to niobium-based superconducting leads. We observe pronounced conductance peaks at finite source-drain bias, which we ascribe to elastic and inelastic cotunneling processes enhanced by the coherence peaks in the density of states of the superconducting leads. The inelastic cotunneling lines display a marked dependence on the applied gate voltage which we relate to different tunneling-renormalizations of the two subbands in the nanotube. Finally, we discuss the origin of an especially pronounced sub-gap structure observed in every fourth Coulomb diamond

    Synchronization Landscapes in Small-World-Connected Computer Networks

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    Motivated by a synchronization problem in distributed computing we studied a simple growth model on regular and small-world networks, embedded in one and two-dimensions. We find that the synchronization landscape (corresponding to the progress of the individual processors) exhibits Kardar-Parisi-Zhang-like kinetic roughening on regular networks with short-range communication links. Although the processors, on average, progress at a nonzero rate, their spread (the width of the synchronization landscape) diverges with the number of nodes (desynchronized state) hindering efficient data management. When random communication links are added on top of the one and two-dimensional regular networks (resulting in a small-world network), large fluctuations in the synchronization landscape are suppressed and the width approaches a finite value in the large system-size limit (synchronized state). In the resulting synchronization scheme, the processors make close-to-uniform progress with a nonzero rate without global intervention. We obtain our results by ``simulating the simulations", based on the exact algorithmic rules, supported by coarse-grained arguments.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figure

    Childhood motor performance is increased by participation in organized sport: the CHAMPS Study-DK

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    Evidence suggests that motor performance in children is declining globally. We tested whether participation in organized sport is associated with motor performance, and estimate the effect of 30 months participation in organized sport on motor performance. Study participants were 1067 primary school students, enrolled in the Danish Childhood Health, Activity, and Motor Performance School study. Participation in organized sport was reported via text messaging. Coordination-related motor performance composite, fitness-related motor performance composite, and total motor performance composite were calculated. Data were analyzed using Generalized Estimating Equations. Participation in organized sport was positively associated with motor performance (all composites) in models that did and did not control for baseline motor performance. For models that did not control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 2–6% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session; for models that did control for baseline motor performance, this equated to 1–5% increases in motor performance per weekly sport session. Positive associations between participation in organized sport and motor performance identify participation in organized sport as a way to improve motor performance in children. These results might provide the basis to determine whether participation in organized sport could be beneficial for children with developmental movement disorders

    Superconductivity enhanced conductance fluctuations in few layer graphene nanoribbons

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    We investigate the mesoscopic disorder induced rms conductance variance δG\delta G in a few layer graphene nanoribbon (FGNR) contacted by two superconducting (S) Ti/Al contacts. By sweeping the back-gate voltage, we observe pronounced conductance fluctuations superimposed on a linear background of the two terminal conductance G. The linear gate-voltage induced response can be modeled by a set of inter-layer and intra-layer capacitances. δG\delta G depends on temperature T and source-drain voltage VsdV_{sd}. δG\delta G increases with decreasing T and Vsd|V_{sd}|. When lowering Vsd|V_{sd}|, a pronounced cross-over at a voltage corresponding to the superconducting energy gap Δ\Delta is observed. For |V_{sd}|\ltequiv \Delta the fluctuations are markedly enhanced. Expressed in the conductance variance GGSG_{GS} of one graphene-superconducutor (G-S) interface, values of 0.58 e^2/h are obtained at the base temperature of 230 mK. The conductance variance in the sub-gap region are larger by up to a factor of 1.4-1.8 compared to the normal state. The observed strong enhancement is due to phase coherent charge transfer caused by Andreev reflection at the nanoribbon-superconductor interface.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Levy flights from a continuous-time process

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    The Levy-flight dynamics can stem from simple random walks in a system whose operational time (number of steps n) typically grows superlinearly with physical time t. Thus, this processes is a kind of continuous-time random walks (CTRW), dual to usual Scher-Montroll model, in which nn grows sublinearly with t. The models in which Levy-flights emerge due to a temporal subordination let easily discuss the response of a random walker to a weak outer force, which is shown to be nonlinear. On the other hand, the relaxation of en ensemble of such walkers in a harmonic potential follows a simple exponential pattern and leads to a normal Boltzmann distribution. The mixed models, describing normal CTRW in superlinear operational time and Levy-flights under the operational time of subdiffusive CTRW lead to paradoxical diffusive behavior, similar to the one found in transport on polymer chains. The relaxation to the Boltzmann distribution in such models is slow and asymptotically follows a power-law

    Raman spectroscopy and electrical properties of InAs nanowires with local oxidation enabled by substrate micro-trenches and laser irradiation

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    The thermal gradient along indium-arsenide nanowires was engineered by a combination of fabricated micro- trenches in the supporting substrate and focused laser irradiation. This allowed local control of thermally activated oxidation reactions of the nanowire on the scale of the diffraction limit. The locality of the oxidation was detected by micro-Raman mapping, and the results were found consistent with numerical simulations of the temperature profile. Applying the technique to nanowires in electrical devices the locally oxidized nanowires remained conducting with a lower conductance as expected for an effectively thinner conducting core

    Organ-specific responses during brain death:increased aerobic metabolism in the liver and anaerobic metabolism with decreased perfusion in the kidneys

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    Hepatic and renal energy status prior to transplantation correlates with graft survival. However, effects of brain death (BD) on organ-specific energy status are largely unknown. We studied metabolism, perfusion, oxygen consumption, and mitochondrial function in the liver and kidneys following BD. BD was induced in mechanically-ventilated rats, inflating an epidurally-placed Fogarty-catheter, with sham-operated rats as controls. A 9.4T-preclinical MRI system measured hourly oxygen availability (BOLD-related R2*) and perfusion (T1-weighted). After 4 hrs, tissue was collected, mitochondria isolated and assessed with high-resolution respirometry. Quantitative proteomics, qPCR, and biochemistry was performed on stored tissue/plasma. Following BD, the liver increased glycolytic gene expression (Pfk-1) with decreased glycogen stores, while the kidneys increased anaerobic- (Ldha) and decreased gluconeogenic-related gene expression (Pck-1). Hepatic oxygen consumption increased, while renal perfusion decreased. ATP levels dropped in both organs while mitochondrial respiration and complex I/ATP synthase activity were unaffected. In conclusion, the liver responds to increased metabolic demands during BD, enhancing aerobic metabolism with functional mitochondria. The kidneys shift towards anaerobic energy production while renal perfusion decreases. Our findings highlight the need for an organ-specific approach to assess and optimise graft quality prior to transplantation, to optimise hepatic metabolic conditions and improve renal perfusion while supporting cellular detoxification

    Evolving networks with disadvantaged long-range connections

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    We consider a growing network, whose growth algorithm is based on the preferential attachment typical for scale-free constructions, but where the long-range bonds are disadvantaged. Thus, the probability to get connected to a site at distance dd is proportional to dαd^{-\alpha}, where α\alpha is a tunable parameter of the model. We show that the properties of the networks grown with α<1\alpha <1 are close to those of the genuine scale-free construction, while for α>1\alpha >1 the structure of the network is vastly different. Thus, in this regime, the node degree distribution is no more a power law, and it is well-represented by a stretched exponential. On the other hand, the small-world property of the growing networks is preserved at all values of α\alpha .Comment: REVTeX, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Introducing Small-World Network Effect to Critical Dynamics

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    We analytically investigate the kinetic Gaussian model and the one-dimensional kinetic Ising model on two typical small-world networks (SWN), the adding-type and the rewiring-type. The general approaches and some basic equations are systematically formulated. The rigorous investigation of the Glauber-type kinetic Gaussian model shows the mean-field-like global influence on the dynamic evolution of the individual spins. Accordingly a simplified method is presented and tested, and believed to be a good choice for the mean-field transition widely (in fact, without exception so far) observed on SWN. It yields the evolving equation of the Kawasaki-type Gaussian model. In the one-dimensional Ising model, the p-dependence of the critical point is analytically obtained and the inexistence of such a threshold p_c, for a finite temperature transition, is confirmed. The static critical exponents, gamma and beta are in accordance with the results of the recent Monte Carlo simulations, and also with the mean-field critical behavior of the system. We also prove that the SWN effect does not change the dynamic critical exponent, z=2, for this model. The observed influence of the long-range randomness on the critical point indicates two obviously different hidden mechanisms.Comment: 30 pages, 1 ps figures, REVTEX, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.