659 research outputs found

    Classification of mixed three-qubit states

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    We introduce a classification of mixed three-qubit states, in which we define the classes of separable, biseparable, W- and GHZ-states. These classes are successively embedded into each other. We show that contrary to pure W-type states, the mixed W-class is not of measure zero. We construct witness operators that detect the class of a mixed state. We discuss the conjecture that all entangled states with positive partial transpose (PPTES) belong to the W-class. Finally, we present a new family of PPTES "edge" states with maximal ranks.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Entanglement Distillation Protocols and Number Theory

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    We show that the analysis of entanglement distillation protocols for qudits of arbitrary dimension DD benefits from applying basic concepts from number theory, since the set \zdn associated to Bell diagonal states is a module rather than a vector space. We find that a partition of \zdn into divisor classes characterizes the invariant properties of mixed Bell diagonal states under local permutations. We construct a very general class of recursion protocols by means of unitary operations implementing these local permutations. We study these distillation protocols depending on whether we use twirling operations in the intermediate steps or not, and we study them both analitically and numerically with Monte Carlo methods. In the absence of twirling operations, we construct extensions of the quantum privacy algorithms valid for secure communications with qudits of any dimension DD. When DD is a prime number, we show that distillation protocols are optimal both qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: REVTEX4 file, 7 color figures, 2 table

    Generalized spin squeezing inequalities in NN qubit systems: theory and experiment

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    We present detailed derivations, various improvements and application to concrete experimental data of spin squeezing inequalities formulated recently by some of us [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 120502 (2005)]. These inequalities generalize the concept of the spin squeezing parameter, and provide necessary and sufficient conditions for genuine 2-, or 3- qubit entanglement for symmetric states, and sufficient entanglement condition for general NN-qubit states. We apply our method to theoretical study of Dicke states, and, in particular, to WW-states of NN qubits. Then, we analyze the recently experimentally generated 7- and 8-ion WW-states [Nature {\bf 438}, 643 (2005)]. We also present some novel details concerning this experiment. Finally, we improve criteria for detection of genuine tripartite entanglement based on entanglement witnesses.Comment: Final versio

    Separable approximations of density matrices of composite quantum systems

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    We investigate optimal separable approximations (decompositions) of states rho of bipartite quantum systems A and B of arbitrary dimensions MxN following the lines of Ref. [M. Lewenstein and A. Sanpera, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2261 (1998)]. Such approximations allow to represent in an optimal way any density operator as a sum of a separable state and an entangled state of a certain form. For two qubit systems (M=N=2) the best separable approximation has a form of a mixture of a separable state and a projector onto a pure entangled state. We formulate a necessary condition that the pure state in the best separable approximation is not maximally entangled. We demonstrate that the weight of the entangled state in the best separable approximation in arbitrary dimensions provides a good entanglement measure. We prove in general for arbitrary M and N that the best separable approximation corresponds to a mixture of a separable and an entangled state which are both unique. We develop also a theory of optimal separable approximations for states with positive partial transpose (PPT states). Such approximations allow to decompose any density operator with positive partial transpose as a sum of a separable state and an entangled PPT state. We discuss procedures of constructing such decompositions.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Cooperative quantum jumps for three dipole-interacting atoms

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    We investigate the effect of the dipole-dipole interaction on the quantum jump statistics of three atoms. This is done for three-level systems in a V configuration and in what may be called a D configuration. The transition rates between the four different intensity periods are calculated in closed form. Cooperative effects are shown to increase by a factor of 2 compared to two of either three-level systems. This results in transition rates that are, for distances of about one wavelength of the strong transition, up to 100% higher than for independent systems. In addition the double and triple jump rates are calculated from the transition rates. In this case cooperative effects of up to 170% for distances of about one wavelength and still up to 15% around 10 wavelengths are found. Nevertheless, for the parameters of an experiment with Hg+ ions the effects are negligible, in agreement with the experimental data. For three Ba+ ions this seems to indicate that the large cooperative effects observed experimentally cannot be explained by the dipole-dipole interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, to be published in PR

    Atomic quantum gases in Kagom\'e lattices

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    We demonstrate the possibility of creating and controlling an ideal and \textit{trimerized} optical Kagom\'e lattice, and study the low temperature physics of various atomic gases in such lattices. In the trimerized Kagom\'e lattice, a Bose gas exhibits a Mott transition with fractional filling factors, whereas a spinless interacting Fermi gas at 2/3 filling behaves as a quantum magnet on a triangular lattice. Finally, a Fermi-Fermi mixture at half filling for both components represents a frustrated quantum antiferromagnet with a resonating-valence-bond ground state and quantum spin liquid behavior dominated by continuous spectrum of singlet and triplet excitations. We discuss the method of preparing and observing such quantum spin liquid employing molecular Bose condensates.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Missing affiliations adde

    High-order harmonic generation from inhomogeneous fields

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    We present theoretical studies of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) produced by non-homogeneous fields as resulting from the illumination of plasmonic nanostructures with a short laser pulse. We show that both the inhomogeneity of the local fields and the confinement of the electron movement play an important role in the HHG process and lead to the generation of even harmonics and a significantly increased cutoff, more pronounced for the longer wavelengths cases studied. In order to understand and characterize the new HHG features we employ two different approaches: the numerical solution of the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) and the semiclassical approach known as Strong Field Approximation (SFA). Both approaches predict comparable results and show the new features, but using the semiclassical arguments behind the SFA and time-frequency analysis tools, we are able to fully understand the reasons of the cutoff extension.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Sympathetic cooling of trapped fermions by bosons in the presence of particle losses

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    We study the sympathetic cooling of a trapped Fermi gas interacting with an ideal Bose gas below the critical temperature of the Bose-Einstein condensation. We derive the quantum master equation, which describes the dynamics of the fermionic component, and postulating the thermal distribution for both gases we calculate analytically the rate at which fermions are cooled by the bosonic atoms. The particle losses constitute an important source of heating of the degenerate Fermi gas. We evaluate the rate of loss-induced heating and derive analytical results for the final temperature of fermions, which is limited in the presence of particle losses.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, EPL style; final versio

    Entanglement in SU(2)-invariant quantum systems: The positive partial transpose criterion and others

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    We study entanglement in mixed bipartite quantum states which are invariant under simultaneous SU(2) transformations in both subsystems. Previous results on the behavior of such states under partial transposition are substantially extended. The spectrum of the partial transpose of a given SU(2)-invariant density matrix ρ\rho is entirely determined by the diagonal elements of ρ\rho in a basis of tensor-product states of both spins with respect to a common quantization axis. We construct a set of operators which act as entanglement witnesses on SU(2)-invariant states. A sufficient criterion for ρ\rho having a negative partial transpose is derived in terms of a simple spin correlator. The same condition is a necessary criterion for the partial transpose to have the maximum number of negative eigenvalues. Moreover, we derive a series of sum rules which uniquely determine the eigenvalues of the partial transpose in terms of a system of linear equations. Finally we compare our findings with other entanglement criteria including the reduction criterion, the majorization criterion, and the recently proposed local uncertainty relations.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Rev.