4 research outputs found

    Caractérisation, transformation et valorisation de déchets d’éviscération de volaille de Kénitra, Maroc

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    Characterization, transformation and valorization of poultry evisceration waste of KĂ©nitra, MoroccoThe production of chickens at industrial level has known a considerable development since the 25 last years and produces a great quantity of waste. A biological process allowing the transformation of this waste in a stable product was undergone, using lactic bacteria and yeasts with great acidifying capacity and high fermentative potential. Ten lactic bacterium and eleven yeast were isolated. The lactic bacterium LBL1 and the yeast LSS1 were retained to constitute the leaven of fermentation. Their association allowed a reduction of the fermentation time, and gave a product of fertilizing quality and satisfactory final hygienic quality. After ten days fermentation, the stabilisation was observed. pH reached 3.9 with 1.4 % acidity of total nitrogen 2.2 %, potassium 56.5 %, phosphate 10 %. Coliformes were eliminated while staphylococci and streptococci were at a non-worrying level

    Biotransformation of the fish waste by fermentation

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    Fish waste (viscera, backbones, heads and tails) was recovered fish merchants and ground. 50 kg of the ground fish was mixed with 10 kg of molasses and incubated in 200 kg barrels in closed plastic in aroom where the ambient temperature varies between 30 and 33°C. Stumps of lactic bacteria and yeasts were used to inoculate the mixture. There was a decrease of pH from the third day which stabilized at 4.2 and a remarkable change of the number of bacteria between the initial and the finished products. The total aerobic mesophilic flora increased from 2.4 x 106 to 4.58 x 107 cfu and yeasts from 1.30 x 103 to 1.59 x 105. As for the anaerobic sulfur-reducing (ASR) bacteria, their number reduced from 1.65 x 103 to 2 x 102, the fecal coliforms were eliminated completely even though their initial number was 1.20 x 103., Also, total coliforms went from 1.9 x 104 to zero. At the end this fermentation, the fishy smell was concealed by products of fermentation. There was total absence of nematodes and the useful products (proteins, lipids, mineral elements) can be exploited in the fertilization of soil or used as ingredient to balance the food ration of the animals especially during the periods of drought. The obtained resultsconfirm the efficiency of our isolated inoculum and a fast, simple and less expensive fermentation process

    Étude bactériologique comparative des fromages frais marocains commercialisés (Mahlabats) et des fromages fabriqués au laboratoire

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    Vingt échantillons de fromage frais traditionnel marocain (jben) fabriqué à partir du lait cru, prélevés de cinq laiteries traditionnelles (Mahlabats) de la ville de Kenitra ;ont été soumis à des analyses microbiologiques, à fin de mettre en évidence leur qualité bactériologique et de les comparer avec le fromage contrôlé préparé au laboratoire . Les résultats obtenus montrent que le pH moyen de ces échantillons commercialisés est de 4,25 et l'acidité moyenne est de 87,4D°. Ces valeurs sont respectivement de l’ordre de 4,18 et 83D au niveau des fromages contrôlés (10 échantillons). La charge microbienne aérobie totale est en moyenne de 1,14 107UFC/g, alors que pour les fromages contrôlés les valeurs oscillent entre 3 et 9.106UFC/g. La flore d'origine fécale (coliformes totaux et fécaux) est plus importante dans les fromages commercialisés et en moyenne respectives de 1,04.103 UFC/g et 5,7.104 UFC/g. Les fromages contrôlés sont dépourvus de toute contamination d’origine fécale. Nous avons souligné également l’absence totale des Staphylocoques, Salmonelles et clolésstriduims dans tous les échantillons analysés.Mots-clés : fromage frais, qualité bactériologique