729 research outputs found

    Search for anomalous C-jets in Chacaltaya emulsion chamber experiment

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    Anomalous C-jets were measured in Chacaltaya emulsion chamber No.17. Measurement of 150 C-jets nuclear interactions occured in the target layer in the chamber itself with total visible energy greater than 5 TeV was completed. they are recorded in area of 11 sq m, corresponding to 17.1 sq m year exposure. Among them, seven events have no pinaught and two events are peculiar in that three showers out of four show abnormal cascade development. Two show remarkable characteristics indicating that they are coming from exotic interactions in the target layer. Illustrations of these events are presented and the thresholds of this type of event are discussed

    Nuclear modification of valence-quark distributions and its effects on NuTeV sin^2 theta_W anomaly

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    We investigated a nuclear modification difference between up- and down-valence quark distributions by analyzing structure function F_2 and Drell-Yan cross-section ratios. Although nuclear modifications of the valence-quark distributions themselves are rather well determined, it is difficult to find their difference from the present data. We estimated such an effect on the NuTeV sin^2 theta_W value and its uncertainty by the Hessian method. At this stage, it is not large enough to explain the whole NuTeV anomaly. However, the modification difference cannot be precisely determined, so that further studies are needed.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps file, to be published in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Superbeams (NuFact04

    Nuclear modification difference between u_v and d_v distributions and its relation to NuTeV sin^2 theta_W anomaly

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    We investigate a possible nuclear correction to the NuTeV measurement of the weak-mixing angle sin^2 theta_W. In particular, a nuclear modification difference between u_v and d_v distributions contributes to the NuTeV measurement with the iron target. First, the modification differenceis determined by a chi^2 analysis so as to reproduce nuclear data on the structure function F_2 and Drell-Yan processes. Then, taking the NuTeV kinematics into account, we calculate a contribution to the sin^2 theta_W determination. In addition, its uncertainty is estimated by the Hessian method. Although the uncertainty becomes comparable to the NuTeV deviation, the effect is not large enough to explain the whole NuTeV sin^2 theta_W anomaly at this stage. However, it is difficult to determine such a nuclear modification difference, so that we need further investigations on the difference and its effect on the NuTeV anomaly.Comment: 6 pages,3 figure

    Studies of exotic hadrons by high-energy exclusive reactions

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    We investigate the possibility of clarifying internal structure of exotic hadrons by high-energy exclusive reactions. In particular, the constituent-counting rule could be used for determining the internal configuration in large-angle exclusive scattering. As an example, we show the cross section pi^- + p -> K^0 + Lambda(1405) in comparison with the one for the ground-state Lambda production pi^- + p -> K^0 + Lambda. The counting rule indicates that the cross section scales as s^8 dsigma /dt=constant if Lambda(1405) is an ordinary three-quark baryon, whereas it is s^{10} dsigma /dt=constant if Lambda(1405) is a five-quark baryon. Here, s and t are Mandelstam variables. Such experiments could be possible at J-PARC, LEP, JLab, CERN-COMPASS, and other high-energy facilities.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), JPS Conference Proceedings in pres

    Internal structure of exotic hadrons by high-energy exclusive reactions

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    We propose to use high-energy exclusive reactions for probing internal structure of exotic hadron candidates. First, the constituent counting rule of perturbative QCD can be used for finding internal configurations of an exotic hadron candidate. It is because the number of constituents (nn), which participate in the exclusive reaction, is found by the scaling behavior of the cross section dσ/dt1/sn2d\sigma/dt \propto 1/s^{n-2} at large momentum transfer, where ss is the center-of-mass energy squared. As an example, we show that the internal structure of Λ(1405)\Lambda \, (1405) should be found, for example, by the reaction π+pK0+Λ(1405)\pi^- + p \to K^0 + \Lambda (1405). Second, the internal structure of exotic hadron candidates should be investigated by hadron tomography with generalized parton distributions (GPDs) and generalized distribution amplitudes (GDAs) in exclusive reactions. Exotic nature should be reflected in the GPDs which contain two factors, longitudinal parton distributions as indicated by the constituent counting rule and transverse form factors as suggested by the hadron size. The GDAs should be investigated by the two-photon process γγhhˉ\gamma^* \gamma \to h\bar h, for example h=f0h=f_0 or a0a_0, in electron-positron annihilation. Since the GDAs contain information on a time-like form factor, exotic nature should be found by studying the hhˉh\bar h invariant mass dependence of the cross section. The internal structure of exotic hadron candidates should be clarified by the exclusive reactions at facilities such as J-PARC and KEKB.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX, 9 eps files, JPS Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Science at J-PARC (J-PARC 2014), Tsukuba, Japan, July 12-15, 201

    A possible nuclear effect on the NuTeV sin^2 theta_W anomaly

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    We investigate a possible explanation for the NuTeV anomaly in terms of a nuclear correction difference between u_v and d_v distributions. Analyzing deep elastic scattering and Drell-Yan data for nuclear targets, we try to determine the correction difference and its effect on the anomaly. We find that the difference cannot be precisely determined at this stage due to the lack of data which are sensitive to the difference. Therefore, it is difficult to draw a solid conclusion about its effect although the anomaly could be explained, at least partially, by this kind of nuclear correction.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, to be published in the proceedings of the XVIIth Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC), Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, October 24-28, 200

    Technique for manufacturing nickel electrodes

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    A method of manufacturing nickel electrodes distinctive for its use of a composite material for the electrode made up of nickel compound, electrode material, cobalt in metal form or cobalt in compound form is investigated. The composite is over-discharged (same as reverse charging) in an alkaline solution. After dealkalization, synthetic resin adhesive is added and the electrode is formed. Selection of the cobalt compound is made from a group consisting of cobalt oxide, cobalt hydroxide, cobalt carbonate and cobalt sulfate. The method upgrades plate characteristics by using an active material in a non-sintered type nickel electrode, which is activated by electro-chemical effect