7,478 research outputs found


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    We summarize the current status and future prospects for low energy (weak scale) supersymmetry. In particular, we evaluate the capabilities of various e+e−e^+e^-, ppˉp\bar p and pppp colliders to discover evidence for supersymmetric particles. Furthermore, assuming supersymmetry is discovered, we discuss capabilities of future facilities to dis-entangle the anticipated spectrum of super-particles, and, via precision measurements, to test mass and coupling parameters for comparison with various theoretical expectations. We comment upon the complementarity of proposed hadron and e+e−e^+e^- machines for a comprehensive study of low energy supersymmetry.Comment: 74 page (Latex) file; a PS or uuencoded manuscript with embedded figures is available via anonymous ftp at ftp://hep.fsu.edu/preprints/baer/FSUHEP950401.ps or .uu . Contributed chapter to DPF study group on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model

    Supersymmetry Reach of Tevatron Upgrades: The Large tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta Case

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    The Yukawa couplings of the tau lepton and the bottom quark become comparable to, or even exceed, electroweak gauge couplings for large values of the SUSY parameter tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta. As a result, the lightest tau slepton \ttau_1 and bottom squark \tb_1 can be significantly lighter than corresponding sleptons and squarks of the first two generations. Gluino, chargino and neutralino decays to third generation particles are significantly enhanced when tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta is large. This affects projections for collider experiment reach for supersymmetric particles. In this paper, we evaluate the reach of the Fermilab Tevatron ppˉp\bar p collider for supersymmetric signals in the framework of the mSUGRA model. We find that the reach via signatures with multiple isolated leptons (ee and ÎŒ\mu) is considerably reduced. For very large tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta, the greatest reach is attained in the multi-jet+\eslt signature. Some significant extra regions may be probed by requiring the presence of an identified bb-jet in jets+\eslt events, or by requiring one of the identified leptons in clean trilepton events to actually be a hadronic 1 or 3 charged prong tau. In an appendix, we present formulae for chargino, neutralino and gluino three body decays which are valid at large tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta.Comment: 31 page Revtex file including 10 PS figure

    Impact of R-Parity Violation on Supersymmetry Searches at the Tevatron

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    We evaluate cross sections for \eslt, 1ℓ\ell and various dilepton and multilepton event topologies that result from the simultaneous production of all sparticles at the Tevatron collider, both within the minimal model framework as well as in two different RR-parity violating scenarios. Our analysis assumes that these RR-violating couplings are small, and that their sole effect is to cause the lightest supersymmetric particle to decay inside the detector. We reassess future strategies for sparticle searches at the Tevatron, and quantify by how much the various signals for supersymmetry could differ from their minimal model expectations, if RR-parity is not conserved due to either baryon number or lepton number violating operators. We also evaluate the Tevatron reach in mtg⁡m_{\tg} for the various models, and find that rate-limited multilepton signals ultimately provide the largest reach for both RR-parity conserving and RR-parity violating cases.Comment: preprint nos. FSU-HEP-941001, UR-1387, ER-40685-836 and UH-511-807-94, 13 pages (REVTEX) plus 3 uuencoded figures attache

    Prospects for Supersymmetry at LEP2

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    Working within the framework of the minimal supergravity model with gauge coupling unification and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking (SUGRA), we map out regions of parameter space explorable by experiments at LEP2, for center of mass energy options of s=150, 175\sqrt{s}=150,\ 175, 190190 and 205 GeV. We compute signals from all accessible 2→22 \rightarrow 2 SUSY pair production processes using the ISAJET simulation program, and devise cuts that enhance the signal relative to Standard Model backgrounds, and which also serve to differentiate various supersymmetric processes from one another. We delineate regions of SUGRA parameter space where production of neutralino pairs, chargino pairs, slepton pairs and the production of the light Higgs scalar of SUSY is detectable above Standard Model backgrounds and distinguishable from other SUSY processes. In addition, we find small regions of SUGRA parameter space where \te\te, \tz_2\tz_2 and \tnu_L\tnu_L production yields spectacular events with up to four isolated leptons. The combined regions of parameter space explorable by LEP2 are compared with the reach of Tevatron Main Injector era experiments. Finally, we comment on how the reach via the neutralino pair channel is altered when the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking constraint is relaxed.Comment: 22 page REVTEX file + 9 uuencoded figures; a uuencoded PS file with PS figures is available via anonymous ftp at ftp://hep.fsu.edu/preprints/baer/FSUHEP950501.u


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    We examine the capability of a s=2\sqrt{s}=2 TeV Tevatron ppˉp\bar p collider to discover supersymmetry, given a luminosity upgrade to amass 25 fb−125\ fb^{-1} of data. We compare with the corresponding reach of the Tevatron Main Injector (1 fb−11\ fb^{-1} of data). Working within the framework of minimal supergravity with gauge coupling unification and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking, we first calculate the regions of parameter space accessible via the clean trilepton signal from \tw_1\tz_2\to 3\ell +\eslt production, with detailed event generation of both signal and major physics backgrounds. The trilepton signal can allow equivalent gluino masses of up to mtgâĄâˆŒ600−700m_{\tg}\sim 600-700 GeV to be probed if m0m_0 is small. If m0m_0 is large, then mtgâĄâˆŒ500m_{\tg}\sim 500 GeV can be probed for ÎŒ0\mu 0 and large values of m0m_0, the rate for \tz_2\to\tz_1\ell\bar{\ell} is suppressed by interference effects, and there is {\it no} reach in this channel. We also examine regions where the signal from \tw_1\overline{\tw_1}\to \ell\bar{\ell}+\eslt is detectable. Although this signal is background limited, it is observable in some regions where the clean trilepton signal is too small. Finally, the signal \tw_1\tz_2\to jets+\ell\bar{\ell} +\eslt can confirm the clean trilepton signal in a substantial subset of the parameter space where the trilepton signal can be seen. We note that although the clean trilepton signal may allow Tevatron experiments to identify signals in regions of parameter space beyond the reach of LEP II, the dilepton channels generally probe much the same region as LEP II.Comment: 19 page REVTEX file; a uuencoded PS file with PS figures is available via anonymous ftp at ftp://hep.fsu.edu/preprints/baer/FSUHEP950301.u

    Contact Interactions and Resonance-Like Physics at Present and Future Colliders from Unparticles

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    High scale conformal physics can lead to unusual unparticle stuff at our low energies. In this paper we discuss how the exchange of unparticles between Standard Model fields can lead to new contact interaction physics as well as a pseudoresonance-like structure, an unresonance, that might be observable at the Tevatron or LHC in, e.g., the Drell-Yan channel. The specific signatures of this scenario are quite unique and can be used to easily identify this new physics given sufficient integrated luminosity.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figs; minor text changes, ref added; typos correcte


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    We use ISAJET to perform a detailed study of the missing transverse energy \eslt plus multi-jet signal expected from superparticle production at the CERN LHC. Our analysis is performed within the framework of the minimal supergravity model with gauge coupling unification and radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. We delineate the region of parameter space where the \eslt supersymmetry signal should be observable at the LHC and compare it to the regions explorable via searches for sleptons and for chargino/neutralino production. We confirm that, given a data sample of 10~\fb^{-1}, mtgâĄâˆŒ1300m_{\tg}\sim 1300 GeV can be explored if m_{\tq}\gg m_{\tg}, while mtgâĄâˆŒ2000m_{\tg}\sim 2000 GeV can be probed if m_{\tq}\simeq m_{\tg}. We further examine what information can be gleaned from scrutinizing this event sample. For instance, the multi-jet multiplicity yields information on whether squark production makes a significant contribution to the observed \eslt sample. Furthermore, reconstructing hemispheric masses may yield a measure of mtg⁥m_{\tg} to ∌15−25%\sim 15-25\%. Finally, for favourable ranges of parameters, by reconstructing masses of tagged bbˉb\bar{b} jet pairs, it may be possible to detect Higgs bosons produced via sparticle cascade decay chains.Comment: 22 pages (REVTEX); a PS text file (etmiss.ps) and 12 figures (etlhc.uu or etlhc.ps) can be obtained via anonymous ftp at ftp://hep.fsu.edu/anonymous.bae

    Trilepton Signature of Minimal Supergravity at the Upgraded Tevatron

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    The prospects for detecting trilepton events (ℓ=e\ell = e or ÎŒ\mu) from chargino-neutralino (χ1±χ20\chi^\pm_1 \chi^0_2) associated production are investigated for the upgraded Fermilab Tevatron Collider in the context of the minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA). In some regions of parameter space, χ1±\chi^\pm_1 and χ20\chi^0_2 decay dominantly into final states with τ\tau leptons and the contributions from τ−\tau-leptonic decays enhance the trilepton signal substantially when soft cuts on lepton transverse momenta are used. Additional sources of the mSUGRA trilepton signal and dominant irreducible backgrounds are discussed. The dilepton (ℓ+ℓ−\ell^+\ell^-) invariant mass distribution near the endpoint is considered as a test of mSUGRA mass relations. Discovery contours for ppˉ→3ℓ+Xp\bar{p} \to 3\ell +X at 2 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 2 fb−1^{-1} to 30 fb−1^{-1} are presented in the mSUGRA parameter space of (m0,m1/2)(m_0,m_{1/2}) for several choices of tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta.Comment: Version to appear in Physical Review

    Supersymmetry Reach of the Tevatron via Trilepton, Like-Sign Dilepton and Dilepton plus Tau Jet Signatures

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    We determine the Tevatron's reach in supersymmetric parameter space in trilepton, like-sign dilepton, and two lepton one tau-jet channels. We critically study the standard model background processes. We find larger backgrounds and, hence, significantly smaller reach regions than recent analyses. We identify the major cause of the background discrepancy. We improve signal-to-noise by introducing an invariant mass cut which takes advantage of a sharp edge in the signal dilepton invariant mass distribution. Also, we independently vary the cuts at each point in SUSY parameter space to determine the set which yields the maximal reach. We find that this cut optimization can significantly enhance the Tevatron reach.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Anomaly-Free Gauged R-Symmetry

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    We review the gauging of an R-symmetry in local and global susy. We then construct the first anomaly-free models. We break the R-symmetry and susy at the Planck scale and discuss the low-energy effects. We include a solution to the mu-problem, and the prediction of observable effects at HERA. The models also nicely allow for GUT-scale baryogenesis and R-parity violation without the sphaleron interactions erasing the baryon-asymmetry.Comment: 6 pages, latex, no figures. Talk presented at SUSY-95. Work done in collaboration with A. Chamseddin
