679,308 research outputs found

    Effective Hamiltonian of Three-orbital Hubbard Model on Pyrochlore Lattice: Application to LiV_2O_4

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    We investigate heavy fermion behaviors in the vanadium spinel LiV_2O_4. We start from a three-orbital Hubbard model on the pyrochlore lattice and derive its low-energy effective Hamiltonian by an approach of real-space renormalization group type. One important tetrahedron configuration in the rochlore lattice has a three-fold orbital degeneracy and spin S=1, and correspondingly, the effective Hamiltonian has spin and orbital exchange interactions of Kugel-Khomskii type as well as correlated electron hoppings. Analyzing the effective Hamiltonian, we find that ferromagnetic double exchange processes compete with antiferromagnetic superexchange processes and various spin and orbital exchange processes are competing to each other. These results suggest the absence of phase transition in spin and orbital spaces down to very low temperatures and their large fluctuations in the low-energy sector, which are key issues for understanding the heavy fermion behavior in LiV_2O_4.Comment: 26 pages, 26 figure

    Exotic nuclei far from the stability line

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    The recent availability of radioactive beams has opened up a new era in nuclear physics. The interactions and structure of exotic nuclei close to the drip lines have been studied extensively world wide, and it has been revealed that unstable nuclei, having weakly bound nucleons, exhibit characteristic features such as a halo structure and a soft dipole excitation. We here review the developments of the physics of unstable nuclei in the past few decades. The topics discussed in this Chapter include the halo and skin structures, the Coulomb breakup, the dineutron correlation, the pair transfer reactions, the two-nucleon radioactivity, the appearance of new magic numbers, and the pygmy dipole resonances.Comment: 43 pages, 30 eps figures. chapter in "100 years of subatomic physics", edited by E.M. Henley and S. Elli

    Exact spin-orbital separation in a solvable model in one dimension

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    A one-dimensional model of coupled spin-1/2 spins and pseudospin-1/2 orbitals with nearest-neighbor interaction is rigorously shown to exhibit spin-orbital separation by means of a non-local unitary transformation. On an open chain, this transformation completely decouples the spins from the orbitals in such a way that the spins become paramagnetic while the orbitals form the soluble XXZ Heisenberg model. The nature of various correlations is discussed. The more general cases, which allow spin-orbital separation by the same method, are pointed out. A generalization for the orbital pseudospin greater than 1/2 is also discussed. Some qualitative connections are drawn with the recently observed spin-orbital separation in Sr2CuO3.Comment: 5 page

    Ion collection by oblique surfaces of an object in a transversely-flowing strongly-magnetized plasma

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    The equations governing a collisionless obliquely-flowing plasma around an ion-absorbing object in a strong magnetic field are shown to have an exact analytic solution even for arbitrary (two-dimensional) object-shape, when temperature is uniform, and diffusive transport can be ignored. The solution has an extremely simple geometric embodiment. It shows that the ion collection flux density to a convex body's surface depends only upon the orientation of the surface, and provides the theoretical justification and calibration of oblique `Mach-probes'. The exponential form of this exact solution helps explain the approximate fit of this function to previous numerical solutions.Comment: Four pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letter