24,994 research outputs found

    On the determination of anti-neutrino spectra from nuclear reactors

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    In this paper we study the effect of, well-known, higher order corrections to the allowed beta decay spectrum on the determination of anti-neutrino spectra resulting from the decays of fission fragments. In particular, we try to estimate the associated theory errors and find that induced currents like weak magnetism may ultimately limit our ability to improve the current accuracy and under certain circumstance could even largely increase the theoretical errors. We also perform a critical evaluation of the errors associated with our method to extract the anti-neutrino spectrum using synthetic beta spectra. It turns out, that a fit using only virtual beta branches with a judicious choice of the effective nuclear charge provides results with a minimal bias. We apply this method to actual data for U235, Pu239 and Pu241 and confirm, within errors, recent results, which indicate a net 3% upward shift in energy averaged anti-neutrino fluxes. However, we also find significant shape differences which can in principle be tested by high statistics anti-neutrino data samples.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables, added references, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. Corrected errors in tab. 1 and eqs. 18 and 19. Results and conclusion unchange

    Regional and labour market development in candidate countries: a literature survey

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    There has been substantial convergence of candidate countries to Western European institutions and labour market outcomes. Despite this, the labour markets in the candidate countries have their individual features: long and persistent reductions in employment rates as well as a higher incidence of long-term unemployment; more severe mass redundancy regulations and weaker trade unions and social partnership organisations; low turnover in and out of unemployment; and declining internal migration. Accession will trigger institutional changes by the social acquis, environmental and competition policy as well as – at a later stage – accession to EMU, the impact of the EU's structural policy on the candidate countries, and changes in trade, foreign direct investment and migration. In assessing the consequences of these changes, literature is far from unanimous, but some hypotheses can be developed: 1. Integration will have important structural and distributional effects and positive aggregate effects. 2. The capability of labour markets to adjust to such shocks will determine the labour market outcomes of integration. 3. Extrapolating purely from the current labour market dynamics to a time after enlargement may lead to misinterpretations, since "adjustment mechanisms" are endogenous. 4. National policy decisions and use of structural funds are a key in triggering regional convergence. Regional issues should be given attention when analysing integration effects. Experience from previous enlargements suggests that convergence is far from automatic after accession. Policy takes a decisive role in determining the outcomes. Regional development in candidate countries suggests some potential for further divergence

    CP, T and CPT violation in future long baseline experiments

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    I give a short overview about the possibilities and problems related to the measurement of CP violation in long baseline experiments. Special attention is paid to the issue of degeneracies and a method for their resolution is quantitatively discussed. The CP violation reach for different experiments is compared in dependence of sin22θ13\sin^22\theta_{13} and \dm{21}. Furthermore a short comment about the possible effects of matter induced T violation is made. Finally the limits on CPT violation obtainable at a neutrino factory are shown.Comment: Talk presented at NUFACT02, London, 1-6 July, 2002. 3 pages, 2 figure

    Discovery of the secondary eclipse of HAT-P-11 b

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    We report the detection of the secondary eclipse of HAT-P-11 b, a Neptune-sized planet orbiting an active K4 dwarf. Using all available short-cadence data of the Kepler mission, we derive refined planetary ephemeris increasing their precision by more than an order of magnitude. Our simultaneous primary and secondary transit modeling results in improved transit and orbital parameters. In particular, the precise timing of the secondary eclipse allows to pin down the orbital eccentricity to 0.264590.00048+0.000690.26459_{-0.00048}^{+0.00069}. The secondary eclipse depth of 6.091.11+1.126.09_{-1.11}^{+1.12} ppm corresponds to a 5.5σ5.5\sigma detection and results in a geometric albedo of 0.39±0.070.39\pm0.07 for HAT-P-11 b, close to Neptune's value, which may indicate further resemblances between these two bodies. Due to the substantial orbital eccentricity, the planetary equilibrium temperature is expected to change significantly with orbital position and ought to vary between 630630^\circ K and 950950^\circ K, depending on the details of heat redistribution in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 27/10/201

    Resolving Octant Degeneracy at LBL experiment by combining Daya Bay Reactor Setup

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    Long baseline Experiment (LBL) have promised to be a very powerful experimental set up to study various issues related to Neutrinos. Some ongoing and planned LBL and medium baseline experiments are - T2K, MINOS, NOvA, LBNE, LBNO etc. But the long baseline experiments are crippled due to presence of some parameter degeneracies, like the Octant degeneracy. In this work, we first show the presence of Octant degeneracy in LBL experiments, and then combine it with Daya Bay Reactor experiment, at different values of CP violation phase. We show that the Octant degeneracy in LBNE can be resolved completely with this proposal.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    A planetary eclipse map of CoRoT-2a. Comprehensive lightcurve modeling combining rotational-modulation and transits

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    We analyze the surface structure of the planet host star CoRoT-2a using a consistent model for both the `global' (i.e., rotationally modulated) lightcurve and the transit lightcurves, using data provided by the CoRoT mission. Selecting a time interval covering two stellar rotations and six transits of the planetary companion CoRoT-2b, we adopt a `strip' model of the surface to reproduce the photometric modulation inside and outside the transits simultaneously. Our reconstructions show that it is possible to achieve appropriate fits for the entire sub-interval using a low-resolution surface model with 36 strips. The surface reconstructions indicate that the brightness on the eclipsed section of the stellar surface is (6 +/- 1) % lower than the average brightness of the remaining surface. This result suggests a concentration of stellar activity in a band around the stellar equator similar to the behavior observed on the Sun.Comment: accepted by A&A on 12/09/200

    Hyperons and massive neutron stars: vector repulsion and SU(3) symmetry

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    With the discovery of massive neutron stars such as PSR J1614-2230, the question has arisen whether exotic matter such as hyperons can exist in the neutron star core. We examine the conditions under which hyperons can exist in massive neutron stars. We consistently investigate the vector meson-hyperon coupling, going from SU(6) quark model to a broader SU(3) symmetry. We propose that the maximum neutron star mass decreases linearly with the strangeness content f_s of the neutron star core as M_max(f_s) = M_max(0) - 0.6 M_solar (f_s/0.1), which seems to be independent of the underlying nuclear equation of state and the vector baryon-meson coupling scheme. Thus, pulsar mass measurements can be used to constrain the hyperon fraction in neutron stars.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Impact of the 3D source geometry on time-delay measurements of lensed type-Ia Supernovae

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    It has recently been proposed that gravitationally lensed type-Ia supernovae can provide microlensing-free time-delay measurements provided that the measurement is taken during the achromatic expansion phase of the explosion and that color light curves are used rather than single-band light curves. If verified, this would provide both precise and accurate time-delay measurements, making lensed type-Ia supernovae a new golden standard for time-delay cosmography. However, the 3D geometry of the expanding shell can introduce an additional bias that has not yet been fully explored. In this work, we present and discuss the impact of this effect on time-delay cosmography with lensed supernovae and find that on average it leads to a bias of a few tenths of a day for individual lensed systems. This is negligible in view of the cosmological time delays predicted for typical lensed type-Ia supernovae but not for the specific case of the recently discovered type-Ia supernova iPTF16geu, whose time delays are expected to be smaller than a day.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, published in A&