222 research outputs found

    Modularity map of the network of human cell differentiation

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    Cell differentiation in multicellular organisms is a complex process whose mechanism can be understood by a reductionist approach, in which the individual processes that control the generation of different cell types are identified. Alternatively, a large scale approach in search of different organizational features of the growth stages promises to reveal its modular global structure with the goal of discovering previously unknown relations between cell types. Here we sort and analyze a large set of scattered data to construct the network of human cell differentiation (NHCD) based on cell types (nodes) and differentiation steps (links) from the fertilized egg to a crying baby. We discover a dynamical law of critical branching, which reveals a fractal regularity in the modular organization of the network, and allows us to observe the network at different scales. The emerging picture clearly identifies clusters of cell types following a hierarchical organization, ranging from sub-modules to super-modules of specialized tissues and organs on varying scales. This discovery will allow one to treat the development of a particular cell function in the context of the complex network of human development as a whole. Our results point to an integrated large-scale view of the network of cell types systematically revealing ties between previously unrelated domains in organ functions.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 ”g L-Thyroxin und 10 ”g L-Trijodthyronin

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    Dtsch med Wochenschr 1981; 106: 579-583 DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1070359 © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Therapie der blanden Struma: Erfahrungen mit einer Kombination von 100 ”g L-Thyroxin und 10 ”g L-Trijodthyronin Treatment of non-toxic goitre: results of combined treatment with 100 ”g L-thyroxine and 10 ”g L-triiodothyronine C. R. Pickardt, R. GĂ€rtner, J. Habermann, K. Horn, P. C. Scriba, F. A. Horster, H. Wagner, K. Hengst Medizinische Klinik Innenstadt der UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnchen, Klinik fĂŒr Innere Medizin, Medizinische Hochschule LĂŒbeck, Medizinische Klinik C und Poliklinik der UniversitĂ€t DĂŒsseldorf sowie Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik der UniversitĂ€t MĂŒnster Zusammenfassung Bei 96 Patienten mit blander Struma wurde eine offene PrĂŒfung mit einem neuen SchilddrĂŒsenhormonprĂ€parat durchgefĂŒhrt, das 100 ”g L-Thyroxin (T4) und 10 ”g L-Trijodthyronin (T3) pro Tablette enthĂ€lt. Als Parameter fĂŒr die therapeutisch wirksame Tagesdosis wurde die Suppression des TRH-stimulierten Thyreotropinspiegels im Serum gewĂ€hlt. Hierbei war eine Tagesdosis von 50 ”g T4 und 5 ”g T3 bei 16 Patienten unwirksam; 75 ”g T4 und 7,5 ”g T3waren bei nur 4 von 12 Patienten suppressiv wirksam, wĂ€hrend 100 ”g T4 und 10 ”g T3 bei allen DĂŒsseldorfer und MĂŒnsteraner Patienten, aber nur bei 17 von 31 Patienten in MĂŒnchen den TRH-stimulierten TSH-Anstieg supprimierte. WĂ€hrend der gesamten Therapiedauer blieben Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel im Serum im Normbereich; bei einigen Patienten erhöhte sich der Quotient aus Thyroxin und thyroxinbindendem Globulin ĂŒber die Norm. Zeichen einer Überdosierung oder UnvertrĂ€glichkeit wurden nicht beobachtet. In pharmakokinetischen Untersuchungen an acht freiwilligen schilddrĂŒsengesunden Probanden erreichte der mittlere Thyroxin- und Trijodthyroninspiegel etwa 2 Stunden nach Applikation sein Maximum und nĂ€herte sich nach sechs Stunden wieder der Norm. Es zeigten sich deutliche individuelle Schwankungen in den ersten Stunden nach Applikation. Wir empfehlen deshalb, SchilddrĂŒsenhormonspiegel erst 12 oder 24 Stunden nach Applikation eines SchilddrĂŒsenhormonprĂ€parates zu bestimmen; zu dieser Zeit sollte auch der TRH-Test durchgefĂŒhrt werden. Die Untersuchungen bestĂ€tigen die Notwendigkeit, bei der Strumatherapie mit einem SchilddrĂŒsenhormonprĂ€parat die suppressiv wirksame Dosis individuell zu ermitteln; diese Dosis betrĂ€gt vorzugsweise 100 ”g Thyroxin und 10 ”g Trijodthyronin oder 150 ”g Thyroxin oder 100 ”g Thyroxin und 20 ”g Trijodthyronin pro Tag.A new thyroid hormone preparation (100 ”g L-thyroxine [T4] and 10 ”g L-triiodothyronine [T3] per tablet) was given to 96 patients with non-toxic goitre. Suppression of the TRH-stimulated thyrotropin level in serum was chosen as a measure of therapeutic effectiveness. Daily dose of 50 ”g T4 and 5 ”g T3 was ineffective in 16 patients; 75 ”g T4 and 7.5 ”g T3 was effective in only four of twelve patients, while 100 ”g T4and 10 ”g T3 was effective in all patients from clinics in DĂŒsseldorf and MĂŒnster, but in only 17 of 31 patients from Munich, in suppressing the TRH-stimulated TSH rise. During the entire period of treatment serum thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels remained normal. In some patients the ratio of thyroxine to thyroxine-binding globulin was above normal. Signs of overdosage or intolerance were not observed. Pharmacokinetic studies on eight volunteers with normal thyroid function demonstrated that the mean thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels reached maximum about two hours after administration, returning towards normal after six hours. There were marked individual variations in the first hours after administration. It is therefore recommended that the thyroid hormone level be determined no earlier than 12 or 24 hours after the thyroid hormone preparation has been administered; TRH test should also be performed at this time. These results indicate the need for determining individually the effective suppressive dose of a thyroid hormone preparation in the treatment of goitre. Preferably the dose should be 100 ”g thyroxine and 10 ”g triiodothyronine, or 150 ”g thyroxine or 100 ”g thyroxine and 20 ”g triiodothyronine per day

    Mortality of Patients with Hematological Malignancy after Admission to the Intensive Care Unit

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    Background: The admission of patients with malignancies to an intensive care unit (ICU) still remains a matter of substantial controversy. The identification of factors that potentially influence the patient outcome can help ICU professionals make appropriate decisions. Patients and Methods: 90 adult patients with hematological malignancy (leukemia 47.8%, high-grade lymphoma 50%) admitted to the ICU were analyzed retrospectively in this single-center study considering numerous variables with regard to their influence on ICU and day-100 mortality. Results: The median simplified acute physiology score (SAPS) II at ICU admission was 55 (ICU survivors 47 vs. 60.5 for non-survivors). The overall ICU mortality rate was 45.6%. With multivariate regression analysis, patients admitted with sepsis and acute respiratory failure had a significantly increased ICU mortality (sepsis odds ratio (OR) 9.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-99.7, p = 0.04; respiratory failure OR 13.72, 95% CI 1.39-136.15, p = 0.025). Additional factors associated with an increased mortality were: high doses of catecholamines (ICU: OR 7.37, p = 0.005; day 100: hazard ratio (HR) 2.96, p < 0.0001), renal replacement therapy (day 100: HR 1.93, p = 0.026), and high SAPS II (ICU: HR 1.05, p = 0.038; day 100: HR 1.2, p = 0.027). Conclusion: The decision for or against ICU admission of patients with hematological diseases should become increasingly independent of the underlying malignant disease

    Die blande Struma

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    Eine mechanische Teil-Indikation kann auch schon bei blander Struma des Stadium I bestehen. Die Indikation auf Wunsch des Patienten ist berechtigt, wenn die SchilddrĂŒsenhormonbehandlung erfolglos oder wenig aussichtsreich ist. Die prophylaktischdiagnostische Operationsindikation wird nach AbwĂ€gung von statistischem und individuellem Malignom- und Operationsrisiko gestellt. Letztere Indikation ĂŒberwiegt heute bei weitem. — Die Kropf-Prophylaxe mit jodiertem Speisesalz könnte die mittlere Strumafrequenz in der Bundesrepublick von 15 auf 3 % reduzieren.Surgical treatment can be justified already for nontoxic goiter stage I (WHO) because of tracheal stenosis. Surgery for cosmetic reasons may be adequate, if treatment with thyroid hormones is neither successful nor promising. Diagnostic (histologic) or prophylactic reasons are today the most frequent causes for surgery, in order to detect or avoid thyroid malignancies. — Iodine prophylaxis is advocated in the Federal Republic of Germany, where iodine deficiency and endemic goiter (15 %) are still prevalent

    Klinische Bedeutung der Bestimmung der Bindung von Trijodthyronin an Serumproteine mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration

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    Neben den bewĂ€hrten Ă€lteren Verfahren zur Bestimmung des proteingebundenen127Jods und des Radiojodumsatzes hat sich die gleichzeitige Bestimmung des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Anteils an in vitro mit Serum inkubiertem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration klinisch zur Differentialdiagnose von Hyperthyreose und Euthyreose bewĂ€hrt. Bei AusnĂŒtzung der VerdrĂ€ngung von proteingebundenem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod durch nichtmarkiertes Hormon und bei Variation der Dextran-Gel-Menge in der SĂ€ule bietet die Methode gute Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten auch fĂŒr die SchilddrĂŒsenfunktionszustĂ€nde Euthyreose und Hypothyreose. Bei dem Verfahren wird der Patient nicht mit radioaktivem Jod belastet, ein fĂŒr die Kinderklinik wichtiger Gesichtspunkt. Manche Störfaktoren, die den131Jodspeicherungstest und die Bestimmung des proteingebundenen Jods (PB127I) verfĂ€lschen, haben keinen Einfluß auf die mit der Dextran-Gel-Filtration untersuchten ProteinbindungsverhĂ€ltnisse fĂŒr L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod. So hat sich das Verfahren fĂŒr die Untersuchung von Patienten mit operativ oder durch131Jodbehandlung verkleinerten SchilddrĂŒsen, mit endokrinem Exophthalmus und in FĂ€llen mit vorausgegangener Jodgabe, z. B. in Form von Kontrastmitteln, besonders bewĂ€hrt. Mit der Bestimmung des sog. freien L-Trijodthyronin-131Jods wird ein physiologisch und pathogenetisch wichtiger Parameter der SchilddrĂŒsenfunktion ermittelt. Die klinische Bedeutung der Bestimmung der Bindungs-und TransportverhĂ€ltnisse fĂŒr Trijodthyronin mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration wird diskutiert.In addition to conventional methods of assay of protein bound iodine (PB127I) and of131iodine turnover in the thyroid, the simultaneous determination of socalled free and protein bound 1-triiodothyronine-131I, added in vitro to serum, using dextran gel filtration was found to be clinically helpful for diagnosis of euthyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Employing discharge effects of non-labelled triiodothyronine on protein bound 1-triiodothyronine-131I and varying the amount of dextran gel in the columns, the method provides reasonably good differentiation of euthyroid and hypothyroid states. No radioactive iodine is given to patients during this procedure, a fact of importance for pediatriciens. Some factors, that influence131iodine uptake or PB127I levels, do not disturb protein binding of 1-triiodothyronine-131I as determined by dextran gel filtration. The latter method was found to be especially useful for the examination of patients with surgically, or by therapy with131iodine dissected thyroid glands, with endocrine exophthalmos, and in cases of previous iodine administration (e.g. X-ray procedures). Determination of socalled free 1-triiodothyronine-131I provides information about a factor of physiological and pathogenetical significance, its clinical meaning is discussed

    Regulation of mammary gland branching morphogenesis by the extracellular matrix and its remodeling enzymes.

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    A considerable body of research indicates that mammary gland branching morphogenesis is dependent, in part, on the extracellular matrix (ECM), ECM-receptors, such as integrins and other ECM receptors, and ECM-degrading enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). There is some evidence that these ECM cues affect one or more of the following processes: cell survival, polarity, proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and migration. Both three-dimensional culture models and genetic manipulations of the mouse mammary gland have been used to study the signaling pathways that affect these processes. However, the precise mechanisms of ECM-directed mammary morphogenesis are not well understood. Mammary morphogenesis involves epithelial 'invasion' of adipose tissue, a process akin to invasion by breast cancer cells, although the former is a highly regulated developmental process. How these morphogenic pathways are integrated in the normal gland and how they become dysregulated and subverted in the progression of breast cancer also remain largely unanswered questions

    Bestimmung der Bindung von Trijodthyronin an Serumproteine mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration

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    1. Es wird eine Methode zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Anteils von in vitro zugesetztem L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod im Serum mittels Dextran-Gel-Filtration angegeben. In der beschriebenen Form ist diese Technik fĂŒr die routinemĂ€ĂŸige Anwendung in der Klinik zur Bestimmung der Bindungs- und TransportverhĂ€ltnisse von Trijodthyronin geeignet. 2. In sog. VerdrĂ€ngungsversuchen wurde nichtmarkiertes Trijodthyronin dem Inkubationsgemisch von Serum und L-Trijodthyronin-131Jod zugesetzt. Die zugesetzten Trijodthyroninmengen erschöpfen die GesamtbindungskapazitĂ€t der Serumproteine in dem gewĂ€hlten Konzentrationsbereich keineswegs. Im Gegensatz zum Verhalten der prozentualen Anteile des sog. freien und des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins steigt die absolute Menge des proteingebundenen Trijodthyronins dabei steil an. Man findet eine Kurve, die nicht einer einfachen SĂ€ttigunskurve entspricht, sondern eine Resultante aus SĂ€ttigungskurven verschiedener Trijodthyronin-bindender Proteine und VerdrĂ€ngungskurven kompetitiv gebundener Substanzen (z.B. Thyroxin) darstellt. 3. Dextran-Gel wirkt nicht als einfaches MolekĂŒlsieb fĂŒr Trijodthyronin. Es greift vielmehr durch AdsorptionsvorgĂ€nge kompetitiv in die SerumproteinbindungsverhĂ€ltnisse des Trijodthyronins ein. Die physiologische Bedeutung des sog. freien Anteils an Trijodthyronin wird diskutiert. 4. Die Methode zur Bestimmung des proteingebundenen Jods (PB127I) mittels alkalischer offener Veraschung (Barker) wurde technisch vereinfacht und bezĂŒglich ihrer Reproduzierbarkeit untersucht. Die131Jodausbeute aus zugesetztem L-Thyroxin-131Jod lag bei diesem Verfahren bei ca. 80%

    Novel Allelic Variants in the Canine Cyclooxgenase-2 (Cox-2) Promoter Are Associated with Renal Dysplasia in Dogs

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    Renal dysplasia (RD) in dogs is a complex disease with a highly variable phenotype and mode of inheritance that does not follow a simple Mendelian pattern. Cox-2 (Cyclooxgenase-2) deficient mice have renal abnormalities and a pathology that has striking similarities to RD in dogs suggesting to us that mutations in the Cox-2 gene could be the cause of RD in dogs. Our data supports this hypothesis. Sequencing of the canine Cox-2 gene was done from clinically affected and normal dogs. Although no changes were detected in the Cox-2 coding region, small insertions and deletions of GC boxes just upstream of the ATG translation start site were found. These sequences are putative SP1 transcription factor binding sites that may represent important cis-acting DNA regulatory elements that govern the expression of Cox-2. A pedigree study of a family of Lhasa apsos revealed an important statistical correlation of these mutant alleles with the disease. We examined an additional 22 clinical cases from various breeds. Regardless of the breed or severity of disease, all of these had one or two copies of the Cox-2 allelic variants. We suggest that the unusual inheritance pattern of RD is due to these alleles, either by changing the pattern of expression of Cox-2 or making Cox-2 levels susceptible to influences of other genes or environmental factors that play an unknown but important role in the development of RD in dogs

    Guilds in the transition to modernity: the cases of Germany, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands

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    One important aspect of the transition to modernity is the survival of elements of the Old Regime beyond the French Revolution. It has been claimed that this can explain why in the late 19th and early 20th centuries some Western countries adopted national corporatist structures while others transformed into liberal market economies. One of those elements is the persistence or absence of guild traditions. This is usually analyzed in a national context. This paper aims to contribute to the debate by investigating the development of separate trades in Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands throughout the 19th century. We distinguish six scenarios of what might have happened to crafts and investigate how the prevalence of each of these scenarios in the three countries impacted on the emerging national political economies. By focusing on trades, rather than on the national political economy, our analysis demonstrates that in each country the formation of national political economies and citizenship rights was not the result of a national pattern of guild survival. Rather, the pattern that emerged by the end of the 19th century was determined by the balance between old and new industries, and between national and regional or local government

    Bakteriologische und Serologische Untersuchungen bei Tuberkulose und „Rheumatischen” Erkrankungen

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